
时间:2024-06-17 19:21:39编辑:小早


岳麓山英文导游词   岳麓山位于国家首批历史文化名城长沙市湘江西岸,依江面市,现有麓山、橘子洲、岳麓书院、新民学会四个核心景区,为世界罕见的集“山、水、洲、城”于一体的国家AAAAA级旅游景区、国家重点风景名胜区、湖湘文化传播基地和爱国主义教育的示范基地。下面一起去欣赏一下岳麓山英文导游词吧!   岳麓山英文导游词1   Capital city is located in the xiangjiang river west bank town. Famous scenic spot in hunan province. Part of mount hengshan mountain, mount seventy-two peak, headed by hengyang city back into the wild goose peak, changsha capital is sufficient, therefore yuelu. Under the "southwest gas HengYue, day and night Jiang Sheng dongting", summary of the ancients to the capital city of mountains and rivers.   Capital city with an area of 8 square kilometers, elevation 297 meters, the highest peak brigitte ailian screen open, show as jade, stack, hill too deep. Has been warded off the park. Enter the scenic area, ancient towering, shade everywhere. Mountain stream flowing spring all the year round is not dry, ravines WenLan zhi fang xin, all this is a beautiful Lin He, countless spring, beautiful feeling. Capital city all over the places of interest, since the western han dynasty, dynasties are monuments to find, to love late pavilion, the foot of yuelu academy, yamadera, xiang ting, Tang Liyong yamadera the yuwang tablet is the most famous monuments, song. Pines seem there lies in the qing dynasty, CAI, tian-hua Chen, Yao Hongye, jiao da feng, Jiang Yi wu, Liu Daoyi ZhongGu, Chen Zuoxin, Liu Kuntao modern revolutionary. Many of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, CAI he-sen bases his, MAO zedong tantfism hae-chan, Zhang Kundi youth have often come to the party, linger in love late pavilion, the wind the place such as gorge, the affairs of state, to seek for the revolutionary truth. Capital is an important cultural education area, hunan of hunan university, central south university of technology, hunan normal university and other colleges and universities and some scientific research units are from.   Capital elevation 300.8 meters, dozens of kilometers, even fold mountain peak as a natural barrier, stand to the west of changsha city. Main cloud stone bone pale foothill shows, gallery pavilions temple mountain on the stone. Trapped, the xiangjiang river, such as belt, orange continent floating brigitte jiangxin, build over things, the ancient city of new profile in ZiQi smoke.   Capital gathers together the essence of xiang chu culture, numerous scenic spots and historical sites, collection of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, the revolution of the spread and abundant plant resources. White crane spring, the yuwang tablet, stupas, flying stone, tap the clock, wearing rock slope are distributed in the mountains between yue lives; Mountain in the existing plants of 174 families, 559 genera and 174 species, including the jin dynasty podocarpus, ginkgo in tang dynasty, song, Ming and qing dynasties, camphor maple chestnut are one thousand years old, old stem QiuZhi, vigorous tall and straight, towering. Maple catalpa, chestnut, QiuZhi QuGan, lush green; Mountain stream stream at the age of not dry, it is quite beautiful. Every autumn and winter, red maple forest do dye, tangerine full hanging branches, more gorgeous mountain foothill.   Institution is located at one thousand in the mountain yuelu academy for the crown of four big ancient academy; The foot of the ancient yamadera so-called "jun originally sites, the first field" hunan; The top of the mountain foot of a Taoist twenty jian's virtual lucky cloud palace; Pavilion is located in the green maple gorge of China's four big name one of the love late pavilion, built in the qing qianlong 57 years, for a view, MAO zedong, CAI he-sen bases his, tantfism hae-chan, Zhang Kundi often to capital party, lingering in love late pavilion, cool breeze gorge thereof, the affairs of state, to seek for the revolutionary truth.   岳麓山英文导游词2   Welcome to the capital city! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.   In the west of changsha city, the xiangjiang river in the east, covering an area of about 8 square kilometers, the ancients praised its "green ailian screen open, show such as cut bead". Since the tang and song dynasty, the capital city to Lin He beautiful, mountain is famous for its deep ravine. The six dynasties podocarpus, ginkgo, pine camphor is quite famous in the Ming and qing dynasties of tang and song dynasty; Love late pavilion, cool breeze gorge, python, the yuwang hole stone, such as yuelu academy landscape renowned. Here also was buried there are qing dynasty, CAI and other famous figures. Capital city full of spring green, azalea (flower) in full bloom; Quiet summer is cool; Autumn maple stream Dan, CengLinJinRan; Winter China, snow mountains, the four seasons scenery pleasant.   