
时间:2024-11-01 20:28:26编辑:小早


1.介绍击剑的英文句子+中文翻译 击剑的英文: fence swordplay 参考例句: I use a heavy sabre in fencing. 我在击剑时用的是把重剑。 A rotating parry in fencing. 第八姿势击剑中一种轮流的闪避 He fenced with his new sword. 他用新剑来击剑。 When were the first World Fencing Championships held? 第一届击剑锦标赛是什么时候举行的? To thrust or lunge in fencing. 冲刺在击剑运动中刺或戳 A lunge or thrust in fencing. 冲刺击剑中的一戳或一刺 She had to outreach her opponent to win the fencing match. 要赢得这场击剑比赛的胜利她就必须战胜对手 A defensive position or stance,as in boxing or fencing. 防卫在拳击或击剑中所处的防守的位置或姿势 The league became the governing body for *** fencing in the U.S. 该联合会成了美国业余击剑运动的管理机构。 The first position of thrust and parry in fencing. 第一姿势击剑中出击和防御中的第一个姿势 2.用英语介绍击剑 长一点 谢了 Fencing (Fencing) is one of the sports events. Athletes wear fencing clothing and equipment in fencing with a pitch, armed with swords, punched each other by first hit the party body effective parts for hit a sword. A variety of offensive and defensive technique and technology in rules permit the use all kinds of tactics to win. Events man has the foil, heavy jian, sword, women's epee, swords, foil. All have in individual and team petition. For each team of three people meet the team event. Prix by grouping, then play first qualifying results based on the group, within a single index of defeated knockout. The circular group for four minutes for the first hit five sword victory. Single defeat for 3 minutes, wins the knockout stages of the sword, and the cumulative number hit the winner is the first hit 15 sword play three innings, the most, with rest beeen 1 minute. According to the results, top team is losing direct knockout single. 3.描写击剑的好词好句 百步穿扬——射击,闻鸡起舞——剑术,花拳绣腿——武术,龙腾虎跃-----跳高 你追我赶——长跑,争先恐后——短跑,舞枪弄棒——武术,上下翻飞——高低杠 棋逢对手——棋牌类,剑拔弩张——击剑、射箭,上窜下跳-----体操, 你来我往、左推右挡——乒乓球、羽毛球,力动如脱兔,跑步 行云流水,太极 快如闪电 跑步 风驰电掣 跑步 稳如泰山 举重 锋利挑挑拣拣 干净利落 缝补 清洗 擦抹 揉搓 翻炒 洗涤 浇灌 大显身手 洗洗涮涮 手脚灵巧 心灵手巧 笨手笨脚 手忙脚乱 手足无措 手脚笨拙 (2)描写劳动心情、感受的词语 辛苦 劳累 辛劳 轻松 费劲 吃力 欣慰 欣喜 得意 喜出望外 心花怒放 兴致勃勃 心满意足 精疲力竭 (3)描写劳动成果的词语 大功告成 香气扑鼻 美味佳肴 窗明几净 一尘不染 井井有条 整整齐齐 干干净净 洁净明亮 有条不紊 4.击剑英语系统术语 【击剑英语词汇】 foil 花剑 epee 重剑 sabre 佩剑 men's/women's fencing sabre 击剑男子/女子长剑 men's fencing (team) foil 击剑男子(团体)花剑 women's fencing foil 击剑女子花剑 men's/women's fencing (team) epee 击剑男子/女子(团体)重剑 击剑,fencing的历史可以追溯到3000年前。剑术伴随战争,在人类发展史中成长。但由于枪械的发明,sword成了轻巧的次要武器,剑术则主要应用于决斗和自卫术,o opponents engaging in bat with blunted swords, in which each tries to attack the other and parry the other's attacks. 所以才将此命名为fencing,在法文中是自卫和保护的意思。 1776年,法国著名击剑家拉·布瓦西埃发明了金属网面罩mask,使击剑摆脱了中世纪以来流血与决斗的历史,从而走向了高雅、健康的现代体育运动之路。十八世纪时,fencing开始成为一门学问,在spain,italy和france分别成为三派不同的剑术,因此三国分别认为自己是现代击剑运动的始祖。 早在1896年雅典举行的第一届奥运会上就有了花剑foil fencing和佩剑sabre fencing的比赛,在1900年举行的第二届奥运会上又增加了重剑epee fencing比赛。不过,都是男子比赛项目。women foil fencing直到1924年在巴黎举行的第八届奥运会上才有了比赛。而女子重剑到1996年才被列为亚特兰大奥运会比赛项目。 现代语汇发展日新月异,fencing这个词现在在日常用语中常具有回避的意思,与 parry相近。比如,你可以见到这样的用法,throughout our first interview she was fencing with me。 5.形容击剑的成语 迅雷不及掩耳 [xùn léi bù jí yǎn ěr] 生词本 基本释义 详细释义 【解释】:雷声来得非常快,连捂耳朵都来不及。比喻来势凶猛,使人来不及防备。 【出自】:《六韬·龙韬·军势》:“疾雷不及掩耳,迅电不及瞑目。” 【示例】:因此我给他个~的突然袭击,一口把他吃掉,是完全有可能的。 ◎曲波《林海雪原》二九 【语法】:主谓式;作定语、分句;比喻来势凶猛,使人来不及防备 6.击剑相关的英文 fencing 击剑 Foil 花剑 Epee 重剑 Sabre 佩剑 Men's/Women's Fencing Sabre 击剑男子/女子长剑 Men's Fencing (Team) Foil 击剑男子(团体)花剑 Women's Fencing Foil 击剑女子花剑 Men's/Women's Fencing (Team) Epee 击剑男子/女子(团体)重剑


