she groove coverage

时间:2024-07-14 19:28:10编辑:小早


  groove coverage-- she的歌词
  She hangs out every day near by the beach
  Havin’a harnican fallin’asleep
  She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand
  Nobody ever put a ring on her hand

  Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea
  She is the story the story is she
  She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky

  Shining from high above you shouldn’t ask why
  She is the one that you never forget
  She is the heaven-sent angel you met
  Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
  She is so pretty all over the world
  She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum
  She comes in the morning and the evening she’s gone
  Every little hour every second you live
  Trust in eternity that’s what she gives

  She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne
  She talks like Monica and Marianne
  She wins in everything that she might do
  And she will respect you forever just you

  She is the one that you never forget
  She is the heaven-sent angel you met

  Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
  She is so pretty all over the world

  She is so pretty all over the world
  She is so pretty
  She is like you and me
  Like them like we
  She is in you and me

  She is the one that you never forget
  She is the heaven-sent angel you met
  Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
  She is so pretty all over the world

  (She is the one) She is the one
  (That you never forget) That you never forget
  She is the heaven-sent angel you met
  She’s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl
  She is so pretty all over the world (oh...)
  Na na na na na ….呐,呐,呐

[create_time]2016-09-08 06:34:39[/create_time]2011-11-20 17:19:01[finished_time]2[reply_count]34[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]28944[view_count]


  1.恋人未满 中文词:施人诚 编曲:钟兴民 为什么只和你能聊一整夜 为什么才道别就又想见面 在朋友里面 就数你最特别 总让我觉得很亲很贴 为什么你在意谁陪我逛街 为什么你担心谁对我放电 你说你对我 比别人多一些 却又不说是多哪一些 友达以上 恋人未满 甜蜜心烦 愉悦混乱 我们以后 会变怎样 我迫不及待想知道答案 再靠近一点点 就让你牵手 再勇敢一点点 我就跟你走你还等什么 时间已经不多 再下去 只好只做朋友 再向前一点点 我就会点头 再冲动一点点 我就不闪躲 不过三个字 别犹豫这么久 只要你说出口 你就能拥有我 为什么你寂寞只想要我陪 为什么我难过只肯让你安慰 我们心里面 明明都有感觉 为什么不敢面对 我不相信 都动了感情却到不了 爱情 那么贴心却进不了 心底 你能不能快一点决定 对我说我爱你

  2.BEAUTY UP MY LIFE 词:武雄 日本词:曾建豪 作曲:左安安 阳光它轻轻洒在梦想的窗外 点亮我的世界 最灿烂的未来 把笑容beauty up 我才不想哭 beauty up 我的希望 Pala Pala Palala beauty up 自由的时代 beauty up 我的未来 午后的阵雨像他甜蜜的表白 盛开的雨伞下 正上演着恋爱 把勇气beauty up 我才不想逃 beauty up 我的希望 Pala Pala Palala beauty up 热情的期待 beauty up 我的未来 晚风它轻轻点燃缤纷的色彩 想起他的情话 歌儿也唱起来 把梦想beauty up 我才不想输 beauty up 我的希望 Pala Pala Palala Beauty up 恋爱的国度 beauty up 我的未来

  3.冰箱 词:武雄 曲:尤秋兴 把大象放进冰箱有几个步骤 把河马放进冰箱有几个步骤 把回忆放进冰箱会不会寂寞 把爱情放进冰箱 也已经到了时候 让眼泪一次流够要几个枕头 让明天不再难过要多少纸鹤 让热情变成冷漠算不算罪过 让爱情退冰多久 才可以化为乌有 从今以后再没有人那样逗我 从今以后 就要分手 从今以后冰箱不必再放啤酒 从今以后 别在门口等我 从今以后再不需要别人哄我 从今以后 就算分手 从今以后日记再也不用上锁 从今以后 甚至不是朋友 苹果给你 柠檬给我 可乐给你 咖啡给我 自由给你 真心给我 你的给你 我的你不能带走

