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[create_time]2020-04-01 15:28:23[/create_time]2011-07-21 23:20:10[finished_time]9[reply_count]82[alue_good]莫问276[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.a80399e7.xO65nlymoGdJqAJ8UZZMEg.jpg?time=4379&tieba_portrait_time=4379[avatar]TA获得超过297个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]245965[view_count]


取名字和起名字有区别,但是区别不大,名运堂堂主兰名钧认为,起名,比较随意;取名,比较严谨些。 注:姓名独立能量体,名主也是独立的载体;姓名是每个一生中最佳伴侣,定名必须要是定位自己立场、方向、目标,更重要是能被自己驾驭,这样它才能够瑞祥名主奋进往前;好名匹配名主才是真正好名,适合才是人生最大的挖掘不尽的宝藏。好名要是不匹配自己;会给命主带来的烦恼、压力,部分是难以承受的无形紧箍咒!本堂认为不适合的,就是人生最大的包袱。 名字看似二三字,它深藏的文化底蕴深厚。看看姓氏文化上几千年,文字意境上几万年,名格风范形象,意识形态灵动、品相价值归属等都是非常严谨的系统,所有单一的起名法则都隐藏巨大的人生风险。姓名,它贯穿整个人生的各个阶段历程,你要是取错了名字,错名一定会影响到孩子将来的一生!后悔都不及,不可不察!! 起名:起,人生之起点,万事万物之起始;名,人之名,事物之称号;起名就是运用传统与现代姓名学原则,给人或事物确定上社会性、概念性符号,以区别一事物与另一事物。 命名:命,人生之命理,万事万物之命运;名,人之名,事物之称号;命名就是运用传统与现代姓名学原则,给人或事物命定为社会性、概念性符号,定立场方向、目标价值观。 改名:改,人生之改变,万事万物之改变;名,人之名,事物之称号;改名就是运用传统与现代姓名学原则,给人或事物重新定社会性、概念性符号,核定立场方向、目标价值。 正名:正,人生之辅正,万事万物之正位;名,人之名,事物之称号,正名就是运用传统与现代姓名学原则,给人或事物精准定社会性、概念性符号,正位立场方向、目标价值。

[create_time]2018-05-09 10:32:38[/create_time]2015-01-20 12:54:47[finished_time]12[reply_count]32[alue_good]名运堂取名love[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.e4f7b1c3.MXiqx1B9gS34gTz8ThCSNA.jpg?time=4983&tieba_portrait_time=4983[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]48103[view_count]

XBOX360和PS3 哪个好









[create_time]2014-03-24 19:05:58[/create_time]2014-03-24 19:15:48[finished_time]3[reply_count]79[alue_good]frostweek[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.51f05b8a.ynywtVSyCBkW2lRaGN6yxw.jpg?time=3188&tieba_portrait_time=3188[avatar]TA获得超过2.3万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]11432[view_count]


