
时间:2024-08-06 04:44:47编辑:小早

counting stars什么意思

歌词及翻译: 作曲 : Ryan Tedder,作词 : Ryan Tedder,演唱:OneRepublic Lately I've been,I've been losing sleep 最近我辗转反侧 Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 梦想着我们的愿景 But baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但亲爱的 我一直在努力祈祷 Said no more counting dollars 不再财迷心窍 ;We'll be counting stars 数钱不如数星星 Yeah, we'll be counting stars 没错 我们一起来数星星 I see this life 最近生活 ;Like a swinging vine 如一团乱麻 Swing my heart across the line 让我无所适从 ;In my faces flashing suns 脸上闪过各种迹象 Seek it out and ye shall find 遍寻之后 你会发现;Old, but I'm not that old 我成熟 但没那么老练 Young, but I'm not that bold 我年轻 却不那么鲁莽; And I don't think the world is sold 我不认为这个世界无药可救;I'm just doing what we're told;我只是循规蹈矩地为人处事 I, feel something so right 虽知何为中正 ;But doing the wrong thing 却又离经叛道 I, feel something so wrong 虽知何处污浊;But doing the right thing 却又随波逐流 I could lie, could lie, could lie 我无法自欺欺人 Everything that kills me makes me feel alive 所有的绝地 都使我逢生 Lately I been, I been losing sleep 最近我辗转反侧 Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 梦想着我们的愿景 Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但亲爱的 我一直在努力祈祷 Said no more counting dollars 别再财迷心窍 We'll be counting stars 我们一起数星星;Lately I been, I been losing sleep最近我夜不能寐 Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 梦想着我们的愿景 Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但亲爱的 我一直在努力祈祷 Said no more counting dollars 别再财迷心窍;We'll be, we'll be counting stars 我们一起数星星 I feel the love 我感觉爱;And I feel it burn 就在胸膛燃烧;Down this river every turn 如同潺潺流水 蜿蜒曲折 Hope is a four letter word“希望”不过是个低俗字眼(亵玩之意) Make that money 把它变为金钱;Watch it burn 看着它燃尽 Old, but I'm not that old 我成熟 但没那么老练;Young, but I'm not that bold 我年轻 却不那么鲁莽 And I don't think the world is sold 我不认为这个世界无药可救 I'm just doing what we're told 我只是循规蹈矩地为人处事 I, feel something so wrong 在随波逐流中;But doing the right thing 痛感乏善可陈 I couldn't lie, couldn't lie, couldn't lie 我无法自欺欺人 Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly 任何的打击 都让我重振旗鼓 Lately I been, I been losing sleep 最近我辗转反侧 Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 梦想着我们的愿景;Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但亲爱的 我一直在努力祈祷 Said no more counting dollars 别再财迷心窍;We'll be counting stars 我们一起数星星 Lately I been, I been losing sleep 最近我辗转反侧;Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 梦想着我们的愿景 Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但亲爱的 我一直在努力祈祷;Said no more counting dollars别再财迷心窍 We'll be, we'll be counting stars 我们一起数星星;Take that money 身外之物 And watch it burn 皆可抛;Sink in the river 将其沉河 The lessons I learned 已受教;Take that money 身外之物 ;And watch it burn 皆可抛 Sink in the river 将其沉河;The lessons I learned 已受教 Take that money 身外之物;And watch it burn 皆可抛 Sink in the river 将其沉河;The lessons I learned 已受教; Take that money 身外之物 And watch it burn 皆可抛;Sink in the river 将其沉河;The lessons I learned 已受教 Everything that kills me makes me feel alive;沉舟侧畔千帆过 病树前头万木春 Lately I been, I been losing sleep 最近我辗转反侧 Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 梦想着我们的愿景 Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但亲爱的 我一直在努力祈祷 Said no more counting dollars 别再财迷心窍 We'll be counting stars 我们一起数星星;Lately I been, I been losing sleep 最近我辗转反侧 Dreaming 'bout the things that we could be 梦想着我们的愿景;Baby I been, I been prayin' hard 但亲爱的 我一直在努力祈祷 Said no more counting dollars 别再财迷心窍;We'll be, we'll be counting stars 我们一起数星星 Take that money 身外之物;And watch it burn 皆可抛;Sink in the river 将其沉河 The lessons I learned 已受教;Take that money 身外之物;And watch it burn 皆可抛 Sink in the river 将其沉河 ;The lessons I learned 已受教 ;Take that money 身外之物 And watch it burn 皆可抛;Sink in the river 将其沉河 ;The lessons I learned 已受教 Take that money 身外之物;And watch it burn 皆可抛;Sink in the river 将其沉河 The lessons I learned 已受教 扩展资料《Counting Stars》是美国流行摇滚乐队共和时代演唱的一首歌曲,词曲由瑞恩·泰德个人谱写。歌曲收录在共和时代第三张录音室专辑《Native》,为该专辑的第三支单曲。 2014年4月10日,歌曲被提名为公告牌音乐奖最佳数字单曲。 这首歌是乐队主唱瑞恩·泰德、碧昂斯和Jay-Z在汉普顿的时候写的。在汉普顿的第二天瑞恩·泰德醒得很早,便开始在网上搜索,寻找那些能给他的创作带来灵感的东西。 最后他看到了一首叫《Counting Stars》的奇怪的歌,这首歌让瑞恩·泰德想起了他正在进行的歌曲创作,同时这首歌曲深深地震撼了他。瑞恩·泰德不喜欢这首歌的歌词与谱曲,但他喜欢它带来的的感觉,这鼓舞着瑞恩·泰德写出了新版的《Counting Stars》。 OneRepublic是来自于美国科罗拉多州的一支流行摇滚乐队。成员包括瑞恩·泰德、扎克·费尔肯斯、埃迪·费舍尔、Brent Kutzle、Drew Brown。 2002年,瑞恩·泰德、扎克·费尔肯斯等人组成乐队。2007年,发布首张专辑《Dreaming Out Loud》,主打单曲《Apologize》打破各国流行榜纪录,专辑销量突破白金 。

