fly one

时间:2024-10-14 08:26:16编辑:小早


kite的读音:英 [kaɪt],美 [kaɪt] ,它的意思有风筝; 纸鸢; 鸢; 空头支票; 风筝形四边形; 飞机; 大三角帆; 高而轻的船帆; 非法(或秘密)的信件; 剥削者。放风筝; 开空头支票; 涂改支票; 飞; 飞奔。例句如下:1、I thought that I would fly a kite for a somewhat unfashionable theory.我想要为有点不合潮流的理论试探一下舆论。2、There’s a knack in/to flying a kite, which takes a while to master.放风筝要找窍门,得用些时间才能学会。3、I felt so strange on the steroid injections. I was as high as a kite some of the time.注射类固醇后我感觉很奇特。我有时会极度兴奋。4、The Government flies these kites of disinformation, then people feel grateful when the changes don't happen.政府故意放出这些虚假消息来试探舆论,而当其中提到的改变并未出现时,老百姓便会心怀感激。


kite,读音:英[kaɪt],美[kaɪt]。释义:n.风筝。vi.使用空头支票;像风筝一样飞;轻快地移动。vt.骗钱;涂改(支票)。变形:过去式kited,过去分词kited,现在分词kiting,第三人称单数kites,复数kites。短语:draw in a kite收风筝fly a kite放风筝let up a kite放风筝strike kite击中风筝kite的例句1、And I've got a Chinese dragon kite.我还得到了一个中国龙风筝。2、Let's fly a kite.我们放风筝吧。3、He wanted to fly a kite,too.他也想去放风筝。4、The kite lifted the column clean off the ground.风筝把柱子从地面上完全提了起来。5、The wind blew the kite high into the air.风把风筝吹得高高的。


问题一:飞人乔丹 英语怎么说 骇ir Jordan 我看过他的简介就是这样写的
AIR JORDEN正式的中文名称也就是飞人乔丹

问题二:他被称为飞人。用英语怎么说? 5分 he is called flightman

问题三:牙买加飞人博尔特用英语怎么说 Usain Bolt Lightning Bolt飞人博尔特,直译是“闪电博尔特”
Usain Bolt (born 21 August 1986) is a Jamaican sprinter and reigning Olympic champion over 100 m. He is the current world record holder in the 100 m (9.69 s), world junior record holder in the 200 metres (19.93 s), and Jamaican record holder in the 200 m (19.67 s). His name and achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname Lightning Bolt.
Bolt was born in Trelawny, Jamaica and educated at the William Knibb Memorial High School. At the age of 15 he won a gold and two silver medals at the 2002 World Junior Championships in front of a home crowd in Kingston, being the youngest world junior gold medalist ever. He won another gold medal at the 2003 World Youth Championships, running the 200 m in 20.40 seconds. Usain Bolt and retired Jamaican sprinter Michael Green are the past students of William Knibb.
In 2004 Bolt ran the 200 m in 19.93 seconds, being the first junior to break the 20-second mark; breaking Lorenzo Daniel's world junior record.
At the 2007 Jamaican Championships, Bolt ran 19.75, breaking the 36-year-old national record held by Don Quarrie by 0.11 seconds. At the World Championships in Osaka, Bolt won a silver medal in the 200 m behind American Tyson Gay.
On 3 May 2008, Bolt ran 9.76 (+1.8 m/s) in the 100 m at the Jamaica Invitational, then the second fastest legal performance in the history of the event, behind 场ompatriot Asafa Powell. Later tha......>>

问题四:“飞人乔丹”用英文怎么翻译啊 air jordan

问题五:“空中飞人”用英语怎么表达? 空中飞人:Air Jordan 或 His Airness. 。Air Jordan也指由其代言的衣服和鞋一系列产品.如Nike运动鞋等
(一般,大家熟悉且常用的是Air Jordan。)

问题六:迈克尔・乔丹的绰号“飞人”在英文中的原文是什么 这个绰号是咱们原创的,乔丹在美国没外号

问题七:乔丹被大家叫做飞人乔丹 翻译英语 Michael Jordan, is called Air Jordan by every people.


1、花下无人草木枯——谜底:7。分析:“花下无人草木枯”指“花”下无“人(亻)”,“草木枯”指 再 去除“艹”,最后 剩余“七”,所以答案是“7”。2、旭日东升——谜底:9。分析:旭日东升,指“旭”字“日”东升 后只剩下“九”,所以答案是“9”。3、云儿留上头——谜底:9。分析:云儿留上头,指“云”字 留上头 的“一”,所以答案是“1”。旭 日 东 升 【拼音】: xù rì dōng shēng【解释】: 旭日:初升 的 太阳。早上 太阳 从 东方 升起。形容 朝气 蓬勃 的 气象。也 比喻 艰苦 的 岁月 已 过去,美好 的 日子 刚刚 来到。【出处】: 《诗 经 · 邶 风 · 匏 有 苦 叶》:“旭日 始 旦。”【举例造句】: 我 描写 了 她们 怎么 在 黑暗 中 挣 扎 和 怎样 看到 了 旭日 东升,破 涕 为笑。(老 舍《最 值得 歌颂 的事》)【拼音代码】: x r d s【近义词】: 生 机 勃 勃、如 日 方 升、蒸 蒸 日 上【反义词】: 日 薄 西 山、气 息 奄 奄【灯谜】: 旯【用法】: 作宾语、定语;指 有 生 气

