
时间:2024-08-08 07:38:10编辑:小早




2.Kara第三张Mini Album迷你专辑《Lupin》 成员们变身性感怪盗,黑白风的打歌服也很有怪盗鲁邦的风味,MV在视觉上也颇具华丽风。

[create_time]2010-03-05 20:02:43[/create_time]2010-03-28 14:32:31[finished_time]5[reply_count]23[alue_good]饶钕0I[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.e56a2ce4.NQNYJV-DaeNEos_Nz-htgg.jpg?time=2831&tieba_portrait_time=2831[avatar]超过12用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]10334[view_count]



KARA 3rd Mini Album

Sing It With Me Now 2010
We Bringing New Love To The Floor
Rocking What's Real La Couture
We Opening New Doors New Show New World New Control
Can You Keep Up Oh!

(合)Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! (×3)
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!

geop meok ji ma ni sim jang so ri ga deul kyeol(suit!)
奎利>不要害怕 你的心跳声被暴露(嘘!)

dwi e seo seo chim chak ha ge ji kyeo bwa bwa
智英>在你身后 不用声色 探查一切

tam nan da go seo du reul dan gyeol guk Game Set
胜妍>爱你心切 乱了手脚 最终Game Set

yu yeon ha ge haeng dong hae bwa As Usual It's Mine
妮可>落落大方 做我自己As Usual It’s Mine

合>It's Mine This Is Mine This Is Mine

no pi ol ra ga (Ye Ye Ye) se sang eul da ga jyeo bwa(Ye Ye Ye)
向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)

Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up

合>Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!

han nun pal myeon gi hoe jo cha bbaet gyeo beo ryeo(suit!)
奎利>稍不留神 就连机会 也被抢走(嘘!)

nu gu bo da han bal meon jeo da ga ga bwa
智英>瞄准时机 捷足先登 未尝不可

tam nan da go seo du reul dan gyeol guk Game Set
妮可>若像别人 举棋不定 最终Game Set
nam deul cheo reom haeng dong hae bwa As Usual It's Mine
胜妍>落落大方 做我自己As Usual It’s Mine

合> It's Mine This Is Mine This Is Mine

no pi ol ra ga (Ye Ye Ye)se sang eul da ga jyeo bwa(Ye Ye Ye)
向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)

Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up

i je cha geun cha geun geol eo na ga bwa

se sang ha na ha na jeon bu ga deuk dam a bwa
奎利>人间喜怒哀乐 全部试着体味吧

teuk byeol ha gil won ha ni ne geot i gil ba ra ni si jak hae
胜妍>若一切都是唯一 愿成为你的一切

no pi ol ra ga (Ye Ye Ye)se sang eul da ga jyeo bwa(Ye Ye Ye)
合>向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)

Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up(
(Oh Yeah Yeah)
妮可>Oh Ye Ye Ye

Sing It With Me Now 2010
We Bringing New Love To The Floor
Rocking What's Real La Couture
We Opening New Doors New Show New World New Control
Can You Keep Up Oh!
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! (×3)
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!

[create_time]2015-01-15 11:04:48[/create_time]2015-01-30 00:34:49[finished_time]2[reply_count]0[alue_good]kitty95[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.ce589580.JqQZQhtzlYNlzvmxEZXDkQ.jpg?time=2819&tieba_portrait_time=2819[avatar]TA获得超过1875个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]903[view_count]


Lupin KARA Lupin>专辑
妮可>Sing It With Me Now 2010
We Bringing New Love To The Floor
Rocking What’s Real La Couture
We Opening New Doors New Show New World New Control
Can You Keep Up Oh!
合>Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!
奎利>不要害怕 你的心跳声被暴露(嘘!)
智英>在你身后 不用声色 探查一切
胜妍>爱你心切 乱了手脚 最终Game Set
妮可>落落大方 做我自己As Usual It’s Mine
合> It’s Mine This is Mine This Is Mine
向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!
奎利>稍不留神 就连机会 也被抢走(嘘!)
智英>瞄准时机 捷足先登 未尝不可
妮可>若像别人 举棋不定 最终Game Set
胜妍>落落大方 做我自己As Usual It’s Mine
合> It’s Mine This is Mine This Is Mine
向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
奎利>人间喜怒哀乐 全部试着体味吧
胜妍>若一切都是唯一 愿成为你的一切
合>向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
妮可>Oh Ye Ye Ye

[create_time]2014-01-08 20:48:17[/create_time]2014-01-21 20:43:58[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]430[view_count]


�0�9�5�2(Lupin) (�4�5�9�5(Kara)(中韩对照))