Yuelu academy at the foothill of the mountain, was built in the song dynasty treasure nine years (in 976), zhu xi and zhang During the speaker's heyday, there are one thousand students, become one of four big ancient academy. Qing guangxu twenty-nine years (1903 years) to universities, and then become higher normal schools. Instead of hunan university in 1925. Academy of existing buildings is royal theuslibraryofcongress, wenchang tower, half lent, ten yi ancestral hall, the song, xiang water school oratory, inferiority, pavilion, etc., let a person remember the academy.   Capital, dense forests, towering ancient, Lin He peaceful, beautiful. Is nature, the humanities ceremony mountains resort.   Gap of university yuelu academy in one thousand, is located in the cool breeze fills originated from the "one thousand", gave birth to the profound and vast expanse of hunan culture, cultivate a generation after generation of martyrs, the great man.   Capital is also a good class of patriotism and revolutionary tradition education, here are buried the revolution to overthrow the monarchy and realize republican and dedicated martyrs; Generosity to die for the attainment of lofty ideals; Also sleep during the Anti-Japanese War fought for defense are going with the Chinese soldiers and civilians killed.   Monument to the past as they set up the epitaph, always show and inspire the children and grandchildren of the Chinese nation, constitute the capital city of solemn tragic human landscape. The mountains belong to mount hengshan, one of the ancient capital city as mount seventy-two, called spirit foot of the peak. Northern and southern dynasties Liu Songshi "le", "le around eight hundred, headed back to the wild goose, yuelu for. Therefore yuelu. According to the geology research, capital based on palaeozoic era, formed in Mesozoic era, the development in the new generation, more than three hundred million years ago.   The capital city is a national key scenic spot. Located in the ancient city of changsha xiangjiang river on both sides of the low hilly mountain, river, river, lake, natural flora and fauna, and cultural sites, tombs, revolutionary memorial sites of celebrities, etc, for the city mountain scenic area. Has been open to the foot of scenic area has mountain scenic area, j. The foot of the mountain scenic area is the core scenic area, scenic spot in the foot of yuelu academy, love late pavilion, yamadera, cloud palace foothill, new democratic society spots, etc. Planning open scenic spot are: tianma mountain, peach blossom hill, Shi Jialing, and passengers can head spots, etc., with a total area of 36 square kilometers. Capital city scenic spot HengYue in the south, north dongting, the vast plains in the west, the east emerged at hunan flow, jade screen, tianma, phoenix, orange continent cross show in the former, the peach blossom, green moth unexpectedly cui and, after getting, Taurus, mica, arch, the peak hold around, still as snake wound, such as horse courageously hoof, volley looking like a miniature bonsai, side-glance distance as a natural screen wall. A swan-shaped world wonders, the grand view of changsha.   Capital city scenic spot since ancient times is well known for its picturesque scenery, it mainly has the wind gorge scenic area, YunLuFeng scenic area, garden landscape belt, HeShiPo foot of scenic spot, the Confucian resort, the buddhist temple windings, cloud palace, orange state first-class scenic spot.   The wind gorge scenic spot: the foot of yuelu academy to yamadera valley, called the wind gorge. "Yuelu academy" records: "when the sweltering summer weather, the wind to, more rest, so the name names only." People who lived in ages past will be here as a natural summer resort. Cool breeze gorge natural scenery beautiful, well wooded gorge, towering old trees, stream wound, fountain star move. All the scenery as the climate and season of transformation, presents a protean stance. Gorge and many cultural relics of the world attention, with a long history of buddhist temple tower - stupas, one of China's four big name pavilion love late pavilion, have two south of famous poems, as well as Liu Daoyi burial of celebrities. ;


