
时间:2024-10-11 22:10:18编辑:小早


Yanhui Liu, Hu Chen,Lin Hu and Jie Yan,A solution to a single molecular experiment difficulty , Communication in computational physics,2009.6.577-585;Hu Chen,Yanhui Liu, Zhen Zhou,Lin Hu and Jie Yan,Temperature dependences of circular DNA topological states, Physical Review E, 2009.79,041926, arXiv: 0904.3584(cofirst author);Yanhui Liu,LinHu and Wenbo Wang,Effects of protein binding on the topological states of DNA minicircle, World journal of modeling and simulation,2008 .4. 277-286;Yanhui Liu,Lin Hu, DNA微环拓扑结构性质的Monte Carlo模拟,计算物理,2009.26.152-158;Yanhui Liu,Wenbo Wang,Lin Hu,Effects of Architectural Roles of HU protein on DNA conformation, European biophysics journal, in review ;Yanhui Liu,Sha Liu,Lin Hu,what makes short DNA Soft? Biophysics, in review;Yanhui Liu, Wenbo Wang,Chongming Jiang, Lin Hu, Does DNA Condensation Depend on Strong Correlation of Counterions? Physical Letters A;Yanhui Liu , Wenbo Wang, Lin Hu, Dependence of DNA Condensation on the Correlation Distance between Condensed Counterions, Journal of Biological Phsics, accepted,2012;Yanhui Liu , Chongming Jiang, Lin Hu, Baike LiLong Liu, Effects of Entropy on the Endocytosis.Communication in computational physics;刘艳辉,胡林,原子力显微镜与磷脂双层膜作用实验结果理论分析(II),科技导报,2010.28.45-51;刘艳辉,胡林,生物膜稳定性分析,中国医学物理学杂志,2008.25.916-920.译著:参与翻译Philip Nelson的《biological physics: energy, information ,life》,负责其中第13章,该书由上海科学技术出版社出版;主持基金:国家自然科学基金,聚电解质凝聚及电荷反转机制研究;国家自然科学青年基金,DNA凝聚过程中离子浓度效应及温度效应研究;教育部重点科技项目;贵州省社会发展攻关项目;贵州省科学技术基金,DNA凝聚机制研;贵州大学引进人才基金,DNA凝聚单分子实验的物理机制研究;中国科协“科技导报社”博士生创新计划支持;教育部-中国科学院博士生访学基金;教育部重点实验访问学学者基金;贵州省社发攻关项目子项目。



