
时间:2024-12-31 18:14:50编辑:小早


链接:提取码:b7ec《只有你》是由宋一坤执导, 苏志燮和韩孝周等主演的电影。于2011年上映。该片讲述了哲民(苏志燮 饰)本是一名优秀的拳击手,现在却依靠白天送水晚上看更来谋生。哲民看更第一晚邂逅了美丽阳光的女生静华(韩孝珠 饰),遗憾的是静华的视力日渐退减再发展下去就是失明。沉默的哲民在静华面前慢慢打开心扉,两人由此相恋。原来哲民是一名孤儿,曾误入歧途做了打手 并因此入狱。如今的哲民决心从头来过,重新走上拳击生涯,一步步实现着他和静华设计的将来。然而,静华的眼疾越来越严重等不及她们去慢慢实现梦想。与之同时,哲民发现那场导致静华眼膜受损的车祸竟和自己当年的行差踏错有关系。强烈地内疚感使得哲民决定铤而走险参加地下拳击比赛,只为最快为静华筹到医疗费。静华能复明吗?哲民能活着和静华重聚吗。

只有你电影简介 关于电影只有你简介



3、哲民(苏志燮饰)本是一名优秀的拳击手,现在却依靠白天送水晚上看更来谋生。哲民看更第一晚邂逅了美丽阳光的女生静华(韩孝周饰),遗憾的是静华的视力日渐退减再发展下去就是失明。沉默的哲民在静华面前慢慢打开心扉,两人由此相恋。原来哲民是一名孤儿,曾误入歧途做了打手 并因此入狱。如今的哲民决心从头来过,重新走上拳击生涯,一步步实现着他和静华设计的将来。然而,静华的眼疾越来越严重等不及她们去慢慢实现梦想。与之同时,哲民发现那场导致静华眼膜受损的车祸竟和自己当年的行差踏错有关系。强烈地内疚感使得哲民决定铤而走险参加地下拳击比赛,只为最快为静华筹到医疗费。


