gnarls barkley

时间:2024-07-20 04:49:21编辑:小早

crazy-gnarls barkley 中文歌词

remember when,I remember,I remember when I lost my mind。
-lost my mind 失去理智,发疯

There was something so pleasant about that phase.

Even your emotions had an echo In so much space

And when you're out there Without care,

Yeah, I was out of touch。But it wasn't because I didn't know enough。I just knew too much
-歌手没有任何提示就出现这句挺难理解的。其实这想说明歌手和恋人之间曾经出现过了一些矛盾和不和的因素。out of touch 脱离实际。歌手可能是想说他对爱情太理想化了,认为一切都会尽善尽美的完成。但实际呢?恋人并没这么想。歌手解释道,这都是因为我太投入了,但千万别说我是根本不在乎你。

Does that make me crazy Does that make me crazy Does that make me crazy Probably

And I hope that you are having the time of your life 。But think twice, that's my only advice。

Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are, Ha ha ha bless your soul 。You really think you're in control

Well, I think you're crazy I think you're crazy I think you're crazy Just like me

My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb。
-out on a limb 孤立无援。歌手由此想到了曾经激励过自己的偶像们。决心不这样沉沦下去

And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them
Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come 。And I can die when I'm done

Maybe I'm crazy Maybe you're crazy Maybe we're crazy 。Probably。

[create_time]2016-02-09 15:32:26[/create_time]2013-08-07 14:10:48[finished_time]2[reply_count]33[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5003[view_count]

Gnarls Barkley 《crazy》中文歌词

remember when,I remember,I remember when I lost my mind。 我永远都记得当我发疯了的那天 -lost my mind 失去理智,发疯 There was something so pleasant about that phase. 你我曾经有一段美好愉快的时光 -指歌手与他的恋人 Even your emotions had an echo In so much space 即使我们隔得再远,我都能听到你的回声 -说明歌手深陷在爱情之中,对恋人朝思暮想 And when you're out there Without care, 当你满不在意的离开我的世界 -恋人和歌手分别的时刻到来了 Yeah, I was out of touch。But it wasn't because I didn't know enough。I just knew too much 是的,我曾经脱离现实。但那不是因为我了解的不够多,而是我知道的太多了。 -歌手没有任何提示就出现这句挺难理解的。其实这想说明歌手和恋人之间曾经出现过了一些矛盾和不和的因素。out of touch 脱离实际。歌手可能是想说他对爱情太理想化了,认为一切都会尽善尽美的完成。但实际呢?恋人并没这么想。歌手解释道,这都是因为我太投入了,但千万别说我是根本不在乎你。 Does that make me crazy Does that make me crazy Does that make me crazy Probably 是我们的分手(或是你的离别)让我疯狂了吗?我想是的。 -这个不用解释~ And I hope that you are having the time of your life 。But think twice, that's my only advice。 我祝福你享受你自己的生活,但再想想吧(想想你真的决定这么做吗?真的要离开我吗?)我只是想善意的提醒你一下。 -歌手现在很矛盾。既然分了,就大方接受吧,但心里还是不舍,但更多的是担心。看下句~ Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are, Ha ha ha bless your soul 。You really think you're in control 算了吧,你以为你很了不起啊??!哎,我还是保佑你吧!算了吧,你还真以为你以后会过的很好吗??! -充分表达了歌手对恋人未来的担心。甚至语气都变的有些讥讽恋人不理智的行为了。 Well, I think you're crazy I think you're crazy I think you're crazy Just like me 啊,我想你也疯了!和我一样都疯了! -不用解释吧~ My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb。 我的偶像们都经历过孤立无援的境地,他们都发誓会因此独树一帜的振作起来。 -out on a limb 孤立无援。歌手由此想到了曾经激励过自己的偶像们。决心不这样沉沦下去 And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun And it's no coincidence I've come 。And I can die when I'm done 我会好好想想的,我渴望成为象他们一样的人。这是自从我很小的时候的梦想,尽管这样听上去很好笑,但这绝不是什么巧合,我会乐此不疲,死也无憾。 -歌手立志要象偶像们学习下了!怎么能因为一场失败告终的恋情就萎靡不振呢?! Maybe I'm crazy Maybe you're crazy Maybe we're crazy 。Probably。 也许是我疯了,也许是你疯了,也许是我们都疯了! -歌名叫CRAZY也在于此。描写了一个失去恋人的男人,由悲伤到醒悟一系列心情写照。其实,是这个世界都疯了!

