
时间:2024-10-21 16:02:30编辑:小早


  你知道大声说的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   大声说的英文释义:   cry   declaim   spit it out   大声说的英文例句:   你要什麽尽管大声说出来。   Just sing out what you want.   别叽咕了,有什麽要说的大声说吧。   Don't whisper; if you've got something to say, say it out loud.   “他们把他杀害了。” 公白飞大声说。   "They have killed him," exclaimed Combeferre.   “但是你没有回答我的话!”马吕斯大声说。   "But you do not promise me!" exclaimed Marius. 大声说英语怎么说   她大声说,在她轻轻地把山鸡弄死的时候,眼泪流了下来。   ' she exclaimed, her tears running down as she killed the birds tenderly.   想想自己要确立的目标,把它写下来并大声说出来。   Think it and write it down as well as say it out loud.   “一分钟。”他大声说。   "One minute," he said aloud.   看完了树,多罗米埃大声说:“我请你们骑毛驴!”和赶驴人讲好价钱以后,他们便从凡沃尔和伊西转回来。   After viewing the shrub, Tholomyes exclaimed, "I offer you asses!" and having agreed upon a price with the owner of the asses, they returned by way of Vanvres and Issy.   如果你得去洗衣,一字一句的对自己大声说(我真的会这么做,我有点古怪),“我要专注于洗我的衣服,就是这样。”   If you have to do laundry, literally say out loud to yourself (I do, I am kind ofweird), “I am going to dominate at doing my laundry and that is it.   “一美元九十八美分,”她大声说。   “A dollar and ninety-eight cents, ” she said aloud.   当我真喝趴下的时候,他哈哈大笑,一种轻视的笑,还惊讶地大声说我这算是哪门子美国人。   He laughed when I did a disparaging laugh wondering aloud at what kind ofAmerican I was.   “尊贵的丁太太,我喜欢你,可是我不喜欢你的两面三刀,”他又大声说。   Worthy Mrs Dean, I like you, but I don't like your double-dealing,' he added aloud.   但是没有人敢大声说出来。   But no-one can say it out loud.   在发展中国家工作的人,许多坚信(但很少有人敢大声说)最贫穷国家的最大的希望之一就是建立他们自己的制作业。   Among people who work in development, many strongly believe (but few dare sayvery loudly) that one of the best hopes for the poorest countries would be to buildtheir manufacturing industries.   苏珊大声说.   Susan exclaimed.   纵然有时不适合大声说玩笑,但是你的头脑中有些幽默的点子会让你驶入积极的轨道。   Even if it isn’t appropriate to joke about something aloud, you can makehumorous observations in your mind to keep you on a positive track.   别介意海辛斯·巴凯特喜欢餐巾胜过餐巾纸,阶级观念比这还要严重得多,而且需要大声说出来。   Never mind Hyacinth Bucket niceties of napkins over serviettes, class mattersmore not less than it did, and it needs saying loudly.   “你研究过生物学,”马丁别有所指地大声说。   "You've studied biology," he said aloud, in significant allusion.   事实上,其中一个用户还大声说,她希望能够看到一些帮助文字。   One user, in fact, said out loud that she wished there was some sort of Helpdocumentation available.   如果这些事不值得的大声说出来,那说给自己听也没什么意义。   If it’s not worth saying out loud, it’s probably not worthy of saying to yourself.   而且,在陌生人热切的耳朵中毫不尴尬地大声说。   And, not embarrassed to say it loud enough for the eager ears of strangers.   但这些话他从未大声说出来过。   Those words were never said aloud.


问题一:大声说出来 用英语怎么翻译 speak loudly

问题二:用英语怎么说? 固定词组,自言自语:talks/whispers to oneself

比较地道说法是:Don't talk to yourself,Speak out all that you want to say!

一般英语中不需要逐字翻译出来,如果一定要强调大声的话,那就加上loudly ,整个句子是:Don't talk to yourself,S工eak out loudly all that you want to say!

问题三:大声喊出来用英语怎么说 loudly shout out

问题四:爱一个人就要大声说出来?求英文翻译? 爱一个人就要大声说出来? 英文翻译
Love a person is to speak out load?

问题五:“明明喜欢你,却不敢大声说出来”用英文怎么翻译? I love you, but dare not say it out loud

问题六:如果爱,请大声说出来。英语怎么翻译?十分感谢!!! (这是我美国朋友给的翻译)
If you love someone say it aloud