�0�9�5�2 (Lupin) - �4�5�9�5(Kara)(中韩对照)
�0�9�5�2 (Lupin) (EP)
LRC制作:感想(lorkicha) 37396170 QQ空间(千千静听)更爱(凤凰天使)
Sing It With Me Now 2010
We Bringing New Love To The Floor
Rocking What's Real La Couture
We Opening New Doors New Show New World New Control
Can You Keep Up Oh!
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!
�7�4�0�6�3�1�0�3 �9�1 �2�3�3�2�2�1�0�5�7�5 �9�1�4�3 (�2�4)/不要害怕听听你心脏跳动的声音(嘘)
�9�7�2�3 �1�9�1�9 �4�3�4�8�6�9�7�5 �3�1�4�3�1�3�1�3/站在后头沉着的守护着
�5�9�8�5�9�9�7�9 �1�9�9�3�0�9�9�3 �7�1�7�0 Game Set/贪心的话着急的话Game Set
�3�9�2�5�6�9�7�5 �6�8�9�4�6�7�1�3 As Usual It's Mine/不疾不徐的行动吧As usual it's mine
It's Mine This Is Mine This Is Mine
�8�1�3�3 �2�5�9�5�7�5 (Ye Ye Ye) �1�7�1�8�3�5 �9�9 �7�5�3�9�1�3 (Ye Ye Ye)/往更高处去吧(Ye Ye Ye) 拥有一切(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!
�6�3�8�9�5�9�0�5 �8�5�6�7�3�5�4�7 �1�6�7�3�0�3�0�3 (�2�4)/东张西望的话机会会被剥夺的(嘘)
�8�5�7�9�1�5�9�9 �6�3�0�9 �0�9�3�3 �9�9�7�5�7�5�1�3/要比谁都还要靠近
�8�7�9�1�4�9�0�3 �5�3 �8�9�9�9�7�9 �7�1�7�0 Game Set/像别人一样的话Game Set
�3�9�2�5�6�9�7�5 �6�8�9�4�6�7�1�3 As Usual It's Mine/不疾不徐的行动吧As usual it's mine
It's Mine This Is Mine This Is Mine
�8�1�3�3 �2�5�9�5�7�5 (Ye Ye Ye) �1�7�1�8�3�5 �9�9 �7�5�3�9�1�3 (Ye Ye Ye)/往更高处去吧(Ye Ye Ye) 拥有一切(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
�3�3�3�1 �4�7�8�3�4�7�8�3 �7�5�2�5 �8�1�7�5�1�3 �1�7�1�8 �6�9�8�1�6�9�8�1 �3�7�1�5 �7�5�9�4 �9�5�2�3�1�3/现在慢慢的迈出步伐 拥抱这个世界
�5�8�1�7�6�9�8�3 �3�9�6�9�9�1 �8�1 �7�6 �3�3�8�3 �0�1�9�5�9�1 �2�7�3�2�6�7/特别的事物你想要的一切开始吧
�8�1�3�3 �2�5�9�5�7�5 (Ye Ye Ye) �1�7�1�8�3�5 �9�9 �7�5�3�9�1�3 (Ye Ye Ye)/往更高处去吧(Ye Ye Ye) 拥有一切(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up

[create_time]2014-02-24 10:49:19[/create_time]2014-03-10 14:00:02[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]86[view_count]

kara - lupin中文歌词,并注明哪一句是谁唱的

Lupin KARA Lupin>专辑
转载自KARA中文首站 翻译:SEA
妮可>Sing It With Me Now 2010
We Bringing New Love To The Floor
Rocking What’s Real La Couture
We Opening New Doors New Show New World New Control
Can You Keep Up Oh!
合>Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!
奎利>不要害怕 你的心跳声被暴露(嘘!)
智英>在你身后 不用声色 探查一切
胜妍>爱你心切 乱了手脚 最终Game Set
妮可>落落大方 做我自己As Usual It’s Mine
合> It’s Mine This is Mine This Is Mine
向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!
奎利>稍不留神 就连机会 也被抢走(嘘!)
智英>瞄准时机 捷足先登 未尝不可
妮可>若像别人 举棋不定 最终Game Set
胜妍>落落大方 做我自己As Usual It’s Mine
合> It’s Mine This is Mine This Is Mine
向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
奎利>人间喜怒哀乐 全部试着体味吧
胜妍>若一切都是唯一 愿成为你的一切
合>向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
妮可>Oh Ye Ye Ye

[create_time]2013-12-07 20:07:45[/create_time]2013-12-20 20:20:45[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]424[view_count]


