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playbook释义:黑莓平板电脑;黑莓平板;剧本;平板电脑;兵书。 扩展资料   双语例句:   1、This would require playbook maintenance each time a change is made to the global process.   这会需要在变更全球过程时每次都要维护剧本。   2、The old playbook may have new, unintended consequences.   老剧本可能会出现意想不到的新结局。   3、It would not act in a mechanical way, following a playbook written in advance.   该机构不会机械地行动,参照提前写好的剧本进行。   4、Write down the beautiful playbook in the world;   写出人世间最美丽的剧本;   5、Best Buy also is giving Five Star a few tips from the U.S. playbook.   百思买也从美国给五星电器带来了一些建议。   6、"I'm going over the playbook for football practice, dad."   “我在看球队的战术说明,老爸”   7、The American and South Korean response has been taken from the classic MAD playbook.   美国和韩国迄今根据经典的MAD剧本进行回应。   8、When we first met back in 2009, he handed me a Playbook for a new type of investment model.   2009年我们第一次见面时,他递给我一本有关新型投资模式的指南。   9、There's no playbook for responsibility, so increasingly we see individuals working to create their own.   关于责任,固定的模式,现在看到越来越多的人在用的责任。   10、Reviewers who tested the playbook in development had a lot of early praise for it.   不少评测者对RIM开发中的Playbook进行了评测,对其大为褒奖。   11、The sheriff's playbook is to make you dead.   郡警察这次想要你们的命。   12、This guy has definitely got his own playbook.   凶手肯定有着自己的计划。   13、Put your playbook down, and give the attorney general a wakeup call.   放下你的剧本,然后叫司法部长起床。   14、If the playbook is too complicated, we simplify it.   战术手册若太复杂可以简化。   15、The NATO playbook says we can only stop him with tactical nuclear weapons.   北约说我们只能用核武克制他。   16、Why don't you get your playbook.   为什么不拿你的战术手册。   17、In executing the plan, the Chinese are in some ways taking a page from the US private equity playbook.   在计划的执行中,中国在某种程度上是在借鉴美国私人股本的做法。   18、Competitors like Samsung and Motorola caught onto its playbook, squeezing its business on quality and price.   三星(Samsung)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等竞争对手在产品功能上紧紧咬住它不放,从质量和价格两方面则对其业务形成两面夹击。   19、The Silver Linings Playbook star admitted she loved having the chance to play a strong female character.   这位主演了《乌云背后的幸福线》的女星接受采访时坦言她喜欢有这样一个出演强悍女性的机会。   20、To mitigate the risks, Chinese billionaires could borrow from the Li Ka-shing playbook.   要降低风险,中国的亿万富翁应当从李嘉诚那里取经。   21、The ability to build a playbook by reusing content from the standard Global CRM Process and merging global and local content as necessary.   通过复用标准的Global CRM Process的内容,并且在需要时合并全球的和本地的`内容来构建剧本的能力   22、We're dealing with something that is really historic and we haven't had a playbook, he said.   保尔森表示:我们正在解决一些真正具有历史性的事情,而我们没有课本可以参考。   23、The times are too serious, the stakes are too high for this same partisan playbook.   局势严峻,面临的问题紧迫,两党故伎重演,相互嘲弄,只能是浪费时间,代价太高。   24、The playbook ended up feeling like it had been rushed to market to compete with the iPad.   Playbook给大家的感觉好像是RIM为了对抗iPad,仓促推出了一款半成品。   25、As a result, we have to rewrite our playbook for the way we do business in these challenging times.   结果,我们得重新制定出工作策略,来应付时代的挑战。   26、To drive down costs, IBM has a performance guide and playbook that documents the tools and techniques used during the migration.   为了降低成本,IBM提供了性能指南和文档,记录了迁移过程中使用的工具和技术。   27、Most worrisome, the playbook launched without the email service that makes its smartphones so attractive to many users.   最令人不安的是,正式版Playbook竟然没有电子邮件服务,而这恰恰是黑莓智能手机的杀手锏。   28、At the giant Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week, it unveiled new software for the PlayBook.   上周在拉斯维加斯举行的大型国际消费电子产品展(CES)上,RIM还展示了它为PlayBook开发的新软件。   29、Western suspicions that Russia is following the Crimea playbook in eastern Ukraine are way off the mark.   西方怀疑俄罗斯正在乌克兰东部沿用克里米亚策略,这种怀疑远不是事实。   30、Dependencies among layers go from Country to Regional to Global, since each playbook is formed by leveraging content from lower levels as necessary.   各层之间的依赖性从国家到地区到全球,因为每个剧本都是通过在需要时利用来自较低层的内容而形成的。

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