  4.H.B.O 词:武雄/左安安 作曲:左安安 It's just another ordinary Monday blue Seems all the stars are falling apart for me & u And I feel Happy Happy I'm so Happy when I fall in love Because I'm Happy Happy I'm so Happy when I fall in love Rain drops keep falling all the Wednesday till midnight But I can feel the sunshine You give me on the line And u say babe babe I'm your babe when u fall in loveU call me babe babe I'm your babe when u fall in love Thank god it's Friday I can't wait to be with u All night we walk into the moonlight rainbow dream And you're my only only I'm ur only when we fall in love Now we're Happy, Babe, Love's the only thing for u & me
  4.H.B.O 词:武雄/左安安 作曲:左安安 It's just another ordinary Monday blue Seems all the stars are falling apart for me & u And I feel Happy Happy I'm so Happy when I fall in love Because I'm Happy Happy I'm so Happy when I fall in love Rain drops keep falling all the Wednesday till midnight But I can feel the sunshine You give me on the line And u say babe babe I'm your babe when u fall in loveU call me babe babe I'm your babe when u fall in love Thank god it's Friday I can't wait to be with u All night we walk into the moonlight rainbow dream And you're my only only I'm ur only when we fall in love Now we're Happy, Babe, Love's the only thing for u & me

  1.Remember(台视爱情大魔咒片头曲) (修改)

  演唱:Selina Hebe Ella

  不准再看其他的风景 不准再想另外的甜蜜 你的心里只能有我的心 A-ha
  不担心遥远的距离 我只怕时间恶作剧 把今天变成曾经 A-ha
  那麼长的未来里 什麼都是不一定 但我还是要你答应 A-ha

  Say You'll remember, remember my hug, my heart, my love 你永远不忘记
  Say You'll remember, remember my eyes, my smile, my soul 永远都不忘记
  转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网

  不怀疑我们的真心 我只怕时间太无情 怂恿你把我忘记 A-ha
  那麼长的未来里 什麼都是不一定 但我还是要你答应 A-ha

  Na~Na~~ 我今天就是要你答应 永远都不忘记

  不准再看其他的风景 不准再想另外的甜蜜 你的心里只能有我的心 A-ha
  不准找寻其他的身影 不准等待另外的奇迹 你的世界只有我是唯一
  2.Belief(台视爱情大魔咒片尾曲) (修改)


  我知道每阵风 吹著吹著就停息
  也知道每朵云 飘著飘著就散去
  But I believe, but I believe
  因为我们 我们有爱情

  我相信我和你 一定会有结局
  任时光再侵袭 拥抱一样坚定
  这世界有太多 会消逝的美丽
  转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网
  但你是你 so I believe
  (但你是你 所以我相信 so I believe)

  就像是每条河 总会流到海里去
  你知道我的心 也只愿意奔向你
  我说爱你 就是爱你
  这是真理 永远别怀疑

  真心会给人力气 穿越过所有距离
  带领我们走进永远里 Ah~~ Ah~~ Ah~~
  3.幸福留言 (修改)


  反覆听著你的留言 分享你的满满喜悦
  真想替你向全世界 宣告你有新的爱恋
  曾被谁弄痛的心 但愿它从今天 再不会受到亏欠

  去实现要幸福的心愿 很高兴你能领先 这次一定要直到永远
  去实现要幸福的誓言 祝我们都能如愿 下次就换你陪我陶醉

  从今以后有爱陪伴 少了时间东长西短
  除了呵护新的情感 记得偶尔聊聊近况
  爱让人手忙脚乱 我当然能体谅 祝福你甜蜜美满

  谁都有要幸福的心愿 很高兴有人实现 证明永远并不会太远
  去实现要幸福的誓言 祝我们都能如愿 留给这世界幸福留言

  4.给我多一点 (修改)

  作曲:Charlie Pennachio/Drew Sessa/Shaunna Bolton

  给我多一点 温柔多一些 两个人都下雪 怎麼有感动说爱
  拥抱多一点 快乐多一些 闭上我的双眼 还是喜欢被你保护的感觉

  和你走过沙滩的布鞋 陪我在流泪
  粗心大意又少了体贴 看你怎麼挽回
  应该是非常幸福的感觉 晴天又变成Rainy Day
  你别傻傻的躲在家里面 还不来道歉 Hey~~

  转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网
  给我多一点 还要多一点 女生们想要的 只是真心好好爱
  拥抱多一点 快乐多一些 闭上我的双眼 还是喜欢被你保护的感觉

  和你手牵手走过的台阶 有画面在飞
  一个人喝不完的汽水 应该交给谁
  应该是非常幸福的感觉 晴天又变成Rainy Day
  你别傻傻的躲在家里面 最后一次机会 There you go ~~