年代: 唐 作者: 王昌龄



  篇1:岳麓山英文导游词   Welcome to the capital city cloud west palace! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.   LinXiang wu xie zhang jinshi yuelu academy, for the door from a couplet embedded opportunely "foot of cloud palace" four word, yue: "in particular, the foot on cloud extremely, save that Ann is palace", for the excellent work.   Foot of cloud palace before the door of the office with a couplet: "come out of the night, see yue color split, surrounded by the river, mountains more sites that have ShaoLing write sentences, monuments, the north sea." Foot of couplet of linked to write cloud palace terrain majestic, seems to stand up in the air, in this can close to the capital city, overlooking the xiangjiang river north flow; Bottom allied to mention cloud palace there are many historical sites in the capital city of the foothill, du fu left a poem here, Li Yong topic written by the famous stone inscription.   At hunan graceful hanging qing ecliptic let "southwest gas to HengYue, day and night under Jiang Sheng dongting" woodcut couplets. To undertake foot of cloud palace in the capital city of mount hengshan seventy-two peak, stands in the rolling north into the dongting of xiangjiang river in eight hundred. Couplets and grabbed the foot of the cloud palace magnificent terrain features, verve, magnificent antithesis neat, the writing way, had permeated.   Of changsha people between Ming dynasty and early qing liao YuanDu poem "SuYun palace foothill" cloud: "Lin deep night empty, a comb to light blue. The moonlight such as autumn thin, insect sound touch the dream". Expresses, the authors in the dynasties of gone with the homeless stranger temple, lonely night alone on a single, regretted the wu family broken emotions.   Dropout in the qing dynasty has a song by the yuelu academy XuPu YanZhengJi in a man from the foot of night's cloud palace: "cloud peaks sufficient sleep, foothill unlined upper garment of interference with five streams smoke. Pledge China month three thousands of miles, read four years fillip dongfeng. DE patinagem DE moth color while swimming, song tao please go to the pestle clock edge. Homes buy green house, with the world as a fairy." Poetry in addition to the description of cloud palace where the foothill mountain steep, view of vast and moonlight, song tao natural scenery, also relates to the foot of cloud palace is Taoist view, expressed the poet want to buy a house to live here, for the desire of human fairy.   Suspended Jiang Bai WangHu cabinet with "a rain, gu city shore."   Palace before have worshipped YueShi, also known as flying stone, the stone zhang yu, because its can look HengYue and worship, so the name. The stone engraved with the song dynasty zhao Bian did "flaky cross day, between clouds deep footpath, many ZhuYaoShou, climb the hill."   In the door of the left branch of embedded iron bell, according to the "build" four years of wanli, Zhong Mingwen legend for FeiLaiZhong. The weathered rain and snow and no rust, tapping sound the agitation of realisation, listening as the voice of "return", therefore, also known as "back the clock". The original Zhong Ji destroyed and after filling embedded a bell in the same place.   Cloud palace foothill Ming dynasty chenghua fourteen years (1478) king JiJian built see deepened Francisco changsha zhu. Mount wudang Taoist temple palace architectural form, called hole's view, palazzo vecchio waste Pi already. Ming jiajing (1522-1566) years satrap sun outreach Taoist Li Kejing rebuild, and increase plant pine, cypress, mangrove, catalpa bamboo thousands of plants, and in view of the space surrounding scenery look brand-new. Longqing years (1567-1567) gold keep points grounded in mountain Taoist monastery, temple yuan zhang and visitors, because to keep separation of gold are mystery lore, hong deep knowledge degree, is together but repairing foot of cloud palace. By its fundraising billiton, build temple, renamed cloud palace palace QianDian foothill to guan temple, temple worship in the xuan emperor, basaltic patriarch temple, temple after the 2nd "sanqing. The foot of the late Ming dynasty, the clouds palace destroyed by BingXian twice.   Early years of the qing emperor kangxi (1662-1722), changsha points XunDao Richard c.haskelli repair foot of cloud palace. Qianlong (1736-1795) temple of five, then for the cliffs, iron smelting for tile, made stone column. Two years xianfeng (1852) destroyed by BingZai. Qing daoguang (1821-1850) years at the foot of cloud palace is expected to hunan pavilion, pavilion in beit YueShi for people trapped under the xiangjiang river and the city of changsha. Word in front of the first year of a small pavilion, built outside the pavilion and yue, celestial queen temple, adding the door. The following year the foot of mount wudang Taoist taihe palace to teach fai to cloud palace bishop, friends and set a way for donors, according to the former size heavy Qi palace.   