电影《你的名字》经典台词语录 1、彼方为谁,无我有问 九月露湿,待君之前 2、大概我的表情一直是要哭出来一样吧。所以别人才会即使想放手也放手不了,在我看来反而演变成了擅自的关心吧。 3、梦里相逢人不见,若知是梦何须醒。纵然梦里常幽会,怎比真如见一回。 4、醒来的时候 不知道自己为什么哭 时常会有的事情 做过的梦总是回想不起 只是 一种有什么消失的丧失感 5、聚拢,成形,捻转,回绕,时而返回,暂歇,再联结。这就是组纽。这就是时间。这就是,【MUSUBI】 6、我们曾经在过去相逢。不,这也许只是错觉,也许只是梦境一般的一厢情愿。也许,只是前世的妄想。即使这样,我,我们,再一点就好,想要那时在一起。再一点就好了,想要现在在一起。 7、你会哭着笑,笑着哭,是因为你的心,早已超越了自己啊。 8、从现在开始,我将追寻你的名字。 9、以彗星为龙,以彗星为绳结。描绘出割裂的彗星舞动的形态。又是一轮岁月。 10、人的记忆,是寄宿在哪里呢。是存在于脑部突触的组合方式吗。眼球和指尖上也有记忆吗。或者说,雾霭一样不定形不可视的存在于某处的精神的聚合体之上?心,精神,或是被称之为魂之类的东西。如拥有操作系统的记忆卡,是可以插拔的吗。 11、描线一笔接一笔,白色的素描本上渐渐萌生黑意。即便如此,还无法照准记忆中的风景。 12、散落至四方。又或是升起至四方。在无法确认这一事实的浮游感中,彗星耀辉在夜空。彗星裂开,碎片落下。 13、就算我不记得你的名字,我也会一直一直拼命的寻找你 14、重要的人,不能忘记的人,不想忘记的人。 你,是谁? 15、我已记不得你的名字,却还记得喜欢你。 16、假如我们相遇,肯定一眼就能认出彼此 17、只要记住你的名字 不管你在世界的哪个地方 我一定会,去见你。 18、我,将某个人,唯一的某个人,试图锁定。我, 19、沙子崩塌以后,也有唯一不会消失的沙块,那就是寂寞。我了解了,这个瞬间我知道了。之后残存于我心中的,只会有这个感情。像是被人强行塞给的负重,我怀抱着寂寞。 什么。突然我就这样强气的想道。世界如果是如此残酷的地方的话,我会带着这唯一的寂寞,用全身全灵活给这个世界看。带着这唯一的感情永远的挣扎下去。即使相隔天涯,即使再也见不到面,我会挣扎。永远不可能向这个世界妥协。 时间,我只是强烈的怀抱着想要和神明较劲的想法,连自己忘却了这件事,都马上忘却了。所以我在这样感情的奔流下,最后一次,大声向夜空喊道。 “你的,名字是?” 20、不管你在世界的哪个地方,我一定会,再次去见你的。 21、哭过之后仰望的天空,十分的澄澈 22、清晨 醒来的时候 不知道自己为什么会哭 时常会有这样的情况 做过的梦总回想不起 只是 只是 一种有什么要消失的丧失感 即使醒来后 也一直存在 我一直在寻找 寻找着某个人 陷入这种情绪 应该是从那天开始的 那天 彗星划过天空的那天 那就像 就像梦幻一般的景色一般 那真是 无与伦比 美到极致的景色 23、那天,彗星划过天际的那一天,那就像,就像梦幻的景色一般,那真是无与伦比,美到极致的风景。 24、相遇不计取数的世界里,和命运的那人相逢是困难的。而即使相逢了,又如何证明这就是命运的那人呢。两人相逢的物语,在无限壮大的世界中描述。两人被命运引导而相逢。 25、明明爱的至深,明明不想忘记,可是只有心碎的声音,却喊不出你的名字 26、黄昏,不是白昼亦不是夜晚,是我努力却看不清你的脸。 27、哭过之后仰望的天空,十分的澄澈 28、最初两人本来是一体,联结在一起的,人由此,断开联结陨落于现世。 29、即使我忘记你的姓名,忘记你的样子,但我不会忘记我爱你,你的过去梦中的我依稀参与,所以你的未来我必奉陪到底。 30、神明如果真的在的话,要许下什么愿望才好,我自己其实也不知道。 电影搜索经典台词语录 莫小渝:千万别等没了好身材才买得起漂亮衣服。 唐小华:张爱玲说有钱要趁早。 陈若兮:是爱情就没什么对不起。 陈若兮:什么时候爱上她的? 杨守诚:当我知道我再也见不到她的时候。 杨佳琪:姐,你那个嘴边儿没画。 陈若兮:废话,哪壶不开提哪壶。 叶蓝秋:我怕说出来伤了你的自尊心。 