  我的 心愿 好远好远快听不见
  快救救我爱你的小火焰 就要熄灭
  5.热带雨林 (修改)


  冷风过境 回忆冻结成冰 我的付出全都要不到回音
  悔恨就像是绵延不断的丘陵 痛苦全方位的降临

  *悲伤入侵 誓言下落不明 我找不到那些爱过的曾经
  你像在寂寞上空盘旋的秃鹰 将我想你啃食乾净

  转载来自 ※ 魔镜歌词网
  #月色摇晃树影 穿梭在热带雨林 你离去的原因 从来不说明
  你的谎像陷阱 我最后才清醒 幸福只是水中的倒影

  △月色摇晃树影 穿梭在热带雨林 悲伤的雨不停 全身血淋淋
  那深陷在沼泽 我不堪的爱情 是我无能为力的伤心


[create_time]2016-12-01 22:19:33[/create_time]2011-04-25 17:15:20[finished_time]3[reply_count]35[alue_good]永远甄迷[uname][avatar]TA获得超过904个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]8681[view_count]


She hangs out every day near by the beach
Having a Heineken啤酒(海涅根)falling asleep
【Havin' a harnican fallin' asleep】'此为一种英文歌曲的书写方式
She looks so sexy when she's walking the sand
Nobody ever put a ring on her hand
Swim to the ocean shore, fish in the sea
She is the story, the story is she
She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky
Shining from high above you shouldn't ask why
为什么它们在天空中闪耀,你已知道答案(他在高处闪耀 你不用再问为什么)
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
她是来自天堂的天使 (她是能曾经遇到过的从天堂来的天使)
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
哦,她才是真正的原因,上帝为什么造女孩 (她是上帝制造女孩的原因)
She is so pretty all over the world
她是世界上最可爱的人 (她是世界上最漂亮的女孩)
She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum
She comes in the morning and the evening she's gone
Every little hour every second you live
Trust in eternity that's what she gives
She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne
She talks like Monica and Marianne
She wins in everything that she might do
And she will respect you forever just you
而且她会永远维护你,是的只有你 (只为你)
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
She is so pretty all over the world
She is so pretty
她真可爱 (漂亮)
She is like you and me
Like them like we
She is in you and me
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
(She is the one) She is the one
(That you never forget) That you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
She's the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world (oh...)
Na na na na na ….呐,呐,呐

She-Groove Coverage
She hangs out every day near by the beach
Having a Heineken啤酒(海涅根)falling asleep
She looks so sexy when she's walking the sand
Nobody ever put a ring on her hand
Swim to the ocean shore, fish in the sea
She is the story, the story is she
She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky
Shining from high above you shouldn't ask why
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why
God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
She puts the rhythm,
The beat in the drum
She comes in the morning
And the evening she's gone
Every little hour every second you live
Trust in eternity that's what she gives
She looks like Marilyn,
Walks like Suzanne
She talks like Monica and Marianne
She wins in everything that she might do
And she will respect you forever just you
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why
God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
She is so pretty all over the world
She is so pretty
She is like you and me
Like them like we
She is in you and me
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why
God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
(She is the one) She is the one
(That you never forget) That you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
She must be the reason why
God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world (oh...)
Na na na na na ….

[create_time]2022-10-31 19:07:45[/create_time]2022-09-13 12:01:01[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]qjc904[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]125[view_count]

groove coverage的《she》的歌词是什么?~

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐

She hangs out every day near by the beach

Havin’ a HEINEKEN fallin’ asleep

She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand

Nobody ever put a ring on her hand

Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea

She is the story the story is she

She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky

Shining from high above you shouldn’t ask why

She is the one that you never fet

She is the heaven-sent angel you met

Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl

She is so pretty all over the world

She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum

She es in the morning and the evening she’s gone

Every little hour every second you live

Trust in eternity that’s what she gives

She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne

She talks like Monica and Marianne

She wins in everything that she might do

And she will respect you forever just you

She is the one that you never fet

She is the heaven-sent angel you met

Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl

She is so pretty all over the world

She is so pretty all over the world

She is so pretty

She is like you and me

Like them like we

She is in you and me

She is the one that you never fet

She is the heaven-sent angel you met

Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl

She is so pretty all over the world

(She is the one) She is the one

(That you never fet) That you never fet

She is the heaven-sent angel you met

She’s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl

She is so pretty all over the world (oh...)

