
时间:2024-10-14 13:25:49编辑:小早


其实仙4的制作在之前上软的访谈已经透漏,预计制作时间约2年 而至少在2004年10月之前就已经开始制作,可能只是开始规划和设计 当时所用的引擎和系统并未确定,专访透漏说可能引用国外引擎的机会比较大 且如果引用国外引擎制作,将会对于国外技术作专门的了解,来作突破 而确切得时间还要看上软的制作进度,目前上软主力应在暑假推出的阿猫阿狗2 制作完成后,如果没有太大意外或是要赶制作其它作品(上软手上还有其它作品要制作) 主力应该会留在仙4的制作和开发上,而上软也开始征” 网游服务器端游戏编程”可能也会开始制作网络游戏(应不是仙剑online,目前仙剑online第三版由大宇台北总部制作,北京网星应该也会协助制作内陆方面的服务器和制作) 因此也要看制作人员的分配主力和制作进度才能决定,目前预计2006年是官方估计且将可能性拉长的说法,2006年1月1号到12月31号都算是2006年,因此具体来说要等相关消息释出,才有一个准则
" Our slogan is ..."
口号 [kǒu hào]





口号:slogan|watchword|Tag Line


端口号:Port Number|Destination Port Number

**的口号:the slo定an of sth
turn right

turn left
My slogan is in English.
公司的口号 英文翻译
quality for survival, innovation for growt础

strict quality production control, guarantee customer satisfaction

We believe in safety first, focus on prevention,, energy conservation, elimination control, protect environment

All employees respect the law, maintain civilized construction standards, sustainable development
"一切尽在掌握" 英文怎么说? 要像个口号
Everything under control!
我认为应该这样翻译 :keep striving for excellence (强调坚持不懈)

我更推荐的译法是:mitment to excellence(把追求卓越作为使命)



1.Brave in innovation, aspiring after excellence


2.keep an open mind, strive for excellence

Our Slogan 通常是用Slogan~(口号)

slogan 口号, 标语, 箴言

catchword 口号, 呼号, 导字

catchphrase 口号



slogan英[ˈsləʊɡən]美[ˈsloʊɡən]n.标语;口号。[例句]"You'll want an iPad just so you can wear this" is the slogan for one of the new lab coats designed with large pockets to accommodate tablet computers.“穿上它,你就会想要一部iPad”是其中一款新实验服的标语,这些新实验服设计有可以装平板电脑的大口袋。[其他]复数:slogans。slogan的近义词1、catchwordn.口号;流行语;标语;(字典等的)眉题。Its catchword is " the wife that invites beauty is more beautiful " .它的口号是“让漂亮的女人更动人”。2、motton.座右铭;箴言。Humility is the motto in his life.谦卑是他的人生座右铭。

口号 英文

口号英文介绍如下:slogan英/ˈsləʊɡən/。美/ˈsloʊɡən/。n.标语;口号。复数: slogans。The crowd began chanting anti-government slogans. 人群开始反复高呼反政府口号。They're just mouthing empty slogans. 他们只是在空喊口号。They could campaign on the slogan 'We'll take less of your money'. 他们可能打出这样的竞选口号:“我们会让您少出钱”。Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets 学生们喊着口号,分发着传单。The demonstrators then marched through the capital chanting slogans and demanding free elections 示威者然后穿越首都游行,他们反复高喊口号要求进行自由选举。