杨守诚:你说。 叶蓝秋:你是一个胆小的男人。 杨守诚:我告诉你,你的话真伤到我了! 叶蓝秋:你不要对我咆哮! 叶蓝秋:我怎么了?我是妓女强盗杀人犯吗?我怎么就不能去了,我跟你有什么见不得人的关系?我跟你就是雇佣关系! 陈若兮:是爱情就没什么对不起。 陈若兮:什么时候爱上她的? 杨守诚:当我知道我再也见不到她的时候。 陈若兮:作为一个女人我好失败。我做了我所能做的一切,还是没法让我爱的人爱我。 杨佳琪:老师发的糖被别的小朋友给吃了。 陈若兮:干咱们这行,一得脸皮厚,二得豁得出去,才能走到底。 沈流舒:我希望我们之间的合作就像我和妻子的婚姻一样彼此信任。 陈若兮:吃得起最贵的三明治,买不起最便宜的房。 莫小渝:千万别等没了好身材才买得起漂亮衣服。 唐小华:张爱玲说有钱要趁早。 沈流舒:能用钱摆平的事儿就用不着绝望。 王总:不说实话你会死啊?你看看现在,除了有病的,谁说实话啊? 沈流舒:媒体就像便衣,无处不在。 陈莎莎:人都会老的,当你有一天老了的时候,你愿意看到那么冷漠的一幕发生吗? 叶蓝秋:我要过好每个小时,每一分,每一秒,每一天。 沈流舒:能用钱摆平的事儿就用不着绝望。 王总:不说实话你会死啊?你看看现在,除了有病的,谁说实话啊? 沈流舒:我沈流舒看上的女人,还用偷? 沈流舒:你的歉意,我买单。 杨守诚:你要想让他爱上你,就跟他去蹦极。 陈若兮:干咱们这行,一得脸皮厚,二得豁得出去,才能走到底。 沈流舒:媒体就像便衣,无处不在。 电影《魔兽》经典台词语录 电影《魔兽》经典台词语录 1、有些人认为死亡有很重大的意义,但当它降临到你身上时,你不会觉得它有任何的好。 2、我们的世界濒临灭亡,那里已经没有什么可留恋的了。如果我们的部落想存活下去,我们必须在这里安家,不惜一切代价。 3、我曾经率领数千个勇士浴血奋战,但我害怕成为一个父亲。这将会使我成为一个领袖,还是懦夫。 4、我们生活在这片土地,多年来一直和平欢乐。但是,今晚我们的一个村庄被烧毁了。 5、拯救世界不是一个人能完成的任务。 6、我们要么一起战斗,或者共同赴死。 7、如果我们不联手对抗这个敌人,我们的世界将会灭亡。 8、比起我的儿子,我花了更多时间去保护我的国王,我到底是忠诚,还是愚蠢。 9、我们的希望被摧毁了,我们也已经无路可退。战争,难道是唯一的答案吗? 10、我对你的爱净重21克。 11、泰兰德?真的是你的声音,在黑暗中度过一万年的漫长岁月后,你的声音还是如同皎洁的月光一般照进我的心中。 12、生命总会在最黑暗的地方绽放。 13、圣光会抛弃你的,英雄,就像抛弃我那样。 14、生命本身毫无意义,只有死亡才能让你了解人性的真谛 15、英雄,那是你的过去。 16、你知道,一万年了,泰兰德还是那么美。 17、我终有一天会死,但不是今天。 18、我见过最高尚的兽人,也见过最拙劣的人类。 19、“我如同羊群前的雄狮,但他们不畏惧我,也不敢畏惧我。” 20、湮远而艰辛的探索到此为止,真正的正义者将由命运择示! 电影《奇幻森林》经典台词语录 电影《奇幻森林》经典台词语录 1、如果你不能喝狼群跑的一样快,总有一天你会成为别人的晚餐。——Baloo/巴鲁 2、我闻到一股奇怪的味道,像是人类的小孩。——Shere Khan/谢利·坎/谢利·汗 3、如果你想保护他,我就把你们都撕烂。——Shere Khan/谢利·坎/谢利·汗 4、我不想看到你们受伤。——毛克利 5、送他回人类的村庄是救他的唯一方法。——《奇幻森林》 6、永远不要忘记,不论你去往何方,不论他们叫你什么?你永远都是我的儿子。——Raksha 7、我觉得你在森林里也能成为真正的男子汉。 8、只有自己才能决定自己是谁! 9、小心我让你这个濒危物种在我眼前立刻灭绝 10、如果你不能和狼群跑的一样快,总有一天你会成为别人的晚餐。 11、孩子,你那不叫唱歌,叫喊口号。 12、你为什么在丛林如此之深的地方?难道你不知道你是什么吗? 13、I'm not afraid of you now, and I don't run from you. 无所畏惧才是万物之源。