Na na na na na ….

[create_time]2022-09-26 10:04:24[/create_time]2022-10-11 01:43:40[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]八卦达人17[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4821个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]6[view_count]

Groove Coverage的《She》 歌词

歌曲名:She 歌手:Groove Coverage 专辑:Top 2005 舞曲总冠军 She Groove Coverage She hangs out every day near by the beach Havin’ a harnican fallin’ asleep She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand Nobody ever put a ring on her hand Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea She is the story the story is she She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky Shining from high above you shouldn’t ask why She is the one that you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum She comes in the morning and the evening she’s gone Every little hour every second you live Trust in eternity that’s what she gives She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne She talks like Monica and Marianne She wins in everything that she might do And she will respect you forever just you She is the one that you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world She is so pretty all over the world She is so pretty She is like you and me Like them like we She is in you and me She is the one that you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world (She is the one) She is the one (That you never forget) That you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met She’s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world (oh...) Na na na na na ...

[create_time]2016-12-01 21:32:18[/create_time]2013-08-22 09:32:24[finished_time]1[reply_count]10[alue_good]架言[uname][avatar]TA获得超过144个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]4290[view_count]


作词:任家萱(Selina) 作曲:陈嘉桦(Ella)

最新专辑《我的电台FM S.H.E》中

描写的是S.H.E三人的姊妹情谊,原来平时 Selina、Hebe 和 Ella 就会互称“老婆”,不过 Selina 笑说:“只有 Ella,不是老婆,我们都直接叫她陈嘉桦。”HEBE 更不留情:“所以 ELLA 这次赚到了!”也这首歌让S.H.E在录音室里唱到哭,“因为歌词完全是我们真实心情的写照!”为这首歌谱曲的 Ella 表示,她不会弹琴,所以所有音乐都在她的脑子里,只要一有灵感,她马上就会冲进公司把歌曲旋律录下来,她谦虚地说:“我没什么文采,所以词交给别人写就好了。”歌词是 Selina 在洗澡时候写出来的,她得意地说:“我光是想到这些词就已经热泪盈眶了,看我多么 Emotional 啊!” Hebe 则是独自填了一首“说你爱我”的词,她害羞地说:“其实我很不好意思把自己的作品给别人看,所以还是趁著名作词人施人诚施大哥去上厕所的时候,偷偷把随身碟插在他的电脑上,然后躲到隔壁房间。”几分钟后,Hebe 突然听到施人诚惊呼,紧张的 Hebe 心想:“惨了!一定是我写的不好,被退货。”没想到随即又听到施人诚大叫一声:“中!”最后这首“说你爱我”的词一字未改,让 Hebe 非常兴奋。


[create_time]2013-10-15 18:15:18[/create_time]2013-10-29 16:11:09[finished_time]4[reply_count]2[alue_good]匿名用户[uname],q_80[avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]2477[view_count]


《美女的诞生》歌曲插曲《 SHE》歌词:   演唱:钟铉   美女的诞生OST PART1   作词:裴华英,邻家小伙,E.One   作曲,编曲: E.One   娇小玲珑又爱笑的女孩 素颜却更加迷人的女孩   一杯酒就会娇艳酡红的女孩 笑眼灿若晨星的女孩   看到你 我心情飞扬(Oh my girl)世间少有的女孩   一笑倾城想拥你入怀 Oh my girl 但时机未到   Oh, I*m in love with you 就像拼图   Oh, I*m in love with you 你是我的理想型   你太美 我喜欢,不 我更喜欢这份随意   心脏像要停止跳动   Oh, I*m in love with you 就像四季变换   Oh, I*m in love with you 一切都那么不同   天空原来是那样澄澈湛蓝的吗   看悲伤的电影我也会笑出来   百米外也光彩照人的女孩 心地单纯却更加迷人的女孩   像咖啡一样让人魂牵梦萦的女孩 让我沉迷不已的女孩   i want you oh——对你的一切都好奇   i need you oh——这躁动的心如何是好   尴尬, 我讶异自己也有这样一面   Oh, I*m in love with you 再也无法掩饰   i fall in love 你是我唯一的天使 (Oh, I*m in love with you)   Oh, I*m in love with you 再也不拐弯抹角   Oh, I*m in love with you 爱你 我爱你   漫长的孤独等待即将结束   你和我将白头到老   电视剧《美女的诞生》由演员韩艺瑟和朱相昱主演,OST的第一位演唱者就是SHINee成员钟铉。制作公司Donuts Entertainment表示:“钟铉嗓音甜美,与剧中临死之前接受整形手术变成美女、重获新生的莎拉(韩艺瑟 饰)的角色十分合拍,将剧中的情绪很好地传递了出来。韩国男团SHINee成员钟铉演唱OST《SHE》,钟铉演唱的这首《SHE》节奏强调律动感,让人听了想随之起舞,与主唱略带清凉感的嗓音搭配和谐,表现剧中最为激动而开心的时刻。制作公司Donuts Entertainment表示:“钟铉嗓音甜美,与剧中临死之前接受整形手术变成美女、重获新生的莎拉(韩艺瑟 饰)的角色十分合拍,将剧中的情绪很好地传递了出来。” 以上这篇是美女的诞生插曲she,就为您介绍到这里,希望大家能够喜欢。如果您喜欢这篇文章,请分享给您的好友,更多精彩不容错过。欢迎持续关注我们的后续更新,365语录台词网汇集和分享最新最热门的精彩内容。

