
时间:2024-08-23 23:21:33编辑:小早


elbow作名词时译为“肘部;弯头;扶手”,作动词时译为“推挤;用手肘推开”。1、N-COUNT 肘 Your elbow is the part of your arm where the upper and lower halves of the arm are joined.He slipped and fell, badly bruising an elbow.他滑倒了,一只胳膊肘严重擦伤。2、VERB 用肘推挤 If you elbow people aside or elbow your way somewhere, you push people with your elbows in order to move somewhere.They also claim that the security team elbowed aside a steward...他们还声称保安人员将一位乘务员推搡至一边。3、VERB 跻身;挤掉;排挤 If someone or something elbows their way somewhere, or elbowsother people or things out of the way, they achieve success by being aggressive and determined.Non-state firms gradually elbow aside the inefficient state-owned ones...非国有企业逐渐挤掉了效率低下的国有企业。


elbow的意思是肘部。elbow的英式发音是【ˈelbəʊ】,美式发音是【ˈelboʊ】。elbow的过去式是elbowed,过去分词是elbowed,现在分词是elbowing,第三人称单数是elbows,复数是elbows。elbow的优美例句1、He had a deep wound on his left elbow。他的左臂肘部有一条很深的伤口。2、I elbowed him at the meeting to remind him of his speaking time。在会上我用肘部碰了下他来提醒他注意发言时间。3、The questions he raised were elbowed aside by the leader。他提出的问题被领导人搁置一旁。4、The sleeve of his shirt was torn at the elbow。他的衬衫的肘部被撕了个口子。5、Speaking of surgery, the doc says I might have to go under the knife if my tennis elbow doesn’t improve。说到手术,医生说如果我的网球肘还没有改善的话,那可能就得动手术了。

