
时间:2024-06-11 23:32:05编辑:小早

Always keep the faith .

Keep The Faith 保持信念
If you call out loud 若你大声地呼唤
1 A* F) y% o c# k. T. mWill it get inside 你内心能否得到回应( J( T( {: a) V) |2 O0 Q
Through the heart of your surrender to your alibis 直到为一颗屈服的心找到借口
: i4 z7 @ t# e4 iAnd you can say the words 你可以说任何的话
. q, R/ x* R: ~) y; KLike you understand 就像你理解的那样
. G( w* w7 t) W: I* ^1 kBut the power's in believing 但力量是存在于信念中的3 `# b: t; e1 \, p
So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧
! K, o+ n% G5 K: c+ Q: a'Cause you can climb the highest mountain 因为你可以越过最高的山峰
" b% q9 @! e9 A: H z) b' o! _& nSwim the deepest sea, hee 游过最深的海洋
4 R. D) o: \3 j: |All you need is the will to want it 你需要的只是去完成它的意愿0 i! ^9 z n- a
And uhh, little self-esteem 还有,小一点自负
& |1 |0 f5 e% q+ ASo keep the faith 保持你的信念0 Y! u% z3 U8 g9 k" ~: }
Don't let nobody turn you 'round 别让人改变你的主意
2 }/ b5 S7 C a- K% MYou got to know when it's good to go 你应该知道什么时候去$ ]$ I7 e/ n* `. b5 |
To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞
! s4 z. x% L" [, U6 ^+ |So keep the faith, baby, yeah 所以,保持着信念吧; M" D1 U1 i4 j, m: E
Because it's just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题/ S* T6 d3 d1 ~6 X
Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前. a% i& ^. q6 K0 [5 N5 x" h
Believe in yourself 相信你自己
1 N& A$ i; s. D6 I# x. Cno matter what it's gon' take 不论困难带走什么
: I; ^6 ^" D$ T: DYou can be a winner 你都会是胜利者
6 i8 n1 W; [$ U% S' iBut you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念
0 Y" n4 r( F) t" S0 a( ]. k; G: ~' XGo, keep it, brother, you got 去吧,保持着它,朋友
( W, I6 o2 Q) L4 b! G. CAnd when you think of trust 当你想起信任的人时
! Y* C# L6 d' @) u% Y* [! r4 IDoes it lead you home 他可是你的一盏明灯
& K+ v( I! K+ X5 TTo a place that you only dream of when you're all alone 在你孤独时引领你抵达梦想中才会出现的地方- x; ?* h, N9 n
And you can go by feel 你可以凭着感觉前进. O3 `! \, I' B+ T
'stead of circumstance 而不用理会周围的情况6 ~# N4 ]. s% y' R+ x
But the power's in believing 力量是存在于信念中的
4 ^" m0 T8 p! e2 z. YSo give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧
* [- q6 s% h( v3 ~, PI know that you can 我知道你可以
6 v2 c: n2 x9 a: |9 LSail across the water 扬帆航行在水上
6 K9 a9 @3 E' _9 u% P4 [: X" UFloat across the sky, high 高高飞翔在天空; k3 V$ S) q# v8 L* o' Z/ h
Any road that you take 任何你选择的路9 A) O* \% W8 i& H
Will get you there 都会把你领往理想- {. w O/ j1 t1 Z, n
If only you try 只要你肯去尝试: T' Z6 @, q4 R5 c. U; h: A
So keep the faith 保持着信念9 B. V6 @( @- A2 B" n! b u5 r6 Z
Don't let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下
7 S, Q* Z0 W% b" o' c' _. L$ |Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想
" g6 P' N. o6 iAnd your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走; @2 N" O6 ?4 |3 ?" X: I r
So keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念2 c6 p$ z( K4 m4 V6 j+ F' h$ ^+ z
Because it's just a matter of time 这只是一个时间问题' E$ v# E ?2 t, G( u9 R$ H
Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前
, T3 `% J; d7 x2 H6 cI told my brother 我告诉过我的兄弟# V# r* n2 t/ x6 [0 }
how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好 H3 d' \* a5 S/ G" {
Lift up your head 抬起你的头
) j, F* E N5 X0 v: _And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界; t/ G X" x& }+ V3 q* J
Go for what you want 朝着理想前行
6 y: s# B$ D3 V; S0 R7 {' UDon't let 'em get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你! y+ w% U9 l& ^6 q
You can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者
; s3 W$ T8 d+ W8 @( C- PBut you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念
9 h7 a7 ?. t' ^ v, sGon' keep it, brother, you got 要保持着它,我的兄弟,你知道的
# E( L/ Q! z7 E7 kI know that keepin' the faith 我知道保持着信念
$ b. M% \- p, K; Z6 sIs never givin' up on love 意味着永远不放弃爱0 x# K. x) @* r* M9 ^' @/ z$ A0 h" j
But the power that love has 爱拥有的力量- y( C1 b- ^! h; j- h/ J" d8 a
To make it right 是无所不能的
' C$ Z1 }9 M9 U: H8 Q6 x4 sMakes it, makes it right 它是无所不能的
8 c* \! ~. m, {: K0 _$ F3 CSo keep the faith 保持着你的信念 继续向前走+ K, s" g; d4 D4 X
Don't let nobody turn you 'round, brother 别让人改变你的主意
/ i: W% L- Z/ o* F7 DYou got to know when it't good to go 你应该知道什么时候去4 i3 N* n0 Q6 `: Y; Q