[create_time]2022-07-01 23:56:10[/create_time]2022-07-10 11:45:19[finished_time]1[reply_count]0[alue_good]八卦达人17[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4821个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]59[view_count]



아담한 키에 잘 웃는 여자 화장안한 얼굴이 더끌리는 여자
술한잔에 볼이 빨개지는 여자 눈웃음이 예쁜 그런 여자

널 보면 그래 맘이 들뜨고 그래 (Oh my girl) 좀처럼 찾기 힘든 그런 여자
웃고 있을 때 품에 안고 싶은데 Oh my girl 아직은 어려워

oh, i'm in love with you 퍼즐을 맞춘듯해
oh, i'm in love with you 나의 이상형이야
참 예뻐서 난 좋아, 아니 편해서 더 좋아
심장이 멎을 것만 같아.

oh, i'm in love with you 계절이 바뀐 듯 해
oh, i'm in love with you 모든 게 달라 보여
저 하늘이 저렇게 예쁘고 파랬었니
슬픈 영화를 봐도 웃음이 나와.

백미터 부터 빛나는 여자 내숭 없는 성격이 더 끌리는 여자
커피처럼 매일 생각나는 여자 나를 중독시킨 그런 여자 == * B. C 부분은 반복

i want you oh~ 하나부터 열까지 궁금해
I need you oh~ 조급해진 이 맘은 뭘까
어색해 참, 첨 보는 나의 모습에 모든 게 놀라워 워~

oh, i'm in love with you 숨길 수 가 없는걸
I fall in love 넌 나만의 천사 (oh, i'm in love with you)

oh, i'm in love with you 돌려서 말 안할게
oh i'm in love with you 사랑해 널 사랑해
긴 외로움의 시간 이제야 끝나 나봐
너와 난 이별 없는 오 해피엔딩~

娇小玲珑 笑容常挂的女孩
不施脂粉的面容 更迷人的女孩
望着你 就会心动不已
oh my girl
笑起来时 想拥抱着你
oh my girl
oh i'm in love with you
oh i'm in love with you
太漂亮 所以我喜欢
不 因为舒心更喜欢
oh i'm in love with you
oh i'm in love with you
即使看悲伤电影 也会露出笑容

单纯直率的性格 更迷人的女孩
望着你 就会心动不已
oh my girl
笑起来时 想拥抱着你
oh my girl
oh i'm in love with you
oh i'm in love with you
太漂亮 所以我喜欢
不 因为舒心更喜欢
oh i'm in love with you
oh i'm in love with you
即使看悲伤电影 也会露出笑容
i want you oh
从头到脚 让人都好奇
i need you oh
oh i'm in love with you
i fall in love
oh i'm in love with you
oh i'm in love with you
oh i'm in love with you
爱你 我爱你
你和我 是不会离别的

[create_time]2016-09-26 19:39:45[/create_time]2014-12-09 16:09:26[finished_time]2[reply_count]1[alue_good]公主的宝石X[uname][avatar]TA获得超过4.9万个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]482[view_count]


歌手:Groove Coverage
专辑:Top 2005 舞曲总冠军

Groove Coverage
She hangs out every day near by the beach
Havin’ a harnican fallin’ asleep
She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand
Nobody ever put a ring on her hand
Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea
She is the story the story is she
She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky
Shining from high above you shouldn’t ask why
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum
She comes in the morning and the evening she’s gone
Every little hour every second you live
Trust in eternity that’s what she gives
She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne
She talks like Monica and Marianne
She wins in everything that she might do
And she will respect you forever just you
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
She is so pretty all over the world
She is so pretty
She is like you and me
Like them like we
She is in you and me
She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world
(She is the one) She is the one
(That you never forget) That you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
She’s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world (oh...)
Na na na nana ...