[create_time]2013-04-27 22:17:14[/create_time]2013-05-12 20:21:06[finished_time]1[reply_count]20[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4004[view_count]


Girl crazy〖为女孩子疯狂〗
Feels like I\'m losing my mind〖感觉我不能自制〗
Caught up, trying to count〖快赶上 尝试着计算〗
All these girls in my life〖我的生命中有多少女孩子陪伴〗
So hard for me to resist〖我是多么难抗拒她们〗
When they walk by, they give me the eye〖当她们走过 她们向我眉目传情〗
I fall in love every time〖我每次都坠入爱河〗

And It\'s so deceiving〖多么带有欺骗性〗
How people perceive me〖原来人们这样认知我〗
But I\'m in search of the perfect one〖但是其实我在寻找完美的女孩子〗

Yeah, Fell in love with a girl on Sunday〖星期天迷上一个女孩子〗
Fell in love with another on Monday〖星期一喜欢上另一个〗
Who knows what will happen today〖天知道今天会发生什么〗
I\'m goin\' girl crazy〖我为女孩子而疯狂〗

Wine and dine all these honeys〖与这些美女们进餐喝酒〗
Hangin\' out, blowin all my money〖筋疲力尽 花光我所有的钱〗
Even though it\'s kinda funny〖即使这样挺有趣的〗
I\'m still girl crazy〖我仍旧为女孩子疯狂〗

It seems like time after time〖似乎每次〗
I\'m living up〖我都十分快活地过日子〗
spreading my love to all the girls I can find〖对着女孩子们传递爱意〗
I know it\'s not the way I should be〖我明白我不应该这样做〗
What can I do? I\'m just a fool〖那我能做什么呢? 我只是一个傻瓜〗
And I\'m livin\' life free〖我过着自由的生活〗

And It\'s so deceiving〖多么带有欺骗性〗
How people perceive me〖原来人们如此认知我〗
But I\'m in search of the perfect one〖但是其实我在寻找完美的女孩子〗

And It\'s so deceiving〖多么带有欺骗性〗
How people perceive me〖原来人们如此认知我〗
But I\'m still searching for the only one〖但是我仍然在寻找那唯一的女孩子〗

Yeah, Fell in love with a girl on Sunday〖星期天迷上一个女孩子〗
Fell in love with another on Monday〖星期一喜欢上另一个〗
Who knows what will happen today〖天知道今天会发生什么〗
I\'m goin\' girl crazy〖我为女孩子而疯狂〗

Wine and dine all these honeys〖与这些美女们进餐喝酒〗
Hangin\' out, blowin all my money〖筋疲力尽 花光我所有的钱〗
Even though it\'s kinda funny〖即使这样挺有趣的〗
I\'m still girl crazy〖我仍旧为女孩子疯狂〗

Some call this make believe〖一些人说三人成虎〗
I call it reality〖我说这是现实〗
It\'s true, yes, what they see〖他们看见的都是真的〗
But every time I hold someone〖但是每次我抱着一个女孩子的时候〗
That\'s when I want another woman〖就是我想着另一个女孩子的时候〗
Can\'t stop, I like it anyway〖无法停止 不管怎么说我挺喜欢这样的〗
A different girl, a different day〖不同的女孩子 全新的每一天〗
It\'s just me, what can I say〖这就是我 对于我的花心我能说什么呢〗
But every time I find someone〖但每次我得到一个女孩子的时候〗
That\'s when I want another one〖就是我想得到另一个女孩子的时候〗
I\'m going girl crazy〖我为女孩子而疯狂〗

Fell in love with a girl on Sunday〖星期天迷上一个女孩子〗
Fell in love with another on Monday〖星期一喜欢上另一个〗
Who knows what will happen today〖天知道今天会发生什么〗
I\'m goin\' girl crazy〖我为女孩子而疯狂〗

Wine and dine all these honeys〖与这些美女们进餐喝酒〗
Hangin\' out, blowin all my money〖筋疲力尽 花光我所有的钱〗
Even though it\'s kinda funny〖即使这样挺有趣的〗
I\'m still girl crazy〖我仍旧为女孩子疯狂〗

Fell in love with a girl on Sunday〖星期天迷上一个女孩子〗
Fell in love with another on Monday〖星期一喜欢上另一个〗
Who knows what will happen today〖天知道今天会发生什么〗
I\'m goin\' girl crazy〖我为女孩子而疯狂〗

Wine and dine all these honeys〖与这些美女们进餐喝酒〗
Hangin\' out, blowin all my money〖筋疲力尽 花光我所有的钱〗
Even though it\'s kinda funny〖即使这样挺有趣的〗
I\'m still girl crazy〖我仍旧为女孩子疯狂〗