xbox360,破解技术成熟、成本低(光驱单破50元,自制系统200元)、所有新游戏都可以在第一时间玩到。光驱单破LT3.0还可以上LIVE联机,被ban的几率如同中彩票。 PS3,破解尚未成熟,3k、4k的新机只能E3硬破,成本高(E3芯片+手工费+移动硬盘大约要1000元以上)。想玩新游戏的话必须升级系统,一旦升级系统可能导致无法进入游戏,需要相应更新E3破解固件(如果E3官网能够及时更新的话)。总之又贵又麻烦。 【价格】 xbox360,目前主流的xbox360E型港版双破500G破解套餐大约2000元左右(体感要加600元)。 PS3,目前主流的PS3 4K型E3硬破500G+500G移动硬盘大约2600元左右。 【两个主机的详细比较】 直接复制自己以前的了: 1,游戏:两者的独占大作都很经典,但PS3的独占数量要多得多。是否有你心仪的独占游戏是做出判断最重要的参考。甚至可以为此忽视下面几点。 2,价格:360比PS3便宜,破解的成本也更低。 3,破解:360比PS3的更成熟。目前PS3最新的4000型只能E3硬破,还需要外置硬盘。 4,手柄:360的优势明显,尤其是玩动作射击类游戏。 5,体感:360的优势明显,但是需要房间空间较大。 6,画质:两者都支持1080p,但是绝大部分游戏都是720p的。应该算各有所长吧,PS3的独占比较赞,360的跨平台更稳定。 7,网络:360的速度快,但是需要收费;PS3的速度慢但免费。 至于一般人动辄提到“PS3偏日式,xbox360偏欧美”这类套话,我觉得缺乏根据,或者说对于购机者来说缺少实际的参考价值。PS3上耳熟能详的很多招牌大作都是欧美风格的,包括战神、神秘海域、美国末日、杀戮地带、合金装备、暴雨、声名狼藉等等。而最终幻想这些日式RPG在xbox360上也有,更别说xbox360上还有蓝龙、失落的奥德赛这些日式独占呢。 还有人提到PS3上的动漫类游戏多,其实优势并不明显。火影确实不错,但是xbox360上也有。至于海贼无双和圣斗士等作,在PS3上实在算不上什么顶级大作,评价也一般,不值得作为选机的参考。除此之外也没什么动漫相关的游戏了。高达VS勉强算是,不过单机的内容太薄弱了,不联机的话几乎没什么可玩的。 很多人提到xbox360就是枪车球,其实都是选择性的无视了很多大作,包括忍者龙剑传2、神鬼寓言2、心灵杀手等。尤其是忍龙2更是顶级的核心动作神作,相比之下PS3上大红大紫的战神系列只能算是带点动作元素的冒险类游戏。另外,猎天使魔女也是xbox360的版本更好,xbox360跨平台的优势也是公认的。 PS3的独占游戏数量没得说,但显然不像有的人说那样的“质量胜过微软几条街”,PS3上哪个ACT敢说胜过忍龙2?哪个TPS敢说胜过战争机器?哪个FPS敢说胜过光环4?哪个RPG敢说胜过神鬼寓言2?我自己入PS3是为了玩美国末日,但也没觉得TLOU就能把心灵杀手秒出几条街。顺带玩了下战神、神海,感觉催眠效果倒还不错。倒是从PSV移植过来的龙之皇冠让我意外得惊喜,刷宝和联机玩得的不亦乐乎。很多被吹得神乎其神的大作,其实未必就适合自己,玩游戏,归根结底适合自己的才是最好的。

[create_time]2015-08-28 15:53:01[/create_time]2015-09-12 15:51:33[finished_time]8[reply_count]19[alue_good]帐号已注销[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.1078670b.0rhPo5XSJaOnueGl7-tH7Q.jpg?time=4931&tieba_portrait_time=4931[avatar]TA获得超过506个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3801[view_count]

索尼克x中的艾米跟夏特是什么关系? 她跟索尼克又是什么关系??



[create_time]2018-03-28 16:47:55[/create_time]2008-11-30 14:43:09[finished_time]7[reply_count]28[alue_good]shapegyq[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.3b01b1a2.QoeCmec7R7tADBxViFF07A.jpg?time=1624&tieba_portrait_time=1624[avatar]TA获得超过1.4万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6262[view_count]


歌曲名:索尼克X主题曲-Sonic Drive
歌手: 东京小子
S, O, N, I, C, GO! S, O, N, I, C, GO!

こわして タントツゴール

走りつづけてないと 他に意味はないと

バイオリズムは 2X(ツーバイ)リズムで
风景は 瞬间に 无数の线

Inside Outside 攻めて
いっさいがっさい 抜いて
谁ひとりも 何ひとつも
前を 行かせたくはない

Inside Outside GO! SONIC!!
いっさいがっさい Yes! SONIC!!
アブナイヨとHave A Niceは似てる
そう どちらも纸一重なのさ
タイクツ脱ぎ舍てて 今すぐかけだせ

きざめ胸のリズム それが俺のイズム

眠るときは止まる けれど梦で走る
年中 无休のRunaway

今したいこと 明日できること
区别しない 感じたら ビートに乗れ

Takin' Take it 攻めて
彻底的に 抜いて
后ろなんて 见たくはない
ゴールだけ目指して 今だ

Takin' Take it GO! SONIC
彻底的に Yes! SONIC!!
握手しようと Action Showは似てる
そう どちらも友情のために
キュークツけとばして 心に従え

Inside Outside 攻めて
いっさいがっさい 抜いて
谁ひとりも 何ひとつも
前を 行かせたくはない

Inside Outside GO! SONIC!!
いっさいがっさい Yes! SONIC!!
アブナイヨとHave A Niceは似てる
そう どちらも纸一重なのさ
タイクツ脱ぎ舍てて 今すぐかけだせ

S, O, N, I, C, GO! S, O, N, I, C, GO!