[create_time]2018-03-16 20:11:38[/create_time]2015-02-03 09:30:36[finished_time]3[reply_count]12[alue_good]yourslivy[uname][avatar][slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]3659[view_count]


Groove Coverage~She

She hangs out every day near by the beach
Havin’ a HEINEKEN fallin’ asleep
She looks so sexy when she’s walking the sand
Nobody ever put a ring on her hand

Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea
She is the story the story is she
She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky
Shining from high above you shouldn’t ask why

She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world

She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum
She comes in the morning and the evening she’s gone
Every little hour every second you live
Trust in eternity that’s what she gives

She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne
She talks like Monica and Marianne
She wins in everything that she might do
And she will respect you forever just you

She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world

She is so pretty all over the world
She is so pretty
She is like you and me
Like them like we
She is in you and me

She is the one that you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world

(She is the one) She is the one
(That you never forget) That you never forget
She is the heaven-sent angel you met
She’s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl
She is so pretty all over the world (oh...)

Na na na na na ….

[create_time]2017-05-30 08:37:46[/create_time]2015-09-25 07:27:33[finished_time]1[reply_count]32[alue_good]ZXJ9211[uname][avatar]TA获得超过539个赞[slogan]这个人很懒,什么都没留下![intro]5767[view_count]