To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞1 u2 J, C& ]* |& v2 K1 ?) u" H
Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着信念吧
! @9 r# ]/ H x" _2 v6 }8 Z; dBecause it's just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题; e. m, K7 l- `0 K, O* G9 ?
Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前+ A' t/ ?$ V7 a y/ ~8 u
Better stand up and act 你得站起来行动
5 w* ?7 |4 r' _) v* h' n' H% dlike you wanna do right 你想去把它做好的
2 `$ M A/ U* H7 QDon't play the fool for the rest of your life 别再浪费你的时间了& X' L% @+ f, E4 K8 n
Work on it, brother 为你的理想努力吧
$ M; }4 E0 g/ O- ?4 x2 m% QAnd you'll make it someday 终有一天会实现的
* [, e1 z- z4 nGo for what you want 朝着理想进发吧
# P! i1 @: {9 u; Yand don't forget the faith 不要忘记了信念( Z3 a" }7 H& J
Look at yourself and what you're doin' right now 看看自己正在做什么" E9 c' D. @4 l! y. t o/ Z1 M5 o
Stand back a minute just to check yourself out 花点时间来检查一下$ \2 G" c/ x6 R7 } Z* s
Straighten out your life 改正好你的生活习惯
3 x2 `: x0 g6 NAnd how you're livin' each day 每天你是怎样度过的
2 b+ g c ^4 U5 q" ]8 \9 U/ K/ zGet yourself together 凝聚起自己+ x8 r' a, E3 E, e0 C* g
'cause you got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念继续向前行吧, e2 R, W$ t# _$ d: L" ~
Don't let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下" M: b4 ^$ d, a+ e' k
Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想
/ f4 f" w* J* j+ {7 ]5 c! w4 u7 T6 w3 zAnd your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走
8 F1 l, q- x+ e/ W: V1 ZSo keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念
/ X) f2 J7 n( u/ Q! N7 R; V/ `/ ^) KBecause it just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题& \( | `5 D; b5 T& w# R/ `! U# H
Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前
7 C+ I3 m9 Q5 j6 @Lift up your mind before your mind gets blown 在你不振之前提起精神来5 b O' z: F8 K- M
Some things in life 世上有些事情
9 m& @9 h, s6 v* CYou best just leave them alone 你最好学会别去想它) W0 W! |4 [3 S2 o. q. `, e
Go for what you want 朝着理想前行, b2 G# x+ {( B1 a6 n t9 r9 W! F
Don't let it get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你
& ~5 ^" |; }$ Y( a* t- BYou can make it happen 你能实现它的
! E1 `7 l+ b0 M) A: ?. hBut you gotta keep the faith 只要你保持着信念$ q. \2 a2 s0 C! q" r+ b0 R+ f
Gon' keep it, brother 保持着,兄弟
6 j( Z* Z Z$ Y5 d6 L! q3 kYou got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念
6 o! m* Y) t* X8 u: K0 KGon' keep it, sister 保持着,姐妹们% o' y i8 z7 V, e6 x+ |
You gotta keep the faith now, now 你现在得保持着信念+ R& T1 A" A% s+ E: V. q1 S
I'll show my brother 我会让我的兄弟知道1 x8 ?: S3 z' e( u+ X, \6 l
how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好
) r- y! Z) ~ u- i7 _Lift up your head 抬起你的头
8 | r$ {( E0 I1 M9 Aand show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界
2 A9 S# \0 f0 U& k9 `Go for what you want 朝着理想前行
. t5 {3 R4 W" _1 qdon't let 'emm get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你
4 J, z( }" j9 H. j. LYou can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者
' H4 Z' {2 C+ ^* cif you're keepin' the faith 只要你保持着信念& S" J; a& R* k+ d2 ?4 c* j* G& G
Straighten out yourself 端正好自己
% o7 B' J0 j: n; H$ [( cand get your mind on track 投入到事情上' x7 n! p4 W) M* x8 x
Dust off your butt 去掉身上的灰尘
5 P# V. ? q" jand get yourself respect back 拿回你的自尊, F: h D3 n/ N6 q3 c9 h8 ~' x' E
You've known me long enough 你了解我, S2 i! ^- q' p( q) w
To know that I don't play 知道我不是在开玩笑的( T% j4 S4 k1 ?; A" U
Take it like you wanna 去做你想做的事情
* ?1 K& G$ T, eBut you got to keep the faith 不过你得保持着信念. l/ Y5 E2 r6 L3 m7 ]
Gon' don't let nobody take you down 别让人把你拿下
1 ~* F( v0 J6 K* f8 }* F6 [Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想
& S! h' B( E0 t& `0 MAnd your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走# l: x6 M" Z/ W3 b- t
Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念% P, W! h) M; j& L4 T% O, x
Because it's just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题3 P, I8 `& k; g
Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前3 K5 m0 }2 Q' g- g& U
But till that day 在那天之前8 c V: R l8 @' d* y( M- A1 \
I say you got to keep the faith 我说,你得保持着信念