[create_time]2016-05-12 18:56:52[/create_time]2012-08-21 20:43:19[finished_time]3[reply_count]4[alue_good]杨佩玖[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.23edc0aa.Ppnszp8iYEjfk8ch2-UFBg.jpg?time=5145&tieba_portrait_time=5145[avatar]繁杂信息太多,你要学会辨别[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2369[view_count]


多尔衮执政的时候,索尼和鳌拜每天什么都不敢做,因为他们生怕自己受到多尔衮的报复。 由于皇太极去世的比较突然,没有立下皇太子的人选,所以多尔衮开始和其他的皇子竞争皇位。而最后的结果大家也都知道了,虽然多尔衮没有成功当上皇帝,但是他却以摄政王的身份开始把持朝政。至于皇太极的长子豪格,由于他在朝中的势力不如多尔衮深厚,所以他在竞争皇位失败以后就不断的受到多尔衮的打压。而那些支持豪格的大臣们,比如说索尼和鳌拜,他们也受到了多尔衮的打压,过得非常憋屈。 有一次,鳌拜跟着英亲王一起出去打仗,虽然两个人都立下了战功,可是由于鳌拜对自己手下的人约束不力,导致多尔衮找到了鳌拜的把柄,他借这个机会对鳌拜进行了严厉的处罚。自从这次事件以后,鳌拜变得小心翼翼,不敢轻易去领兵打仗,如果朝廷上有一些战事的话,他也从来不敢向多尔衮举荐自己,生怕多尔衮又找到把柄开始打压自己。 至于索尼的话就比较圆滑了,他虽然是一个文臣,但是他在朝廷中的分量还是相当重的。多尔衮因为索尼在皇位争斗中站到了豪格那一边,所以一直对索尼怀恨在心。他找了一个由头就下旨抄了索尼的家,并且让索尼去守皇陵。索尼见识到多尔衮的厉害以后非常害怕,所以从那以后就开始忠心耿耿的辅佐小皇帝顺治。这使得多尔衮对他的态度有了一些改变,后来多尔衮不仅将他升了官,而且还赏赐了他很多物品。我们从多尔衮的种种做法也可以看出来,他这个人是一个睚呲必报的小人,并没有太大的肚量。而顺治皇帝也正是由于多尔衮活着的时候受了他很多委屈,所以才会在多尔衮去世以后对他的尸体进行羞辱。

[create_time]2022-04-02 16:08:15[/create_time]2022-04-15 18:07:45[finished_time]4[reply_count]0[alue_good]瑟瑟十七公主[uname]https://gips0.baidu.com/it/u=1119785413,2163427441&fm=3012&app=3012&autime=1692599683&size=b200,200[avatar]把复杂的事情简单说给你听[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]30[view_count]


1644年清军入关。鳌拜率军定燕京,征湖广,驰骋疆场,冲锋陷阵,为清王朝统一中国立下汗马功劳。这年10月,他率军取道陕北,进攻西安的李自成军。第二年5月李自成在被追击途中遇害。1646年鳌拜又随肃亲王谊格出征四川张献忠大西军,在南充偷袭大西军军营,“大破之,斩献忠于阵”。鳌拜又以首功被顺治皇帝超升为二等公,授议政大臣、领侍卫内在(皇帝禁卫军司令)。自此,鳌拜参议清廷大政,随侍帝侧,权势日增,处于清廷核心地位。1661年顺治帝死,皇三子玄烨刚8岁,即帝位,是为康熙。国家政务由索尼(正黄旗)、遏必隆(镶黄旗)、苏克萨哈(正白旗)、鳌拜(镶黄旗)四个大辅政大臣掌管。鳌拜虽位居四大臣之末,但因索尼年老我病,遏必隆生性庸懦,苏克萨哈因隶属正白旗,是多尔衮旧,为索尼所恶,因而鳌拜得以擅权。他结党营私,日益骄横,竟发展到不顾康熙的意旨,先后杀死户部尚书苏纳海、直隶总督朱昌祚、巡抚王登临与辅政大臣苏克萨哈等政敌,引起朝野惊恐,康熙震怒。最后康熙终设计将鳌拜擒获,廷议当斩,康熙念鳌拜历事三朝,效力有年,不忍加诛,仅命革职,籍没拘禁。不久鳌拜死于禁所。在中国封建专制社会历史上,权臣与皇帝的斗争史不绝书。这是当时制度的必然产物。康熙与鳌拜的政争只是其中一例罢了 。