[create_time]2023-01-03 17:06:46[/create_time]2023-01-15 19:47:43[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]xyz0703[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.b750c3ca.AqnurArQY8WesDwt-8kryQ.jpg?time=3834&tieba_portrait_time=3834[avatar]每个回答都超有意思的[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]45[view_count]

counting stars什么意思?


Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be counting stars
  Yeah, we’ll be counting stars
  细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
  I see this life like a swinging vine
  Swing my heart across the line
  长驱直入 激活我的内心
  In my face is flashing signs
  在我脸上 划过迹象
  Seek it out and you shall find
  遍寻之后 你能发现
  Old, but I'm not that old
  我虽上年纪 但不致老态龙钟
  Young, but I'm not that bold
  虽还年轻 却未必鲁莽失礼
  And I don't think the world is sold
  I'm just doing what we're told
  I ,feel something so right Doing the wrong thing
  惯于离经叛道中 体味心安理得
  And I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing
  亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈
  I ,could lie, could Iie, could lie
  我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过
  Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
  但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生
  Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be counting stars
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
we’ll be,we’ll be counting stars
I feel the love and I feel it burn
  Down this river, every turn
  Hope is a four-letter word
  Make that money, watch it burn
  身外之物 皆可抛却
  Old, but I'm not that old
  我虽上年纪 但未必老态龙钟
  Young, but I'm not that bold
  虽还年轻 却不致鲁莽失礼
  I don't think the world is sold
  I'm just doing what we're told
  I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing
  亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈
  I could lie,could lie, could lie
  我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过
  Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly
  但置我于低谷者 定能助我以崛起
  Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be counting stars
  Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be we’ll be counting stars
  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
  Take that money, watch it burn
  身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
  泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
  泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
  身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
  泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
  身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
泛舟当歌 人生几何
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
  但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be counting stars
  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
  Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be we’ll be counting stars
  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣

