
时间:2025-01-13 09:59:42编辑:小早


Kung Fu Panda
中文片名:功夫熊猫 英文片名:Kung Fu Panda 国家地区:美国 影片类型:喜剧 动画 上映时间:2008年06月06日 影片公司:派拉蒙
导 演: 约翰·史蒂芬森 John Stevenson/马克·奥斯本 Mark Osborne
主 演: 杰克·布莱克 Jack Black
成龙 Jackie Chan
达斯汀·霍夫曼 Dustin Hoffman
刘玉玲 Lucy Liu
伊恩·麦柯肖恩 Ian McShane
安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie
塞斯·罗根 Seth Rogen
迈克·克拉克·邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan

剧情 It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around...which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths.

In "Cars," their latest film, they show why they are still the cream of the crop when it comes to the field they revolutionized more than a decade ago. Well, yeah, it doesn't have the sophistication and cleverness of "The Incredibles," nor the universal appeal of both "Toy Stories" and "Finding Nemo." And I have to admit that the idea of animated cars was the least riveting as far as Pixar film premises are concerned. But as with its predecessors, beneath those excellently rendered 3D images is the soul that sets Pixar apart from what has become of most animated films nowadays.

Up-and-coming rookie race car Lightning McQueen (voiced by Owen Wilson), is about to win the prestigious Piston Cup. The championship ends with Lightning finishing in a tie with legendary "The King" (Richard Petty), who is in his final race, and Chick Hicks (Michael Keaton); thus, a tie-breaking race is set in California.

But a road mishap leads Lightning to the forgotten town of Radiator Springs, a part of what was once Route 66, a place that once basked in glory, but has since been thrust into oblivion. There he meets an array of other cars - including Doc Hudson (Paul Newman!), Mater (Larry the Cable Guy), and Sally (Bonnie Hunt) - who teach him that "life isn't about the destination but about the journey."

First of all, Pixar's animation is first-rate. It's that sort of greatness among their artists I can only geek about and dream of grasping while in my 3D animation classes. The cars have a definite realistic look, especially with the rendering (man, the reflections!). The film is also vibrantly colored, making use of a whole variety of shades of dark colors during the race, and warm ones whenever the scenes shift to Radiator Springs. Even the old, vintage car models have that chic look that brings some of the essential charm of this film. There are lots to be admired on this film just for the brilliance in animation. But among those that stand out are the race itself, and when Doc Hudson gets to bring back his good old days. Somehow, it's like watching NASCAR on IMAX again, albeit minus the über-big screen and the 3-D effect.

But what's really nice about this film is how director John Lasseter and the writers effectively tell the story and how they pump up the visual feast with humor and sincere emotions. It still all boils down to the story and how it is told - the very essence of cinema. Granted, when it comes to the standards set by previous Pixar films, it isn't quite up there with it's predecessors; but considering how lofty the bar has reached and the mediocrity that has become of the genre in general, "Cars" more than gets the job done.

As for the voice cast, Wilson brings that sort of cockiness to the protagonist of the story and it fits with his smug humor. Larry the Cable Guy gives Mater an amusingly disoriented state without being irritatingly so. You can't help but care about him and arguably, he's the nicest member of the cast. Newman lends an authoritative quality to Doc Hudson. (During the end credits, there's an in-joke about John Ratzenberger, who has his voice featured in all Pixar films thus far.) However, ultimately, the cast is somewhat unmemorable and lacking in diversity. The rest of the voice talents are also underused. Keaton's Chick Hicks is a formulaic one-dimensional villain, which could have utilized his voice more with a little more motivation for the car's part. But then again, that may be beside the movie's point.

All in all, "Cars" is a visual feast outside and an effective storytelling inside. When it comes to the basis of their appeal, it doesn't keep up with the rest of Pixar films which have sped up far ahead and this may yet be their first underachiever. But for what it is and what it achieves, it's a nice ride.


英文:"In Mount Taihang" is crosses the river by the Chinese redarmy soldier, very beforethe opposition to Japan , wards offestablishes the Mount Taihang base the movie, it hasvery mucheducates Italy .中文:《太行山上》是一部以八路军东渡黄河,挺进抗日前线,开辟建立太行山根据地的影片,它很有教育意义。中国电影主要特点1、坚持和发展革命的现实主义道路,坚决执行双百方针,题材广泛,反映生活中各类矛盾有一定的深度和广度。如《天云山传奇》《喜盈门》《人到中年》《高山下的花环》《血,总是热的》《伤逝》《骆驼祥子》等影片。2、尊重艺术的客观规律,创造出各种真实生动的银幕形象,塑造了各类不同的典型性格。如《南昌起义》《西安事变》《廖仲恺》等影片对革命领导人进行了多角度的刻画,对蒋介石等历史人物能实事求是地按照历史本来面目表现。3、在风格与样式上趋于多样化。由于题材领域的扩展,使艺术家们可以自由地发挥自己的才能和特长,探索自己最适宜的风格、样式,表现最完美的内容。尤其引人注目的是一批中青年编导拍摄了一批有一定实验意义的探索性影片,如《黄土地》、《青春祭》、《良家妇女》、《黑炮事件》、《猎场札撒》、《老井》、《红高粱》、《秋菊打官司》、《香魂女》、《霸王别姬》等。在电影创作繁荣的同时,电影理论研究也空前活跃,并在相当多的创作人员中发生影响。