问题一:击剑英语系统术语 击剑swordpla厂
击剑衫silk fencing shirt

问题二:击剑比赛的英文怎么说 击剑比赛[jījiàn bǐsài][名]fencing petition;
击剑比赛[jījiàn bǐsài][名]fencing petition;

问题三:击剑的英语是什么? fencing
n.剑术; 围墙; 筑栅栏的材料;
v.击剑( fence的现在分词); 围以栅栏;

问题四:介绍击剑的英文句子+中文翻译 击剑的英文:
I use a heavy sabre in fencing.
A rotating parry in fencing.
He fenced with his new sword.
When were the first World Fencing Championships held?
To thrust or lunge in fencing.
A lunge or thrust in fencing.
She had to outreach her opponent to win the fencing match.
A defensive position or stance,as in boxing or fencing.
The league became the governing body for *** fencing in the U.S.
The first position of thrust and parry in fencing.

问题五:游戏真实击剑的那段英文什么意思 fencing 击剑 Foil 花剑 Epee 重剑 Sabre 佩剑 Men’s/Women’s Fencing Sabre 击剑男子/女子长剑 Men’s Fencing (Team) Foil 击剑男子(团体)花剑 Women’s Fencing Foil 击剑女子花剑 Men’s/Women’s Fencing (Team) Epee 击剑男子/女子(团体)重剑。


运动项目英文是sport event。读音:[spɔːt ɪˈvent]表达意思:体育赛事;运动项目;赛事。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:sport event VC 赛事价值链。例句:1、Dance sport, including sport, music and dance, is a newly developed sport event. 体育舞蹈是集体育、音乐、舞蹈为一体的新兴运动项目。2、The Olympic Games is an international multi-sport event subdivided into summer and winter sporting events. 奥林匹克运动会是多运动的国际性比赛,可分为夏季赛事和冬季赛事。


1.跳高 high jump
2.跳远long jump
3棒球 baseball
4.篮球 basketball
5足球 soccer /football
6.排球 volleyball
7.网球 tennis
8.羽毛球 badminton
9.乒乓球 table tennis/ ping-pong
10.垒球 baseball
12.游泳 swimming
13.跳水 diving
14.冲浪 surfing

16.田径 track and field
19.摔跤 wrestling
20.拳击 boxing
21.射击 shooting
22.高尔夫球 golf
23.体育馆 gym
24.体操 gymnastics
25运动会sports meet
26.奥运会Olympic Games
27.世界杯World Cup
29.金牌gold metal
30.银牌silver metal
31.铜牌bronze metal

34.举重 weight lifting


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