标语口号的英文   标语口号的英文,标语口号是社会生活中一种十分常见、运用广泛、且简便易行的宣传教育形式。中文的口号我们知道的很多,也听过很多, 但是你知道标语口号的英文吗?有兴趣就跟着我一起来看看吧。宣传标语英文   标语口号的英文1    口号标语英文   1、胜者为王,败者为寇。Losers are always in the wrong.   2、天生我才必有用。Every man has his price.   3、Impossible is nothing Just do it! 一切皆有可能。   4、Whatever you go, go with all your heart.无论做什么事,一定要全力以赴。   5、滴水穿石。Little stone fell great oaks.   6、君子之交淡如水。A hedge between keeps friendship green.   7、Time is money时间就是金钱。   8、闪光的'不一定是黄金。All is not gold that glitters。/All that glitters is not gold.   9、Don’t be shy, just have a try 不要胆怯,勇于尝试。   10、Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.主动性就是在没有人告诉时做正确的事情。   11、The good seaman is known in bad weather.惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色。   12、All for one, one for all.我为人人,人人为我。   13、自助者天助。God helps those who help themselves.   14、My journey is long and winding, I will keep on exploring my way far and wide.路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下而求索。   15、酒好不怕巷子深。Good wine needs no bush.   标语口号的英文2    英文宣传标语   1、我选择,我喜欢,我环保,我健康。   I choose, I love, my protection, my health.   2、用我们的双手,保护我们的地球。   Use our hands to protect our earth.   3、我们是幼苗,我们都需要呵护。   We are seedlings, we all need care.   4、球只有一个,失去它,我们到哪里去寻找家园。   Only one ball, lose it, where are we going to find a home.   5、保护环境卫生,减少生活污染,共建美好家园。   Protect the environment and health, reduce the pollution of life, to build a beautiful homeland.   6、幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。   Happy life not only lies in the blue sky is also have ample food and clothing.   7、草儿绿、花儿香,环境优美人健康。   The grass is green, fragrant flowers, beautiful environment and human health.   8、小草微微笑,请你绕一绕。   The grass smiles lightly. Please round around.   9、地球是我们的母亲,保护地球就是保护母亲。   The earth is our mother, protect the earth is to protect the mother.   10、保护自生环境,爱护我们生存的地球。   Self protection environment, care for our survival on earth.   11、让天更蓝,让水更清,让我们从小事做起。   Let the sky bluer, the water clearer, let us start from the little things.   12、爱绿护绿,保护环境;勤俭节约,珍惜资源。   Love green green, protect the environment; thrift, cherish resources.   13、美化校园环境,就是美化我们的生活。   To beautify the campus environment, is to beautify our life.   14、节约能源做的好,后代子孙没烦恼。   Saving energy to do good, descendants no worries.   15、碧水蓝天,笑容自然。   Clear water, blue sky, smiling nature.   16、青山清我目,流水静我耳。   Green mountains clear my eyes, flowing water quiet my ears.   17、踏破青毡可惜,多行数步无妨。   Over the green felt pity for many steps anyway.   18、每天节约一滴水,难时拥有太平洋。   Every day to save a drop of water, with the pacific.   19、绿化环境,净化心灵。   Greening the environment and purifying the mind.   20、绿树成荫,鲜花遍地,人间仙境,非常美丽。   Trees, flowers everywhere, very beautiful fairyland.   标语口号的英文3    宣传标语英文   1、爱护绿化,就是保护自己。   To protect the green is to protect ourselves.   2、累积点滴改进,迈向完美品质。   Accumulate bit by bit improvement, toward perfect quality.   3、娇娇小草,请足下留情。   Jiao Jiao grass, please you.   4、小小一口痰,细菌千千万。   A small sputum, bacteria thousands.   5、安全与健康同在,节能与生态齐美。   Safety and health, energy saving and ecological unevenamerica.   6、保护生态环境,就是爱护自已。   To protect the ecological environment is to take care of ourselves.   7、环境你我他,绿色靠大家。   Environment you, me, he, green, rely on everyone.   8、保护环境,让地球妈妈重绽笑脸。   Protect the environment, let the earth mother re Zhan smile.   9、有限的资源,无限的循环。   Limited resources; infinite cycles.   10、乱排乱放流失道德。   Arbitrary row misplacing moral loss.   11、一花一草皆生命,一枝一叶总关情。   Flowers and grass are the lives of a chief customs intelligence.   12、你在我心中最美,请不要将我摧毁。   You are the most beautiful in my heart, please dont destroy me.   13、尊崇自然、敬畏生命。   Reverence for nature and reverence for life.   14、幸福就是天蓝山青水绿。   Happiness is the blue mountain blue duck.   15、让优雅的环境与美好的心灵同在。   Let elegant environment and beautiful heart together.   16、让河水更清澈,让家园更美好。   To make the river clearer and make our homes better.   17、地球是我们从后代手中借来的。   The earth is what we borrow from future generations.   18、保护环境,刻不容缓。   It is imperative to protect the environment.   19、把绿色带入校园。   Bring the green into the campus.   20、迎绿色资源,送废气污染。   Welcome green resources and send out waste gas pollution.