[create_time]2023-01-03 23:25:25[/create_time]2023-01-17 04:08:21[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]13[view_count]

counting stars歌词及中文翻译

Counting Stars 数星星 Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep 最近我总是失眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 织著我们的梦想 But baby, I've been, I've been playing hard, 但是宝贝阿 我总是一直很努力 Sitting, no more counting dollars 坐著不再只数著钱 We'll be counting stars, yeah we'll be counting stars 我们来数星星 来数星星吧 I see this life like a swinging vine 我看人生就像摇摆的藤蔓 Swing my heart across the line 动汤我的内心跨过这道线 And my face is flashing signs 我的脸就像那闪烁符号 Seek it out and you shall find 搜寻 而你找到了 Oh, but I'm not that old 但我没那麼老 Young, but I'm not that bold 年轻 但我没那麼英勇无谓 I don't think the world is sold 我不认为这是个被出卖的世界 I'm just doing what we're told 我只是做上头告诉我们该做的事 I feel something so right (我)感受到某些事是如此地正确 Doing the wrong thing 做著坏事 I feel something so wrong (我)感觉某些事错得一踏涂地 Doing the right thing 做对的事 I could lie, could lie, could lie 我可以编造谎言 说谎 说谎 Everything that kills me makes me feel alive 任何伤害我的一切让我感到真正地活著 I feel the love and I feel it burn 我感觉到爱 它在燃烧 Down this river, every turn 就在这条河 就在河的每个转弯处 Hope is a four-letter word 希望是两个字 Make that money, watch it burn 把它变成金钱 看其燃烧殆尽 Oh, but I'm not that old 但我没那麼老 Young, but I'm not that bold 年轻 但我没那麼英勇无谓 I don't think the world is sold 我不认为这是个被出卖的世界 I'm just doing what we're told 我只是做上头告诉我们该做的事 I feel something so right (我)感受到某些事是如此地正确 Doing the wrong thing 做著坏事 I feel something so wrong (我)感觉某些事错得一踏涂地 Doing the right thing 做对的事 I could lie, could lie, could lie 我可以编造谎言 说谎 说谎 Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly 任何打击我的一切使我想要飞得更高 Take that money 拿著金钱 Watch it burn 看其燃烧 Sing in the river 在河中吟唱著 The lessons are learnt 学到的一课 扩展资料 《Counting Stars》是美国流行摇滚乐队共和时代演唱的一首歌曲,词曲由瑞恩·泰德个人谱写。歌曲收录在共和时代第三张录音室专辑《Native》,为该专辑的第三支单曲。 2014年4月10日,歌曲被提名为公告牌音乐奖最佳数字单曲。

[create_time]2023-01-01 09:43:25[/create_time]2023-01-16 06:18:56[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]zhenggl1952[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.f70ae21e.Vsh3JnUwtORGwc7lXTpUwQ.jpg?time=8585&tieba_portrait_time=8585[avatar]TA获得超过12.5万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1912[view_count]

counting stars歌词

Counting Stars 数星星 Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep 最近我总是失眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 织著我们的梦想 But baby, I've been, I've been playing hard, 但是宝贝阿 我总是一直很努力 Sitting, no more counting dollars 坐著不再只数著钱 We'll be counting stars, yeah we'll be counting stars 我们来数星星 来数星星吧 I see this life like a swinging vine 我看人生就像摇摆的藤蔓 Swing my heart across the line 动汤我的内心跨过这道线 And my face is flashing signs 我的脸就像那闪烁符号 Seek it out and you shall find 搜寻 而你找到了 Oh, but I'm not that old 但我没那麼老 Young, but I'm not that bold 年轻 但我没那麼英勇无谓 I don't think the world is sold 我不认为这是个被出卖的世界 I'm just doing what we're told 我只是做上头告诉我们该做的事 I feel something so right (我)感受到某些事是如此地正确 Doing the wrong thing 做著坏事 I feel something so wrong (我)感觉某些事错得一踏涂地 Doing the right thing 做对的事 I could lie, could lie, could lie 我可以编造谎言 说谎 说谎 Everything that kills me makes me feel alive 任何伤害我的一切让我感到真正地活著 I feel the love and I feel it burn 我感觉到爱 它在燃烧 Down this river, every turn 就在这条河 就在河的每个转弯处 Hope is a four-letter word 希望是两个字 Make that money, watch it burn 把它变成金钱 看其燃烧殆尽 Oh, but I'm not that old 但我没那麼老 Young, but I'm not that bold 年轻 但我没那麼英勇无谓 I don't think the world is sold 我不认为这是个被出卖的世界 I'm just doing what we're told 我只是做上头告诉我们该做的事 I feel something so right (我)感受到某些事是如此地正确 Doing the wrong thing 做著坏事 I feel something so wrong (我)感觉某些事错得一踏涂地 Doing the right thing 做对的事 I could lie, could lie, could lie 我可以编造谎言 说谎 说谎 Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly 任何打击我的一切使我想要飞得更高 Take that money 拿著金钱 Watch it burn 看其燃烧 Sing in the river 在河中吟唱著 The lessons are learnt 学到的一课 扩展资料 《Counting Stars》是美国流行摇滚乐队共和时代演唱的一首歌曲,词曲由瑞恩·泰德个人谱写。歌曲收录在共和时代第三张录音室专辑《Native》,为该专辑的第三支单曲。 2014年4月10日,歌曲被提名为公告牌音乐奖最佳数字单曲。

