
时间:2024-10-13 08:48:23编辑:小早


猴子的英语是monkey。具体如下:monkey英 [ˈmʌŋki] 美 [ˈmʌŋki] n. (名词)猴子;顽童;毒瘾。vi. (不及物动词)胡闹;捣蛋。vt. (及物动词)嘲弄。词组短语:monkey business 胡闹,骗人的把戏;欺骗;恶作剧。monkey king 美猴王,孙悟空。golden monkey 金丝猴。例句:You cheeky monkey! 你这厚脸皮的猴崽子!近义词urchin英 [ˈɜːtʃɪn] 美 [ˈɜːrtʃɪn] n. (名词)顽童,淘气鬼;海胆;刺猬。词组短语:sea urchin 海胆。例句:The spines of a fire urchin form a multicolored flower off Komodo Island, Indonesia. 火海胆的刺在印度尼西亚科莫多岛附近形成了五颜六色的花朵。


在纹孔蝰蛇的眼睛和鼻子之间, 有两个看似坑纹的细小器官, 能感应红外线 蛇有发达的内耳,它虽然听不到从空气传过来的声音,却能敏锐地接收地面振动传播来的声波刺激。由于声音在地面和固体里传播的速度要比在空气传播的速度快得多,而蛇的活动又紧挨着地面,这样,声音通过地面可以迅速地传到它的内耳,使蛇立即得到反应。科研人员曾对蛇做过这样一个有趣的实验:把几条蛇的眼睛蒙住,原地不动地在大声谈话,甚至吹喇叭、打铜锣,都不能惊动它们。但是,只要你移动一下脚步,它们会立即抬起头来。 蛇的耳朵和鱼类相似,只有听骨和内耳,所以蛇不能听到空气传播的声音,只能 听到地面振动的声音,“打草惊蛇”就是这个道理。 另外,有些蛇视觉很差,但是有些蛇视觉很好。


  猴子的品种有很多,关于猴子的俗语也不少,有关猴子的英文俗语大家学习过哪些?今日我就为大家整理了有关于猴子的英文俗语,供大家参考查阅,希望可以帮到的大家。    关于猴的英文俗语   1、猴子手里掉不出干枣。   A monkey can't get a dried date out of his hand.   2、猴子吃辣椒,抓耳挠腮。   Monkeys eat chili peppers and scratch their ears and cheeks.   3、猴子拧麻花,蛮拧。   Monkeys twist twist twists and twists.   4、属猴的,拴不住。   It belongs to monkeys and can't be tied up.   5、山中无老虎,猴子称大王。   There are no tigers in the mountains. Monkeys are called kings.   6、猴子**都一样红。   The monkeys are as red as buttocks.   7、猴子披上绸缎还是猴子。   Do monkeys wear silk or monkeys?   8、猴儿戴帽唱戏,想起一出是一出。   Monkeys wear hats and sing operas. When they think of one, it's a play.   9、猴子跟着人行事。   Monkeys follow people.   10、猴子不咬人,嘴脸难看。   Monkeys don't bite, but their mouths and faces are ugly.   11、七个猴子八样脸。   Seven monkeys have eight faces.   12、老猴偷苞米,专找嫩的。   Old monkeys steal rice and look for tender ones.   13、猴子再精灵,还是不知道解索索。   The monkey is a genie, but still does not know how to solve the rope.   14、江湖佬耍猴子,名堂可多啦。   There are so many monkeys playing by lake and river people.   15、猴子嘴里还能把枣子挖出来。   Monkeys can also dig out dates in their mouths.   16、猴子看镜子,忘了自己。   The monkey looked in the mirror and forgot himself.   17、长了毛比猴儿还鬼。   Hair is more ghostly than monkeys.   18、猴子的**自来红。   The monkey's buttocks are red.   19、猴戴皮巴帽,毛手毛脚。   Monkeys wear fur hats and fur hands and feet.   20、猴子学会跳,不知摔过多少跤。   Monkeys learn to jump, and they don't know how many falls they have.   21、没有不上竿的猴。   There are no monkeys that are not up to the mark.   22、猴子捞月一场空。   Monkeys catch the moon once in a while.   23、猕猴骑土牛。   Rhesus monkeys ride bulls.   24、一窝猴子都姓孙。   All the monkeys are surnamed Sun.   25、猴子**坐不住。   Monkeys can't sit on their butts.    关于猴子的俗语英语   1、猴子吃辣椒,抓耳挠腮。   Monkeys eat chili peppers and scratch their ears and cheeks.   2、没有不上竿的猴。   There are no monkeys that are not up to the mark.   3、山中无老虎,猴子称大王。   There are no tigers in the mountains. Monkeys are called kings.   4、猴子嘴里还能把枣子挖出来。   Monkeys can also dig out dates in their mouths.   5、猴子学会跳,不知摔过多少跤。   Monkeys learn to jump, and they don't know how many falls they have.   6、猴子爬樱桃树,想吃高口味。   Monkeys climb cherry trees and want to eat high-tasting food.   7、猴儿戴帽唱戏,想起一出是一出。   Monkeys wear hats and sing operas. When they think of one, it's a play.   8、猴子跟着人行事。   Monkeys follow people.   9、杀鸡给猴子看。   Kill the chicken and show it to the monkey.   10、猴子爬竹竿,到顶啦。   The monkey climbed the bamboo pole and reached the top.   11、老猴偷苞米,专找嫩的。   Old monkeys steal rice and look for tender ones.   12、长了毛比猴儿还鬼。   Hair is more ghostly than monkeys.   13、属猴的,拴不住。   It belongs to monkeys and can't be tied up.   14、猴子**都一样红。   The monkeys are as red as buttocks.   15、猴子手里掉不出干枣。   A monkey can't get a dried date out of his hand.   16、猴子不咬人,嘴脸难看。   Monkeys don't bite, but their mouths and faces are ugly.   17、猴子下井取月亮,想得美。   The monkey went down to fetch the moon and thought beautifully.   18、七个猴子八样脸。   Seven monkeys have eight faces.   19、猴子捞月一场空。   Monkeys catch the moon once in a while.   20、猴子装人,忘了自己长尾巴。   Monkeys pretend to be human, forgetting their long tails.   21、猴子手上走不掉蝨子。   Monkeys can't walk lice off their hands.   22、江湖佬耍猴子,名堂可多啦。   There are so many monkeys playing by lake and river people.   23、猴子不上树,多打几下锣。   Monkeys don't go up to trees, but beat gongs a few more times.   24、猴子看镜子,忘了自己。   The monkey looked in the mirror and forgot himself.   25、老猴爬旗杆,不行罗。   Old monkey climbing the flagpole, no way.