英文单词用中文念是shulei这也是一首男声英文歌的歌词Oh shulei而且这句话反复唱了好几

1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);
  2、Burning--Maria Arredondo;
  3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;
  4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);
  6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一);
  7、You Belong With Me--泰勒.斯威夫特(绝棒的);
  8、I Stay In Love--玛利亚.凯莉;
  9、I Didn't Know My Own Strength--Whitney Houston(是非常棒的一首慢歌,也是我非常喜欢的黑人歌手之一。);
  10、A Little Bit Longer--Jonas Brothers(嗓音非常棒的组合,几乎每首都很好听,尤其是这首!强力推荐);
  11、The Little Things--Colbie Caillat;
  13、My All--玛丽亚.凯莉(据说非常适合作手机铃声的歌);
  14、My Love--WestLife(西域成名金曲,经典老歌,诠释了所有经典的定义。);
  15、Need You Now--Lady Antebellum(时下排行榜热门歌曲);
  16、The Saltwater Room--Owl City(最爱的歌手之一,曲风相当特别);
  17、Take A Bow--Rihanna(听2秒就会爱上的歌手和歌~);
  18、The Technicolor Phase--Owl City(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主题曲之一);
  19、This Is It--迈克尔.杰克逊(不知到底是翻唱还是遗作,都能再现天王的独特魅力);
  20、Who Says--John Mayer(类似乡村风.以吉他为伴奏,这首非常棒!);
  21、Just One Last Dance--Sarah Connor(这个经典的不用说吧,);
  22、Angle--Sarah Mclachlan(天籁之音~~);23、Living To Love You--Sarah Connor(歌词催人泪下,我最喜欢的慢歌之一);
  24、Nothings Gonna Change My Love For You--Glenn Mediros(被方大同翻唱过,那肯定好听拉);
  25、I Look To You--Whitney Houston;
  26、I Got You--丽安娜.刘易斯;
  27、Love To Be Loved By You--马克.特伦茨(歌词和曲调非常感人!);
  28、Butterfly Fly Away--Miley Cyrus(《乖乖女是大明星》的插曲,讲的父亲对女儿的爱的故事,曲风清新);
  30、Wonderful Tonight--Baby Face(也是被方大同翻唱的歌);
  31、Still Crazy In Love--Sarah Connor;
  32、We Can Work It Out --Sweetbox;
  33、Sexy Love--Ne Yo;
  34、Happily Never After--Pussycat Dolls;
  35、A Fine Frenzy--Almost Lover(后面的才是歌名,曲调有点小特别~);
  36、Craigie hill----Cara Dillon(首推这首,温馨极了,好听极了。有点像m2m的声音。) ;
  37、Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;
  38、Beautiful Boy--Celine Dion(歌手不用介绍.....);
  39、A Place Nearby与Unforgivable Sinner--Lene Marlin(挪威创作才女,) ;
  40、Scarborough Fair(毕业生):(《Scarborough Fair》是美国六十年代最受大学生欢迎的电影、1968年奥斯卡获奖片《毕业生》(达斯汀·霍夫曼主演,其成名作)中的主题曲。本人还是喜欢布莱曼她唱的。 );
  41、classicriver:(第一次听这曲子的时候是在初秋的深夜,偶然听到了它,刹时间时间和空间好象都凝固了一样!听着它,感觉深藏心底的那份无尽地孤独被慢慢地勾起, 曾经的回忆, 失去的快乐,刻骨的伤心,和短暂拥有,都在那一刻漂浮了起来,占据了身边的所有的空间. 它让我感觉到了这世间最珍贵的是亲情,爱情.金钱算得了什么呢). <classicriver>很多人都听过的旋律.这样的经典歌曲是无价之宝.相信当你知道这歌曲之后,如果突然失去它,你会觉得好孤独,无助... 这样的音乐是无价之宝~);
  42、If I Were A Boy--Beyonce(可以做铃声!开头就已经把气氛带起来了~);
  43、Love You Lately--Daniel Powter;
  44、I Hate Love--Claude Kelly;
  46、Better In Time--Leona Lewis;
  47、Crush--David Archuleta;
  48、You Raise Me Up--Westlife;
  49、Realize--Colbie Caillat(科比.凯拉,几乎她的每一首歌都是那么的特别和好听。非常喜欢的歌手之一);
  50、I See You--Leona Lewis(就是《阿凡达》的主题曲,看过电影再听这个歌,我们能听到的,就不止是幻想与憧憬了,还有爱和感动..);
  51、Day Too Soon--Sia(也是个所有歌几乎都不错的歌手。);
  52、Doesn't Mean Anything--Alicia Keys(个人钟爱的一首歌!非常非常好听!);
  53、It's Amazing--Jem(节奏非常好!><,不会后悔的歌哦~);
  54、Lovebug--Jonas Brothers(高潮非常明快,清新,非常舒服的一首小情歌~喜欢啊~);
  55、When You're Mad--Ne-Yo(尼欧的歌总是那么那么好听,不管是RAP风还是R&B,都非常棒!);
  56、One Fine Wire--Colbie Caillat(高潮曲调的设计有点小俏皮。);
  57、Vidas Paralelas--Ximena Sarinana(一首法语歌,节奏明快。个人觉得偶尔听听法语歌也是满有趣的。笑~);
  58、Wait Til You Here From You--Sarah Connor(开头的独白,那种声音令人放松,接着的曲调非常的好听!推荐!);
  59、Sitting Down Here--琳恩玛莲(开头就足以让你喜欢的调调~高潮适合作铃声。);
  60、A Place Nearby--琳恩玛莲(全曲以纯明的钢琴和鼓点贯穿。曲调单纯,听了叫人放松。);
  61、When You Believe--Mariah Carey&Whitney Houston(两个天后的合音,完美中的完美啊!巨好听!);
  62、Dilemma--Kelly Rowland(非常非常好听!高潮部分非常非常适合做铃声!女生手机必备!);
  63、No Air--约尔丁斯巴克斯(开头足以定风格,可以作铃声);
  64、The Best Day--Taylar Swift;
  65、Viva La Vida--Coldplay;
  66、Wait For You--Elliott Yamin(非常非常非常好听的!曾经就听过,昨天才终于被我找到~);
  67、Time For Miracles--Harald Kloser;
  68、When I'm With You--西城男孩(又一首经典旧歌。真的是,开场就征服了我,);
  69、A Todo Color--魏如萱(西班牙语,有点甜美的意味。);
  70、I Ain't Tryin'--KeAnthong;
  72、Little Bit Better--玛丽亚.亚瑞唐多(听这首歌的开头,心里就留下一句话:这歌怎么这么好听啊,笑~);
  73、Trip Around The World--Alexz Johnson(可作铃声,女生版清新说唱风,带给你不一样的感觉。);
  74、Gonna Get It--Alexz Johnson(开头的尖叫够震撼