[create_time]2023-01-04 23:08:09[/create_time]2023-01-19 08:54:17[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]zhenggl1952[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.f70ae21e.Vsh3JnUwtORGwc7lXTpUwQ.jpg?time=8585&tieba_portrait_time=8585[avatar]TA获得超过12.5万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1982[view_count]

求高品质版的counting stars

高品质版的counting stars的意思是: 1、counting stars是一首英文歌; 2、高品质的意思就是音乐质量高一点,听起来更舒服,音乐质感更好。 CountingStars基本信息: 《Counting Stars》是美国流行摇滚乐队共和时代演唱的一首歌曲,词曲由瑞恩·泰德个人谱写 。歌曲收录在其第三张录音室专辑《Native》,为该专辑的第三支单曲 。 歌曲在英国与加拿大的单曲排行榜上取得了冠军的成绩 。而在美国,歌曲在公告牌单曲排行榜上的最高排名为第二位,与其2007年发行单曲《Apologize》的位置持平 。

[create_time]2018-03-31 04:31:23[/create_time]2014-10-28 12:38:05[finished_time]3[reply_count]4[alue_good]AngleBlack歌[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.524ad23d.Ur6zUI_YzuNOh2ZmjOPnYg.jpg?time=6046&tieba_portrait_time=6046[avatar]每个回答都超有意思的[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]18612[view_count]

counting star中文版

Counting Stars 数星星

Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep
最近阿 我总是失眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I've been, I've been playing hard,
但是宝贝阿 我总是一直很努力
Sitting, no more counting dollars
We'll be counting stars, yeah we'll be counting stars
我们来数星星 来数星星吧
I see this life like a swinging vine
Swing my heart across the line
And my face is flashing signs
Seek it out and you shall find
搜寻 而你找到了
Oh, but I'm not that old
Young, but I'm not that bold
年轻 但我没那麼英勇无谓
I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
I feel something so right
Doing the wrong thing
I feel something so wrong
Doing the right thing
I could lie, could lie, could lie
我可以编造谎言 说谎 说谎
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

I feel the love and I feel it burn
我感觉到爱 它在燃烧
Down this river, every turn
就在这条河 就在河的每个转弯处
Hope is a four-letter word
Make that money, watch it burn
把它变成金钱 看其燃烧殆尽
Oh, but I'm not that old
Young, but I'm not that bold
年轻 但我没那麼英勇无谓
I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
I feel something so right
Doing the wrong thing
I feel something so wrong
Doing the right thing
I could lie, could lie, could lie
我可以编造谎言 说谎 说谎
Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly

Take that money
Watch it burn
Sing in the river
The lessons are learnt

[create_time]2014-05-19 13:29:19[/create_time]2014-06-03 02:27:53[finished_time]1[reply_count]2[alue_good]风动一束花影[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.fe502498.GcUTFeE704Bffvj7frTrRg.jpg?time=3994&tieba_portrait_time=3994[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]528[view_count]