During the Anti-Japanese War in 1944 for the Japanese planes bombed, cloud palace hall, statues, stone inscription foothill suffered severe damage. In 1946, road flyover WuYun open, Wu Minghai fundraising repair, etc. In looking at hunan pavilion addition reality pure Yang lu dongbin embossment stone, and engraved with the inscription hundred words by reality. Spirit to build the palace in this flying stone, built the qing xu GongZaiJin back the clock, have been destroyed.   After the founding of the People's Republic of China the foot of cloud palace rebuilt in 1957. During the cultural revolution in 1966 foot of cloud palace suffered severe damage. 1976 collapsed close emperor temple in the repair, built a castle in the two layers of rectangle on the site, east to walls, for visitors to cower usually go there on special trip for. After temple and palace right Lv Zudian teahouse, for visitors to rest tea. Palace left rear billiton, hundreds of square meters, and build by laying bricks or stones to build the corridor. At the beginning of the 21st century in the attic wangjiang vertical Lv Zu like, according to the regulation for a recess, front office established close emperor like. The cliffs are according to Taoist regulation three Buddha statues. Left foot of cloud palace ShuYou tree stirrup monuments, remember "the foot of the mountain of white marble, near the foot of the mountain 巩峙峙 tablet", and BeiYin for "united wing chiu light". Old trees, paper lanterns have waste.   篇2:岳麓山英文导游词   Capital in changsha xiangjiang river is located in the west bank, is one of the 72 peak mount hengshan, northern and southern dynasties when the "le" is mentioned: "le around eight hundred, headed back to the wild goose, yuelu for foot", capital, hence the name. Area has the foot of yuelu academy, love late pavilion, yamadera, cloud palace and many other places of interest. In spring, flowers; Summer, shade over and over; In late autumn, CengLinJinRan; Winter, snow mountains. All the year round, the scenery attractive.   Autumn, my mother and I went home - changsha, came to the famous capital city. I entered the scenic area, ancient towering, CengLinJinRan. Mountain spring all the year round is not dry, the valley full of all kinds of flowers, floral notes. We took a cable car to the top of the capital city: the foot of cloud palace. The pleasant scenery, is a place where visitors tea, viewing, rest. We have tea and enjoy the scenery, surrounded by vision, is invigorating. We walk in the hills, see the flying stone, python hole, white crane spring many attractions, such as the ornament of strewn at random discretion in the arms of the hills. Finally, we came to love late pavilion, love late pavilion is one of China's four big name pavilion, taking tu mu "parking sit love maple's woods night, leaves be red in February flower" poetry, call love late pavilion. Love late pavilion of primitive simplicity and elegant, is a square pavilion. Pavilion is golden pillars, within four pillars outside the whole square granite processing and into. High qiaoqi pavilion on the top of the four corners, covered with green glazed tiles. Positive red and gold plaque "love late pavilion", or in written by chairman MAO! Love late pavilion surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the maple trees, pavilions around the maple leaves are red, at this time love late pavilion green glazed tile against the red leaves, looks more beautiful with, combined with the surrounding scenery!   I revel in a piece of thick autumn! Love late pavilion is too beautiful! Capital city is too beautiful!   篇3:岳麓山英文导游词   Capital is a famous mountains long mountain, the famous mountains is located in the xiangjiang river west bank.   Spring, the capital city of many weeds bloom, the trees grow a lot of young leaves, all the capital dressed up to look brand-new. Stream ding-ding drumming on the capital flow, hit the rocks, more crisp sound, like's praise of the capital city.   The mountain is the most conspicuous for its love late pavilion. Love late pavilion is composed of red walls and green tiles. Look far, love late pavilion is located beside the pool, the arms of the trees. Close look, love late pavilion in the middle of engraved with MAO zedong personally wrote the "love late pavilion" three big king. On both sides of the columns on a pair of scrolls, top allied is: diameter on late red peach new species of shu five hundred killings, allied is: gorge deep emerald green cloud drops a pair of reindeer to cage. Hall, four red pillars supporting the love late pavilion, pavilion Angle fly up, each corner has a baby dragon. Baby dragon open the big mouth as if to suck in all the fresh air in the mountain. There is a hexagon, on top of the pavilion in the middle of the middle is a white circle around a black dot. Many visitors look up carefully looked at, mouth murmured.   Oh, the original and MAO zedong's "patio spring changsha"?   From love late pavilion side stepping stone steps went up to him and at the foot of the foot hills and white crane spring, cloud palace, such as places of historic interest. Standing in a mountain, the xiangjiang river surrounds the capital city, the ancient city of changsha, mountain, water, city, state, one integrated mass, really not the kui is the pride of changsha.   This is the beautiful capital city, this is our capital city of changsha.