[al:루팡 (Lupin) (EP)]
[00:01.09]루팡 (Lupin) - 카라(Kara)(中韩对照)
[00:03.57]루팡 (Lupin) (EP)
[00:04.58]LRC制作:感想(lorkicha) 37396170 QQ空间(千千静听)更爱(凤凰天使)
[00:05.11]Sing It With Me Now 2010
[00:09.72]We Bringing New Love To The Floor
[00:11.28]Rocking What's Real La Couture
[00:13.03]We Opening New Doors New Show New World New Control
[00:15.39]Can You Keep Up Oh!
[00:16.70]Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
[00:20.30]Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
[00:23.70]Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
[00:27.27]Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!
[00:30.62]겁먹지마 니 심장소리가 들켜 (쉿)/不要害怕听听你心脏跳动的声音(嘘)
[00:33.97]뒤에 서서 침착하게 지켜봐봐/站在后头沉着的守护着
[00:37.56]탐난다고 서두르단 결국 Game Set/贪心的话着急的话Game Set
[00:40.96]유연하게 행동해봐 As Usual It's Mine/不疾不徐的行动吧As usual it's mine
[00:47.64]It's Mine This Is Mine This Is Mine
[00:58.56]높이 올라가 (Ye Ye Ye) 세상을 다 가져봐 (Ye Ye Ye)/往更高处去吧(Ye Ye Ye) 拥有一切(Ye Ye Ye)
[01:05.40]Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
[01:20.22]Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
[01:23.69]Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!
[01:26.94]한눈팔면 기회조차 뺏겨버려 (쉿)/东张西望的话机会会被剥夺的(嘘)
[01:30.39]누구보다 한발 먼저 다가가봐/要比谁都还要靠近
[01:33.88]남들처럼 티 내다간 결국 Game Set/像别人一样的话Game Set
[01:37.37]유연하게 행동해봐 As Usual It's Mine/不疾不徐的行动吧As usual it's mine
[01:44.00]It's Mine This Is Mine This Is Mine
[01:54.66]높이 올라가 (Ye Ye Ye) 세상을 다 가져봐 (Ye Ye Ye)/往更高处去吧(Ye Ye Ye) 拥有一切(Ye Ye Ye)
[02:01.84]Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
[02:25.05]이제 차근차근 걸어 나가봐 세상 하나하나 전부 가득 담아봐/现在慢慢的迈出步伐 拥抱这个世界
[02:31.75]특별하길 원하니 네 것 이길 바라니 시작해/特别的事物你想要的一切开始吧
[02:38.96]높이 올라가 (Ye Ye Ye) 세상을 다 가져봐 (Ye Ye Ye)/往更高处去吧(Ye Ye Ye) 拥有一切(Ye Ye Ye)
[02:45.81]Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
[02:57.51]LRC制作:感想(lorkicha) 37396170 QQ空间(千千静听)更爱(凤凰天使) 感谢翻译:yimu

[create_time]2010-07-29 16:25:57[/create_time]2010-08-11 20:34:19[finished_time]2[reply_count]1[alue_good]cherishluv[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.7dfd62b0.NXXwMocWzVST280r5ToYVA.jpg?time=2983&tieba_portrait_time=2983[avatar]超过14用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]924[view_count]

求Kara的LUPIN歌词~ 韩文要中文翻译过来的

Lupin KARA Lupin>专辑
转载自KARA中文首站 翻译:SEA
妮可>Sing It With Me Now 2010
We Bringing New Love To The Floor
Rocking What’s Real La Couture
We Opening New Doors New Show New World New Control
Can You Keep Up Oh!
合>Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!
奎利>不要害怕 你的心跳声被暴露(嘘!)
智英>在你身后 不用声色 探查一切
胜妍>爱你心切 乱了手脚 最终Game Set
妮可>落落大方 做我自己As Usual It’s Mine
合> It’s Mine This is Mine This Is Mine
向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!
Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!
奎利>稍不留神 就连机会 也被抢走(嘘!)
智英>瞄准时机 捷足先登 未尝不可
妮可>若像别人 举棋不定 最终Game Set
胜妍>落落大方 做我自己As Usual It’s Mine
合> It’s Mine This is Mine This Is Mine
向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
奎利>人间喜怒哀乐 全部试着体味吧
胜妍>若一切都是唯一 愿成为你的一切
合>向着更高处(Ye Ye Ye)世界由我来掌控(Ye Ye Ye)
Never Back It Up Back It It Up Never Turn It Up Turn It It Up
妮可>Oh Ye Ye Ye

[create_time]2014-02-26 21:18:34[/create_time]2014-03-13 13:26:35[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]487[view_count]


下一篇:穷爸爸 富爸爸