谁告诉我Counting stars怎了

OneRepublic《Counting Stars 》中英文歌词:

歌名:Counting Stars

Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars
Yeah, we’ll be counting stars
细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
I see this life like a swinging vine
Swing my heart across the line
长驱直入 激活我的内心
In my face is flashing signs
在我脸上 划过迹象
Seek it out and you shall find
遍寻之后 你能发现
Old, but I'm not that old
我虽上年纪 但不致老态龙钟
Young, but I'm not that bold
虽还年轻 却未必鲁莽失礼
And I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
I, feel something so right Doing the wrong thing
惯于离经叛道中 体味心安理得
And I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing
亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈
I, could lie, could Iie, could lie
我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
we’ll be,we’ll be counting stars
I feel the love and I feel it burn
Down this river, every turn
Hope is a four-letter word
Make that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Old, but I'm not that old
我虽上年纪 但未必老态龙钟
Young, but I'm not that bold
虽还年轻 却不致鲁莽失礼
I don't think the world is sold
I'm just doing what we're told
I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing
亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈
I could lie,could lie, could lie
我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过
Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly
但置我于低谷者 定能助我以崛起
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be we’ll be counting stars
我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣

Take that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
泛舟当歌 人生几何
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生

Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars
我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
Dreaming about the things that we could be
对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
Said, no more counting dollars
We’ll be we’ll be counting stars
我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣

[create_time]2016-01-16 13:57:22[/create_time]2015-08-26 17:53:55[finished_time]1[reply_count]2[alue_good]驹毅Pa[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.87a98f98.6m2jAFRjNgjyDaoH_shuVA.jpg?time=2859&tieba_portrait_time=2859[avatar]TA获得超过4.5万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]114[view_count]

count stars歌曲歌词是什么啊?


Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be counting stars
  Yeah, we’ll be counting stars
  细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
  I see this life like a swinging vine
  Swing my heart across the line
  长驱直入 激活我的内心
  In my face is flashing signs
  在我脸上 划过迹象
  Seek it out and you shall find
  遍寻之后 你能发现
  Old, but I'm not that old
  我虽上年纪 但不致老态龙钟
  Young, but I'm not that bold
  虽还年轻 却未必鲁莽失礼
  And I don't think the world is sold
  I'm just doing what we're told
  I ,feel something so right Doing the wrong thing
  惯于离经叛道中 体味心安理得
  And I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing
  亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈
  I ,could lie, could Iie, could lie
  我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过
  Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
  但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生
  Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be counting stars
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
we’ll be,we’ll be counting stars
I feel the love and I feel it burn
  Down this river, every turn
  Hope is a four-letter word
  Make that money, watch it burn
  身外之物 皆可抛却
  Old, but I'm not that old
  我虽上年纪 但未必老态龙钟
  Young, but I'm not that bold
  虽还年轻 却不致鲁莽失礼
  I don't think the world is sold
  I'm just doing what we're told
  I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing
  亦于按部就班中 痛感乏善可陈
  I could lie,could lie, could lie
  我欺骗过 伪装过 失真过
  Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly
  但置我于低谷者 定能助我以崛起
  Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be counting stars
  Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be we’ll be counting stars
  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
  Take that money, watch it burn
  身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
  泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
  泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
  身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
  泛舟当歌 人生几何
Take that money, watch it burn
  身外之物 皆可抛却
Sing in the river The lessons are learnt
泛舟当歌 人生几何
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive
  但置我于死地者 必将赐我以后生
Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be counting stars
  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣
  Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
  最近我总是辗转反侧 难以入眠
  Dreaming about the things that we could be
  对我们曾有过的愿景 浮想联翩
  But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard,
  但亲爱的 我早已在内心深处祈祷着
  Said, no more counting dollars
  we’ll be we’ll be counting stars
  我们可以细数满天繁星 品味生活乐趣

[create_time]2023-01-03 12:34:05[/create_time]2023-01-17 15:07:46[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]匿名用户[uname]https://iknow-base.cdn.bcebos.com/yt/bdsp/icon/anonymous.png?x-bce-process=image/quality,q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]705[view_count]