现在很多人尤其是女生经常有小腹疼痛的情况。当你出现小腹疼痛时必须引起重视,因为可能是你的身体出现疾病了,应及时去医院检查以便及时得到医治。月经: 女生在月经来临之初或者来时经常出现小腹疼痛的情况,可能是由于身体受凉,月经不能顺利排出引起小腹疼痛,这时可以用热水带敷在小腹处或者喝一杯红糖开水可以起到缓解小腹疼痛的作用。盆腔炎: 盆腔炎的症状不是很明显,有时候是小腹疼痛,有时候是胀痛,腰部疼痛,也可能引起月经不调。宫颈炎: 宫颈炎主要表现为白带增多,也伴有腰部疼痛,下腹坠疼的情况出现。附件炎: 附件炎是现在女性发病病例最多的一种妇科病之一。如果有下腹剧痛,发热等情况的属于急性附件炎;小腹胀痛,白带增多,月经不调和腰疼的属于慢性附件炎。宫外孕: 如果输卵管破裂则会引起出血,产生小腹剧痛,甚至可能会有头昏,心里发慌,呼吸不畅等症状。卵巢肿瘤: 通常会引起急性的小腹一侧持续性的疼痛,可能还会引起卵巢破裂,产生剧烈疼痛,需及时前往医院治疗。

