  你喜欢看电影吗?在你喜欢的电影里面挑一部最喜欢的,写一篇 英语 作文 和大家分享一下吧。以下是我为大家整理的有关我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。

  My favourite movie is Transformers 3. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and computer special effects.

  I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us.

  This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger.

  It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie.
  My favorite movie is mr. & mrs. smith, which is played by julie and pitt. i appreciate the beauty, the dance with music, and the humorous and so on.

  For first reason, julia and pit are both beauty guys, a good vision could get from the movie. it also is reported they two get married for this movie, which is may a real love feeling in it, including the sweet dancing time, having shopping together, and even fierce tussle between them. so, i watched it several times.

  Secondly, i like the novel story which is told to me. from the romance loving to common marriage life, suddenly it is becoming an exciting killing life with the closet companion, finally find the best way to love and live together. it a good lesson to the couple tired of their marriage.

  Thirdly, i am fond of the comic plot from the movie. just from the seeing doctor at the beginning and the ending, it would bring some fun. and i also like they are chatting at the car when they are pursued just behind them and have to deal with the problem survive and death the moment of truth. that moment, the dialogue between them is very cool and interesting, filling with fun.

  Finally, i would like to say it is a worthwhile movie if you have time with your lover.
  My favorite cartoon film is "Kung Fu Panda".Because it's very funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city.

  So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.

  Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movie's lead .

  But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).

  I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shortcoming, perhaps you only know your shortcoming, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.
  A Nice FilmThe day before yesterday,I saw a film named Ring King It is said the film has won the Oscar award.

  Before filming,the director spent seven years planning.There are about one thousand actors and actresses taking part.

  The film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of the beings.In their fight for peace,many people lost their lives.But in the end,justice defeated the evil.

  The film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success.With persistence and courage,you are sure to win no matter how weak you are.

  I enjoyed the film very much.It'sworth seeing although it's very long.
  Everyone has seen a movie. What's your favorite movie? My favorite movie is a comedy called "hands up".

  During the Anti-Japanese War movie is about a few rural farmers with Japan, wit and will ultimately drive their story, the plot of the story is very lively, interesting, make people laugh from time to time. Remember there is a plot, there are many small Japan make a donkey camel across a bridge with a big box, box containing a Chinese farmers, small Japan put a bomb in the center of the bridge, when the donkey into the center of the bridge, stopped suddenly, and a bubble urine, will bomb out, Japan on the bridge side blank stare.

  At another time, a Japanese guy accidentally drop down the river, a man pulls his pants, don't let him fall, results show the red underwear, when he had to climb much red underwear but drew a cow, as a result, the hapless Japan was cattle chase to chase, appearance can be funny.

  "Hands up" although there is no other Anti-Japanese War film that bloody scenes, but it's funny and peaceful atmosphere, let a person look again can remember, no matter go where, as long as a mention it let people have a fresh feeling. Readers, have you seen it? Look at it without looking at it!
  Everyone has their favorite person, favorite thing, favorite book, favorite music. I'd like to introduce one of my favorite movies to you today. Want to know what movie is? Let me speak slowly to you!

  What a great thing that a little spider can save a friend's life! In fact, spider web is a miracle. Everyone can write. Everyone can read. Do you believe that spiders can write and read? The little pig, webber, had to be turned into a ham for help, and other animals were helpless. A spider named charlotte bravely stepped up to help. In order to help it out, the ordinary cobweb became a life-saving net in charlotte's hands. Every word charlotte has woven on the spider's web contains a sincere affection for her friend, which she has painstakingly woven. Finally, the pig webb escaped the disaster of being turned into bacon and ham. The animals applauded the pig, who won the contest.

  The little spider, who works day and night, walks to the end of his life and quietly leaves us under the eaves. After seeing it, I couldn't help but cry. That deep friendship, that precious emotion, that memorable scene, and the extraordinary feat of a spider sacrificing life to save a friend. Although the spider looks ordinary, but the heart is great! In reality, spiders catch pests and are beneficial. From the movie, it helps friends and has a mind.

  Spiders look small, but they are not small in their hearts. Pig looks stupid, doesn't know anything, but it also has a mind. Under the director's choreographer, the spider became great and the pig became smart.

上一篇:地狱·天堂 电影