[create_time]2018-09-19 15:57:05[/create_time]2018-10-03 16:23:52[finished_time]1[reply_count]49[alue_good]大湾小婉[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.dc990377.UhJ51-0XmhJ9U1btopWNWA.jpg?time=7308&tieba_portrait_time=7308[avatar]TA获得超过8822个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]12913[view_count]


  莱温斯基ted演讲稿陈述了网络语言欺凌受害者的苦楚,这里从莱温斯基22岁的时候担任白宫实习生开始,因为她爱上了她的老板,也就是克林顿总统,然之莱温斯基被贴上了丑恶的标签,这次站在TED演讲上表达了她的想法,以下是整理的莱温斯基ted演讲稿,提供中英文两种版本。    莱温斯基ted演讲稿   站在你们面前的这个女性曾在公众面前沉默了十年。显然,现在不一样了,不过这只是最近的事。几个月前在福布斯”30位30岁以下创业者”峰会上,我首次公开发表演讲,峰会上有1500位杰出人士,全部不到30岁。这就意味着在1998年,其中最年长的人也只有14岁,最年轻的则只有4岁。我同他们开玩笑,有些人似乎只是从说唱音乐中听过我的名字。没错,说唱音乐唱过我,几乎有40首这样的说唱音乐。

[create_time]2022-12-26 11:53:51[/create_time]2023-01-07 12:31:48[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]门州忠Z[uname]https://himg.bdimg.com/sys/portrait/item/wise.1.2876e558.aaOX-faZp0DVY2__uti47w.jpg?time=7214&tieba_portrait_time=7214[avatar]TA获得超过568个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6[view_count]