I\'m still girl crazy〖我仍然为女孩子而疯狂〗

I\'m goin\' girl crazy〖我为女孩子而疯狂〗

[create_time]2013-10-13 15:03:50[/create_time]2013-10-28 11:24:27[finished_time]2[reply_count]3[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4904[view_count]


他们不会停止' 他们到达了他们的梦想
饮食药片, 手术
Photoshopped 图片在杂志里
您看见, 某事错误
没有关心, 没人的那里
没有关心, 没有喜欢对份额
您将看见某事, 某事是错误的

[create_time]2006-05-05 22:12:00[/create_time]2006-05-19 12:35:14[finished_time]3[reply_count]3[alue_good]牵冰a1[uname][avatar]TA获得超过424个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3006[view_count]

Gnarls Barkley的《Crazy》 歌词

歌曲名:Crazy 歌手:Gnarls Barkley 专辑:Hot Cakes Gnarls Barkley - Crazy I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind There was something so pleasant about that phase. Even your emotions had an echo In so much space And when you're out there Without care, Yeah, I was out of touch But it wasn't because I didn't know enough I just knew too much Does that make me crazy Does that make me crazy Does that make me crazy Probably And I hope that you are having the time of your life But think twice, that's my only advice Come on now, who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are, Ha ha ha bless your soul You really think you're in control Well, I think you're crazy I think you're crazy I think you're crazy Just like me My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb And all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun And it's no coincidence I've come And I can die when I'm done Maybe I'm crazy Maybe you're crazy Maybe we're crazy Probably

[create_time]2013-08-23 23:06:37[/create_time]2013-08-23 23:12:59[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]0371_0317[uname][avatar]超过58用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]375[view_count]

Gnarls Barkley的《Going on》 歌词

歌曲名:Going on 歌手:Gnarls Barkley 专辑:2009 Grammy Nominees Gnarls Barkley-Going On BY Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul I’ve seen it with my own eyes How we’re gettin’ otherwise Without the luxury of leavin’ The touch and feeling of free is Untangible technically Something you’ve got to believe in Connect the cause and effect One foot in front of the next This is the start of a journey. And my mind is already gone And though there are other unknowns Somehow this doesn’t concern me. And you can stand right there if you want But I’m going on And I’m prepared to go it alone I’m going on To a place in the sun that’s nice and warm I’m going on And I’m sure they’ll have a place for you too oohoohoo Anyone that needs what they want, and doesn’t want what they need I want nothing to do with And to do what I want And to do what I please Is first of my to-do list But every once in a while I think about her smile One of the few things I do miss But baby I‘ve to go Baby I’ve got to know Baby I’ve got to prove it And I’ll see you when you get there But I’m going on And I’m prepared to go it alone I’m going on May my love lift you up to the place you belong I’m going on And I promise I’ll be waiting for you oohoohoo Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul share with you~~ loving this ~~

[create_time]2013-08-23 23:52:26[/create_time]2013-08-23 23:59:23[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]扬特色大振国威4634[uname][avatar]超过69用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]120[view_count]

gnarls barkley GOING ON 歌词意思

如何我们gettin '否则
没有豪华的leavin '


[create_time]2008-11-20 17:37:52[/create_time]2008-12-05 16:22:59[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]袊袊·寳貝[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]1254[view_count]

Gnarls Barkley的《Going On》 歌词

歌曲名:Going On 歌手:Gnarls Barkley 专辑:2009 Grammy Nominees Gnarls Barkley-Going On BY Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul I’ve seen it with my own eyes How we’re gettin’ otherwise Without the luxury of leavin’ The touch and feeling of free is Untangible technically Something you’ve got to believe in Connect the cause and effect One foot in front of the next This is the start of a journey. And my mind is already gone And though there are other unknowns Somehow this doesn’t concern me. And you can stand right there if you want But I’m going on And I’m prepared to go it alone I’m going on To a place in the sun that’s nice and warm I’m going on And I’m sure they’ll have a place for you too oohoohoo Anyone that needs what they want, and doesn’t want what they need I want nothing to do with And to do what I want And to do what I please Is first of my to-do list But every once in a while I think about her smile One of the few things I do miss But baby I‘ve to go Baby I’ve got to know Baby I’ve got to prove it And I’ll see you when you get there But I’m going on And I’m prepared to go it alone I’m going on May my love lift you up to the place you belong I’m going on And I promise I’ll be waiting for you oohoohoo Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul share with you~~ loving this ~~

[create_time]2013-08-16 21:50:00[/create_time]2013-08-16 21:57:14[finished_time]1[reply_count]1[alue_good]猫猫丶p欜[uname][avatar]超过59用户采纳过TA的回答[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]199[view_count]