  在日常生活中很容易出现肚子痛的症状,可能是吃坏了东西,也有可能是肠胃方面出现疾病造成的,出现肚子痛想要用药物来治疗,一定要弄清楚到底是什么原因造成的,这样才能对症下药,达到好的作用,下面就跟着来看一下肚子痛吃什么药。 肚子痛吃什么药   肚子痛如果是肠胃炎引起的或者消化不良造成的就可以服用整肠丸,多潘立酮,奥米拉唑等药物调节,对于疼痛以及不舒服的症状有着很好的改善效果,能够更快恢复过来,当然也有可能是其他疾病造成的,需要根据不同的病情做出正确的药物调节。 肚子痛的食疗方法   肚子痛可以喝一些黄芪饴糖粥,准备适量黄芪,放到锅里面加入适量的水煎煮,煎煮好以后把汁液取出来,再加入白米,慢慢的熬煮成浓粥,吃的时候加入适量饴糖,每天早上晚上各服用一次,对于肚子痛,脾胃气虚等问题有着很好的调节作用。   还可以吃扁豆山药粥,准备适量粳米,山药,扁豆干,用小火慢慢的煮到浓稠,吃的时候加入适量的红糖调味,对于脾胃虚弱,腹部疼痛有着很好的改善作用。   肚子痛可以喝一些丁香肉桂红糖煎,需要准备适量肉桂,丁香搭配在一起慢慢熬煮成汤来喝,每天需要服用三次,能够达到温中散寒以及治疗肚子痛作用。   肚子痛还可以吃良姜粥,准备几颗红枣,适量南星,一些砂糖,葱白,放到锅里面加入适量的水慢慢熬煮成米粥,然后再加入适量凉姜粉,略微煮一下,每天早上晚上趁温热的时候服用,连续服用5天是一个疗程,对于脾胃虚寒而引起的肚子痛有很好的改善作用。 肚子痛吃什么好   肚子痛可以吃一些粥,粥是容易消化的食物,又可以养胃,像山药粥,莲子粥,玉米粥就非常不错,小米粥不仅能够达到养胃效果,而且还可以滋阴补虚。   肚子疼可以吃一些豆腐,豆腐可以达到解毒以及清热作用,而且还可以缓解拉肚子症状,肚子痛应该吃一些面食,因为胃部不舒服而引起的肚子痛,吃一些面食就可以中和胃酸来缓解不舒服的症状。   肚子痛可以吃一些杨梅,杨梅能够达到止渴生津效果,而且和胃止泻的作用也非常不错,适当的吃几颗杨梅能够起到很好的缓解肚子痛效果。   肚子痛还可以吃一些苹果,苹果里面含有非常丰富的维生素,但是它是偏寒性的,最好蒸熟以后再吃,这样就能达到暖胃以及帮助消化作用。   肚子痛还可以吃一些龙眼粳米红糖粥,龙眼先用温水浸泡一下,然后和红糖粳米混合一起,加入适量的水一直煮到米烂汤稠,形成粥油以后就可以吃了,可以缓解肚子痛的症状。   肚子痛还可以吃山药粥,山药可以进入肾经,肺经,脾经,能够达到滋补身体效果,对于拉肚子而引起的腹部疼痛有着很好的改善作用。   肚子痛还可以吃一些玉米粥,味道非常香甜,含有非常丰富的矿物质,维生素,又是一种很容易消化的食物,如果是因为脾胃不和而出现肚子痛,那么这种饮食就非常适合。 肚子痛可以吃什么水果   肚子痛可以吃一些香蕉,里面含有非常丰富的维生素,微量元素,里面所含有的维生素a能够让抵抗疾病的能力变得更强。   香蕉里面含有的镁元素钾元素,又可以预防便秘,还含有非常多的果胶,能够减少拉肚子次数,让肚子痛的问题消失。   肚子痛可以吃一些番石榴,番石榴里面含有非常丰富的谷氨酸,果糖以及维生素c,它里面还含有鞣酸物质,能够达到保护肠道粘膜作用,可以让腹痛拉肚子问题尽快消失,对于脱肛,泻痢等疾病也有着很好的改善效果。   上面给大家介绍的就是肚子痛吃什么药,看了上面的介绍,大家应该也有了一定了解,肚子痛可以吃的药有很多,需要对症选择药物,还可以用饮食的方法调节,食疗方法不会给身体带来太多的副作用,达到的调节功效也非常不错,所以有这方面需求的人就应该适当的多吃以上食物来调节。