The price of shame

0:11 You're looking at a woman who was publicly silent for a decade. Obviously, that's changed, but only recently.
0:22 It was several months ago that I gave my very first major public talk at the Forbes 30 Under 30 summit: 1,500 brilliant people, all under the age of 30. That meant that in 1998, the oldest among the group were only 14, and the youngest, just four. I joked with them that some might only have heard of me from rap songs. Yes, I'm in rap songs. Almost 40 rap songs. (Laughter) 0:57 But the night of my speech, a surprising thing happened. At the age of 41, I was hit on by a 27-year-old guy. I know, right? He was charming and I was flattered, and I declined. You know what his unsuccessful pickup line was? He could make me feel 22 again. (Laughter) (Applause) I realized later that night, I'm probably the only person over 40 who does not want to be 22 again. (Laughter) (Applause) 1:46 At the age of 22, I fell in love with my boss, and at the age of 24, I learned the devastating consequences. 1:58 Can I see a show of hands of anyone here who didn't make a mistake or do something they regretted at 22? Yep. That's what I thought. So like me, at 22, a few of you may have also taken wrong turns and fallen in love with the wrong person, maybe even your boss. Unlike me, though, your boss probably wasn't the president of the United States of America. Of course, life is full of surprises. 2:35 Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded of my mistake, and I regret that mistake deeply. 2:44 In 1998, after having been swept up into an improbable romance, I was then swept up into the eye of a political, legal and media maelstrom like we had never seen before. Remember, just a few years earlier, news was consumed from just three places: reading a newspaper or magazine, listening to the radio, or watching television. That was it. But that wasn't my fate. Instead, this scandal was brought to you by the digital revolution. That meant we could access all the information we wanted, when we wanted it, anytime, anywhere, and when the story broke in January 1998, it broke online. It was the first time the traditional news was usurped by the Internet for a major news story, a click that reverberated around the world. 3:51 What that meant for me personally was that overnight I went from being a completely private figure to a publicly humiliated one worldwide. I was patient zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously. 4:14 This rush to judgment, enabled by technology, led to mobs of virtual stone-throwers. Granted, it was before social media, but people could still comment online, email stories, and, of course, email cruel jokes. News sources plastered photos of me all over to sell newspapers, banner ads online, and to keep people tuned to the TV. Do you recall a particular image of me, say, wearing a beret? 4:52 Now, I admit I made mistakes, especially wearing that beret. But the attention and judgment that I received, not the story, but that I personally received, was unprecedented. I was branded as a tramp, tart, slut, whore, bimbo, and, of course, that woman. I was seen by many but actually known by few. And I get it: it was easy to forget that that woman was dimensional, had a soul, and was once unbroken. 5:40 When this happened to me 17 years ago, there was no name for it. Now we call it cyberbullying and online harassment. Today, I want to share some of my experience with you, talk about how that experience has helped shape my cultural observations, and how I hope my past experience can lead to a change that results in less suffering for others. 6:09 In 1998, I lost my reputation and my dignity. I lost almost everything, and I almost lost my life. 6:23 Let me paint a picture for you. It is September of 1998. I'm sitting in a windowless office room inside the Office of the Independent Counsel underneath humming fluorescent lights. I'm listening to the sound of my voice, my voice on surreptitiously taped phone calls that a supposed friend had made the year before. I'm here because I've been legally required to personally authenticate all 20 hours of taped conversation. For the past eight months, the mysterious content of these tapes has hung like the Sword of Damocles over my head. I mean, who can remember what they said a year ago? Scared and mortified, I listen, listen as I prattle on about the flotsam and jetsam of the day; listen as I confess my love for the president, and, of course, my heartbreak; listen to my sometimes catty, sometimes churlish, sometimes silly self being cruel, unforgiving, uncouth; listen, deeply, deeply ashamed, to the worst version of myself, a self I don't even recognize. 7:55 A few days later, the Starr Report is released to Congress, and all of those tapes and transcripts, those stolen words, form a part of it. That people can read the transcripts is horrific enough, but a few weeks later, the audio tapes are aired on TV, and significant portions made available online. The public humiliation was excruciating. Life was almost unbearable. 8:31 This was not something that happened with regularity back then in 1998, and by this, I mean the stealing of people's private words, actions, conversations or photos, and then making them public -- public without consent, public without context, and public without compassion. 8:57 Fast forward 12 years to 2010, and now social media has been born. The landscape has sadly become much more populated with instances like mine, whether or not someone actually make a mistake, and now it's for both public and private people. The consequences for some have become dire, very dire. 9:24 I was on the phone with my mom in September of 2010, and we were talking about the news of a young college freshman from Rutgers University named Tyler Clementi. Sweet, sensitive, creative Tyler was secretly webcammed by his roommate while being intimate with another man. When the online world learned of this incident, the ridicule and cyberbullying ignited. A few days later, Tyler jumped from the George Washington Bridge to his death. He was 18. 10:06 My mom was beside herself about what happened to Tyler and his family, and she was gutted with pain in a way that I just couldn't quite understand, and then eventually I realized she was reliving 1998, reliving a time when she sat by my bed every night, reliving a time when she made me shower with the bathroom door open, and reliving a time when both of my parents feared that I would be humiliated to death, literally. 10:47 Today, too many parents haven't had the chance to step in and rescue their loved ones. Too many have learned of their child's suffering and humiliation after it was too late. Tyler's tragic, senseless death was a turning point for me. It served to recontextualize my experiences, and I then began to look at the world of humiliation and bullying around me and see something different. In 1998, we had no way of knowing where this brave new technology called the Internet would take us. Since then, it has connected people in unimaginable ways, joining lost siblings, saving lives, launching revolutions, but the darkness, cyberbullying, and slut-shaming that I experienced had mushroomed. Every day online, people, especially young people who are not developmentally equipped to handle this, are so abused and humiliated that they can't imagine living to the next day, and some, tragically, don't, and there's nothing virtual about that. ChildLine, a U.K. nonprofit that's focused on helping young people on various issues, released a staggering statistic late last year: From 2012 to 2013, there was an 87 percent increase in calls and emails related to cyberbullying. A meta-analysis done out of the Netherlands showed that for the first time, cyberbullying was leading to suicidal ideations more significantly than offline bullying. And you know what shocked me, although it shouldn't have, was other research last year that determined humiliation was a more intensely felt emotion than either happiness or even anger. 12:55 Cruelty to others is nothing new, but online, technologically enhanced shaming is amplified, uncontained, and permanently accessible. The echo of embarrassment used to extend only as far as your family, village, school or community, but now it's the online community too. Millions of people, often anonymously, can stab you with their words, and that's a lot of pain, and there are no perimeters around how many people can publicly observe you and put you in a public stockade. There is a very personal price to public humiliation, and the growth of the Internet has jacked up that price.

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