
时间:2024-11-09 02:35:08编辑:小早


《海的女儿》是一篇传统的爱尔兰民间故事,有多个版本。以下是其中一篇完整版的原文:In the old times, when the people were poor and the fairies rich, there lived a widow who had one daughter. The daughter had hair as dark as midnight and skin as white as snow, and she was called ‘The Sea’s Daughter’.One day, the daughter went down to the shore to bathe. She was so beautiful that the waves ceased to move and the sea grew calm around her. When she was done bathing she put on her clothes and went home.【摘要】
《海的女儿》是一篇传统的爱尔兰民间故事,有多个版本。以下是其中一篇完整版的原文:In the old times, when the people were poor and the fairies rich, there lived a widow who had one daughter. The daughter had hair as dark as midnight and skin as white as snow, and she was called ‘The Sea’s Daughter’.One day, the daughter went down to the shore to bathe. She was so beautiful that the waves ceased to move and the sea grew calm around her. When she was done bathing she put on her clothes and went home.【回答】
When she arrived home, she found her mother crying, for they had no money for food. The daughter said to her mother, “Do not cry, mother. I will go and ask the sea for money.”Her mother said, “No, daughter, do not go to the sea. It is said that the sea folk will take you if you go to them for help.”But the daughter said, “Do not worry, mother. The sea loves me and will not harm me.”So the daughter went down to the shore and called out to the sea, “Oh, mighty sea, I ask for your help.【回答】
My mother and I have no money for food.”The sea answered, “I will help you, Sea’s Daughter. Come to me and I will give you what you need.”The daughter went into the sea and the sea gave her a net. The sea said, “Cast this net into the water and you will catch fish. Sell the fish and you will have money for food.”The daughter did as she was told and caught many fish. She sold them in the town and was able to buy food for her and her mother.【回答】
After that, the daughter went to the sea every day to fish. She would always thank the sea and the sea would always give her what she needed.One day, a prince saw the daughter fishing and was so captivated by her beauty that he asked her to marry him. The daughter agreed and they were married in a grand ceremony.The daughter and the prince lived in a castle by the sea. The daughter would still go to the sea every day to fish and the sea would still give her what she needed.【回答】
One day, the daughter caught a fish that was so beautiful that she could not bear to sell it. She took it home and put it in a bowl of water.That night, the fish turned into a beautiful woman. The woman said, “I am the sea fairy. You have been kind to the sea and so I have come to thank you. I will give you a gift.”The sea fairy gave the daughter a beautiful cloak made of the finest silk. The sea fairy said, “Wear this cloak and you will be able to breathe under water.【回答】
Come and visit me anytime you like.”The daughter thanked the sea fairy and put on the cloak. She went into the sea and saw all of the sea creatures. She visited the sea fairy and they became friends.Years went by and the daughter grew old. One day, the daughter went into the sea and did not come back out. It is said that the sea fairy took her to live with her in the sea, where she remains to this day.And that is the story of the Sea’s Daughter.【回答】


《海的女儿》故事完整版原文如下:            在浩瀚的大海深处,有个鱼儿的王国。海王有6个美丽的女儿,尤其是小女儿比姐姐们更美丽,她善良纯洁,有着美妙动听的声音。她们自由自在、无忧无虑地生活在大海里。老祖母有时会给她们讲些海上面的新奇故事,使最小的公主的心中充满了对海上面世界的憧憬和渴望。终于盼到了15岁,小公主被允许浮上海面。她兴奋地东张西望,想把一切都收在眼里。这时一艘大船驶近她身旁,船里有许多穿着华丽的人正在为王子庆贺生日。当小人鱼看到英俊的王子时,深深被他吸引住了。忽然一阵狂风暴雨,风浪摧毁了大船,人们落入水中,向海底沉下去。小人鱼冒着生命危险,奋力托起王子的头,把他推到沙滩上,她轻轻吻了王子的额头,躲到远处的水中。等着有人来救他。这时教堂里走出许多人,一位年轻姑娘发现了王子,她叫来一些人,救了王子。王子醒了,他以为是姑娘救了他,一点也不知道小人鱼。回到海里,小人鱼把自己的心事告诉姐姐们,姐姐们告诉她这王子是谁,并指给她王子的住处。于是小人鱼决心去找心爱的王子。她先找到海巫婆,求她帮助自己实现变成人的愿望。海巫婆为她配制了一种药,告诉她在黎明前喝下它,鱼尾就可变成人的腿,当然,这非常痛苦,如同尖刀劈开身体;而且,每走一步路,脚都会像刀割一样疼。一旦变为人,就再也不能变成鱼儿回到大海了。海巫婆还告诉她:如若王子因爱她而忘掉自己的父母并与她结为夫妇,那她将会得到不灭的灵魂;如若王子与其他女子结婚,那小人鱼将会在王子婚礼的前一天早上死去,变为海里的泡沫。小人鱼脸色苍白,但她毫不畏惧,勇敢地向海巫婆要了药水。作为报酬,海巫婆割去了她的舌头,拿走了她动听的声音。深夜,小人鱼向着熟睡的亲人抛了1000个吻,心痛得似乎要裂成碎片,她悄悄地离去了。她来到王子的宫殿,在石阶上喝了海巫婆给的药,一阵剧疼使她昏死了过去。醒来时,她见到了王子。对王子的问话,她不能回答,因为她成了哑巴。她为王子跳舞,舞姿轻柔飘逸,人们都看得入了迷,谁也不知她忍受着怎样的疼痛。王子非常爱她,一会儿也不想和她分开,但王子心中还爱着那个救过他的姑娘,王子不知道,正是小人鱼救了他。国王、王后为王子选中了新娘,她是邻国的公主。王子乘船去接她,发现公主正是救他的姑娘。王子就要与心爱的姑娘结婚了,小人鱼不顾剧烈的疼痛,为他们跳起舞来,这将是她与王子在一起的最后一天了。夜降临了,可怜的小人鱼独自站在船舷,想起了海里的亲人和家乡。忽然,姐姐们出现了,原来,她们为了救妹妹,去求海巫婆,海巫婆要去了她们的头发,给了她们一把尖刀,让小人鱼刺中王子的胸口中,这是最后的机会了。她看见王子在睡梦中还叫着新娘的名字,他心中只有她的存在。小人鱼又吻了王子的额头一下,用颤抖的手把刀子扔到海里,自己也跳到大海里去了。天亮了,人们找不到小人鱼,船边的海浪上跳动着一片白色的泡沫。《海的女儿》故事的意义:作家讴歌了小人鱼对爱情、灵魂、理想的追求,表现了她的善良纯洁的品格、坚强的毅力和牺牲精神。