问题一:肚子痛吃什么药最好? 最好是弄清什么原因引起的肚子痛,才能对证下药啊

问题二:女生肚子疼了要吃什么药好? 要是痛经,可是用热宝放在肚子上,然后配红糖姜水喝,可以减轻,但不要吃药,

问题三:吃什么药会肚子疼 泻药呗。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

问题四:肚子疼吃什么药好点? 肚痛原因很多,不同病因采取不同治疗方案,楼主仅说肚痛,根本没有办法诊治。 肚痛最常见的原因是拉肚子,这个服用思密达粉有效(当然还需其他药物)。 补充:如果是吃坏东西导致肚痛的话最有效又便宜的方法就是服用甲硝唑,如果伴有腹泻的话就加服思密达

问题五:肚子痛要吃什么药好…… 不知道你是那种痛:

问题六:肚子疼吃什么药好点? 肚痛原因很多,不同病因采取不同治疗方案,楼主仅说肚痛,根本没有办法诊治。 肚痛最常见的原因是拉肚子,这个服用思密达粉有效(当然还需其他药物)。 补充:如果是吃坏东西导致肚痛的话最有效又便宜的方法就是服用甲硝唑,如果伴有腹泻的话就加服思密达

问题七:肚子疼吃什么消炎药 停药,腹痛是国产抗生素的副作用之一。

问题八:女生肚子疼了要吃什么药好? 要是痛经,可是用热宝放在肚子上,然后配红糖姜水喝,可以减轻,但不要吃药,

问题九:肚子疼 吃什么药好, 我女的 你说的太笼统了

问题十:吃什么药会肚子疼 泻药呗。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈


  岳麓山荟萃了湘楚 文化 的精华,名胜古迹众多,集儒释道为一体,革命圣迹遍布且植物资源丰富。下面是为大家带来的岳麓山英语 导游词 ,希望大家喜欢。    岳麓山英语导游词精选   Welcome to the capital city! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.   Capital city scenic area of column published scenic area of hunan province, the first trial. Located in the ancient city of changsha xiangjiang river on both sides, with a total area of 36 square kilometers, the mountain foothill, tianma mountain, peach blossom hill, Shi Jialing four scenic spots and xinmin society site, south JinCheng ChengTou two spots.   Mountain scenic area as the quintessence is located in the region. The foothill area of 6 square kilometers. Main peak elevation of 300.8 meters, the annual average temperature of 17 ℃, annual precipitation 1200-1400 ml. Capital city is close to the xiangjiang river, in accordance with the river city, convenient transportation, xiang flow environment, orange continent before the cross, the ancient city, mountain, river, state, city, one integrated mass, is actually a day for the win. Mountains (xiang chu culture essence, has numerous scenic spots and historical sites, rich plant resources, revolutionary martyrs tomb cluster, beautiful scenery, and the collection of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, the tang dynasty poet liu yuxi "peaks at the arch as jun rush" is the potential of its natural bold. Capital group of mountain green jade, ancient towering. Existing plants of 174 families, 559 genera and 174 species, including the jin dynasty podocarpus, ginkgo in tang dynasty, song, Ming and qing dynasties, camphor maple chestnut are one thousand years old, old stem QiuZhi, vigorous tall and straight, towering.   One thousand university yuelu academy in the four academy of song dynasty, is located in the mountains; So-called "jun originally, the first field" hunan ancient yamadera foothill, also located in the mountains; Taoist twenty jian really lucky cloud the foothill palace, is built on the top of the mountain; Built in the qing qianlong 57 years pavilion is located in the green maple valley of China's four big name one of the love late pavilion, but also a view, and the place where comrade MAO zedong's early engaged in revolutionary activities. Monuments, such as white crane spring, the yuwang, stupas, flying stones, tap the clock and wear rock slope are distributed between the forest yue lives.    岳麓山英语的导游词   Welcome to the capital city! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.   In the west of changsha city, the xiangjiang river in the east, covering an area of about 8 square kilometers, the ancients praised its "green ailian screen open, show such as cut bead". Since the tang and song dynasty, the capital city to Lin He beautiful, mountain is famous for its deep ravine. The six dynasties podocarpus, ginkgo, pine camphor is quite famous in the Ming and qing dynasties of tang and song dynasty; Love late pavilion, cool breeze gorge, python, the yuwang hole stone, such as yuelu academy landscape renowned. Here also was buried there are qing dynasty, CAI and other famous figures. Capital city full of spring green, azalea (flower) in full bloom; Quiet summer is cool; Autumn maple stream Dan, CengLinJinRan; Winter China, snow mountains, the four seasons scenery pleasant.   Yuelu academy at the foothill of the mountain, was built in the song dynasty treasure nine years (in 976), zhu xi and zhang During the speaker's heyday, there are one thousand students, become one of four big ancient academy. Qing guangxu twenty-nine years (1903 years) to universities, and then become higher normal schools. Instead of hunan university in 1925. Academy of existing buildings is royal theuslibraryofcongress, wenchang tower, half lent, ten yi ancestral hall, the song, xiang water school oratory, inferiority, pavilion, etc., let a person remember the academy.   Capital, dense forests, towering ancient, Lin He peaceful, beautiful. Is nature, the humanities ceremony mountains resort.   Gap of university yuelu academy in one thousand, is located in the cool breeze fills originated from the "one thousand", gave birth to the profound and vast expanse of hunan culture, cultivate a generation after generation of martyrs, the great man.   Capital is also a good class of patriotism and revolutionary tradition education, here are buried the revolution to overthrow the monarchy and realize republican and dedicated martyrs; Generosity to die for the attainment of lofty ideals; Also sleep during the Anti-Japanese War fought for defense are going with the Chinese soldiers and civilians killed.   Monument to the past as they set up the epitaph, always show and inspire the children and grandchildren of the Chinese nation, constitute the capital city of solemn tragic human landscape. The mountains belong to mount hengshan, one of the ancient capital city as mount seventy-two, called spirit foot of the peak. Northern and southern dynasties Liu Songshi "le", "le around eight hundred, headed back to the wild goose, yuelu for. Therefore yuelu. According to the geology research, capital based on palaeozoic era, formed in Mesozoic era, the development in the new generation, more than three hundred million years ago.   The capital city is a national key scenic spot. Located in the ancient city of changsha xiangjiang river on both sides of the low hilly mountain, river, river, lake, natural flora and fauna, and cultural sites, tombs, revolutionary memorial sites of celebrities, etc, for the city mountain scenic area. Has been open to the foot of scenic area has mountain scenic area, j. The foot of the mountain scenic area is the core scenic area, scenic spot in the foot of yuelu academy, love late pavilion, yamadera, cloud palace foothill, new democratic society spots, etc. Planning open scenic spot are: tianma mountain, peach blossom hill, Shi Jialing, and passengers can head spots, etc., with a total area of 36 square kilometers. Capital city scenic spot HengYue in the south, north dongting, the vast plains in the west, the east emerged at hunan flow, jade screen, tianma, phoenix, orange continent cross show in the former, the peach blossom, green moth unexpectedly cui and, after getting, Taurus, mica, arch, the peak hold around, still as snake wound, such as horse courageously hoof, volley looking like a miniature bonsai, side-glance distance as a natural screen wall. A swan-shaped world wonders, the grand view of changsha.   Capital city scenic spot since ancient times is well known for its picturesque scenery, it mainly has the wind gorge scenic a

