whatever happens

时间:2024-08-27 14:05:52编辑:小早

英语语法 whatever whenever however 等的用法,

又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*❦ω❦),whatever是一个连接代词,用于引导名词性从句;whenever是一个连接副词,用于引导时间状语从句;however是一个连接副词,用于引导转折、对比或让步状语从句。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完whatever,whenever,however的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、引导词性质的不同whatever是一个连接代词,用于引导名词性从句;whenever是一个连接副词,用于引导时间状语从句;however是一个连接副词,用于引导转折、对比或让步状语从句。例句:- Whatever you decide, I will support you.(不论你做出什么决定,我会支持你的。)- Whenever I see her, she is always smiling.(每次我见到她,她总是在微笑。)- However hard I try, I just can't seem to get this right.(不论我多么努力,似乎都做不好这件事。)2、词性和语调的差异whatever可以用作形容词,表示不管哪一个或者无论什么事情,通常语气比较中性;whenever通常用来描述一个动作或情况发生的时间,语调比较强调时间;however可以作为一个副词或者形容词,语气较强,用来表达转折的意思。例句:- You can take whatever book you like from the library.(你可以从图书馆借阅任何你喜欢的书。)- Whenever she comes to visit us, she brings a gift.(每次她来拜访我们,她总会带来一份礼物。)- However difficult this may be, we cannot give up.(无论这有多么困难,我们都不能放弃。)3、句子结构的不同whatever常常出现在主语后面、谓语动词前面的句子中;whenever常常出现在主句之后、时间状语从句的开始;however则可以出现在句首、句中甚至句尾。例句:- Whatever you do, please be careful.(无论你做什么,请小心。)- She sings beautifully, whenever she performs on stage.(每次她在舞台上演唱时,她都唱得很好听。)- However, I still believe that we can find a solution.(然而,我仍然相信我们可以找到解决办法。)


单词whatever的用法:一:代词 pron.任何(事物), 每样(事物) I will do whatever you wish.我会对你言听计从。2.无论什么, 不管什么 We will never give up working, whatever happens.无论发生什么事, 我们都不会放弃工作。3.(用于问句,表示惊讶或困惑)到底是什么,究竟是什么 4.(用于回应,表示不在乎或不感兴趣)或许吧,无所谓 5.(表示不在乎,什么都可接受)什么都可以 二:形容词 adj.任何, 什么… 三:副词 adv.1.任何 2.一点儿都(不);丝毫(不);什么都(没有) 3.不管发生什么 ever用法:1)ever 是副词,它的意思是根据与它搭配的词而定.理解其中意思要也要根据上下文而定,可当曾经讲,也可当究竟讲常见的搭配有:for ever 永远ever since 自从ever so 非常ever and again 偶尔ever favorites是永远最喜欢的.句子有:Have you ever been to Beijing?2) ever 与疑问词连用.whatever,however,whenever,whoever,wherever,等等.例如:Tom can do whatever you want him to do.I will cook noodle for him whenever he comes.I won't worry about Jim wherever he goes.二:其他相近词用法Whenever连接词 conj.1.在任何…的时候;无论何时;在任何…的情况下 You may leave whenever you please.你愿意什么时候离开就什么时候离开。2.每当, 每次 Whenever we meet him we speak to him.每次我们见到他, 我们都和他讲话。3.别的什么时候(也可以);任何时间(都行) 副词 adv.1.(究竟)在什么时候, 什么场合 Whenever did you buy that?那你到底是什么时候买的?Wherever连接词 conj.1.无论什么地方 I will find him wherever he may be.无论他在哪儿, 我都要找到他。Wherever possible, the illustrations are taken from literature.只要有可能, 例证都取自文学作品。2.各处, 处处 Wherever the film star goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.这位电影明星所到之处都有成群的人等着见她。副词 adv.1.(究竟)在哪儿 Wherever are you taking me?你究竟要把我带到什么地方去?However副词 adv.1.不管到什么程度, 无论如何,不管怎么 I'll come however busy I am.我不管怎么忙都会来的。2.然而, 可是, 不过,仍然 Later, however, he made up his mind to go.可是, 后来他决定去了。It's raining hard. However, I still want to go there.虽然下着大雨, 我还是想去那儿。连接词 conj.1.不管怎样 But I am very much believable, however, you'll get him to come.我相信你不管怎样都能把他请来。Whoever代词 pron.1.(引导名词性从句)谁 Whoever wants the book may have it.谁想要这本书都可以拿。I'll take whoever wants to go.谁要去我就带谁去。2.无论谁, 不管谁 I'll find the person who did this, whoever he is.我要找出干这件事的人, 不管他是谁。3.究竟是谁 Whoever could have done such a dreadful thing?

