
时间:2024-11-17 12:27:38编辑:小早


问题一:你应该吃药用英语怎么说 You should take the medicine

问题二:吃药?用英语怎么怎么说 take the/some medicine

问题三:服药用英语怎么说? take medicine

问题四:“吃药”用英语怎么说 吃药
[词典] take medicine; take pills;
It's time for your tablets, dear
Sit up and have your medicine.
The child refused to take the medicine and bent backwards in his mother's arms.

问题五:服药的英语翻译 服药用英语怎么说 服药_有道词典
take medicine更多释义>>

服药 take some medicine;take the medicine;Medication
不要服药 Do not take medication;Not taking;Do not take medicine
服药时间 Medication time;dosing time;time of taking medicine

问题六:"吃药"用英语怎么说 take medicine
take pills
take drugshave some medicine

问题七:“吃药” 用英语怎么说 take medicine 英[teik ?medisin] 美[tek ?mɛd?s?n]
[例句]No need to take medicine for this illness, with a couple of days of rest you'll be all right.

问题八:吃药的英文意思 take medicine 不能加s。望采纳,祝楼主学习进步!

问题九:我应该吃药用英语怎么说 I should take some medicine


OR是运筹学的英文简称。运筹学,是现代管理学的一门重要专业基础课。它是20世纪30年代初发展起来的一门新兴学科,其主要目的是在决策时为管理人员提供科学依据,是实现有效管理、正确决策和现代化管理的重要方法之一。该学科应用于数学和形式科学的跨领域研究,利用统计学、数学模型和算法等方法,去寻找复杂问题中的最佳或近似最佳的解答。运筹学经常用于解决现实生活中的复杂问题,特别是改善或优化现有系统的效率。 研究运筹学的基础知识包括实分析、矩阵论、随机过程、离散数学和算法基础等。而在应用方面,多与仓储、物流、算法等领域相关。因此运筹学与应用数学、工业工程、计算机科学、经济管理等专业相关。学科特点1、运筹学已被广泛应用于工商企业、军事部门、民政事业等研究组织内的统筹协调问题,故其应用不受行业、部门之限制。2、运筹学既对各种经营进行创造性的科学研究,又涉及到组织的实际管理问题,它具有很强的实践性,最终应能向决策者提供建设性意见,并应收到实效。3、它以整体最优为目标,从系统的观点出发,力图以整个系统最佳的方式来解决该系统各部门之间的利害冲突。对所研究的问题求出最优解,寻求最佳的行动方案,所以它也可看成是一门优化技术,提供的是解决各类问题的优化方法。


  生病的时候就要及时吃药,不然就会让病情越来越严重。那么你想知道吃药用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来吃药的英语说法,欢迎大家一起学习。   吃药的英语说法1:   take medicine   英 [teik ˈmedisin]   美 [tek ˈmɛdɪsɪn]   吃药的英语说法2:   take pills   吃药的英语说法3:   take drugs   吃药相关英语表达:   吃药后 After taking medicine   按时吃药 take the medicine on time   保持吃药 Keep medication   不吃药 Do not take medicine   吃药英语说法例句:   他尚未痊愈,仍需吃药。   He is not yet well enough to dispense with the pills.   按时吃药很有必要。   To take medicine on time is necessary.   可我居然忘了吃药。   I actually forgot to take medicine.   史蒂芬已被劝服吃药了。   Steven had been persuaded into taking meds.   弗朗西斯卡边喂理查德吃药,边用冷毛巾给他擦着额头。   She wipes his forehead with a cool cloth as he takes his pills.   按时吃药并且关心你的血压。   Take your medicines and monitor your blood pressure.   你不睡觉,你还吃药?   You don't sleep and you take pills?   他说他宁愿吃药也不打针。   He says he would take some pills rather than have an injection.   按时吃药很有必要。   To take medicine on time is necessary.   每天打开药瓶吃药让人感到很乏味。   Dull the monotony of taking daily pills by jazzing up your pill box.   它只是不喜欢被强迫吃药而已。   He had simply objected to being coerced!   弗朗西斯卡边喂理查德吃药,边用冷毛巾给他擦着额头。   She wipes his forehead with a cool cloth as he takes his pills.   这病不用吃药,休息一两天自然会好的。   No need to take medicine for this illness, with a couple of days of rest you'll be all right.   往常很懒的,但还想减肥,又不活动,而且又不想吃药。   Always lazy, but want to lose weight, not activities, but do not want to take medicine.   新药会持续工作很久,如果你按时吃药。   New treatments will work for a long, long time, if you take medicines on time as prescribed.   我老婆每天早晨提醒我吃药。   .My wife reminds me to take medicine every morning.   许多人生病时吃药。   Many people take medicine when they are sick.   医生首要职责之一是 教育 群众不要吃药。&奥斯勒   One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine.& William Osler   事实上,它的果汁是如此的酸,以致于你不能同时吃药又喝葡萄柚汁。   In fact, the juice is so sour that you cannot take medicine and drink grapefruit juice at the same time.