keep the faith是什么意思

keep the faith

1. 坚守信念
2. 并保持信念

Can we keep the faith and do one more heart rep today?

keep the faith的歌词及翻译

Keep The Faith 保持信念If you call out loud 若你大声地呼唤Will it get inside 你内心能否得到回应Through the heart of your surrender to your alibis 直到为一颗屈服的心找到借口And you can say the words 你可以说任何的话Like you understand 就像你理解的那样But the power's in believing 但力量是存在于信念中的So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧'Cause you can climb the highest mountain 因为你可以越过最高的山峰swim the deepest sea, hee 游过最深的海洋All you need is the will to want it 你需要的只是去完成它的意愿And uhh, little self-esteem 还有,小一点自负So keep the faith 保持你的信念Don't let nobody turn you 'round 别让人改变你的主意You got to know when it's good to go 你应该知道什么时候去To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞So keep the faith, baby, yeah 所以,保持着信念吧Because it's just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前Believe in yourself no matter what it's gon' take 相信你自己,不论困难带走什么You can be a winner 你都会是胜利者But you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念Go, keep it, brother, you got 去吧,保持着它,朋友And when you think of trust 当你想起信任的人时Does it lead you home 他可是你的一盏明灯To a place that you only dream of when you're all alone 在你孤独时引领你抵达梦想中才会出现的地方And you can go by feel 你可以凭着感觉前进stead of circumstance 而不用理会周围的情况But the power's in believing 力量是存在于信念中的So give yourself a chance 所以,给自己一个机会吧I know that you can 我知道你可以Sail across the water 扬帆航行在水上float across the sky, high 高高飞翔在天空Any road that you take will get you there 无论你选择哪条路都会把你领往理想If only you try 只要你肯去尝试So keep the faith 保持着信念Don't let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下Just keep your eyes on the prize盯着你的理想(And your)Feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走So keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念Because it's just a matter of time 这只是一个时间问题Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前I told my brother 我告诉过我的兄弟how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好Lift up your head 抬起你的头And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界Go for what you want 朝着理想前行Don't let 'em get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你!You can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者But you got to keep the faith 只要你保持着信念Gon' keep it, brother, you got 要保持着它,我的兄弟,你知道的I know that keepin' the faith 我知道保持着信念Is never givin' up on love 意味着永远不放弃爱But the power that love has 爱拥有的力量(To)Make it right 是无所不能的Makes it, makes it right 它是无所不能的So keep the faith 保持着你的信念 继续向前走Don't let nobody turn you 'round, brother 别让人改变你的主意You got to know when it't good to go 你应该知道什么时候去To get your dreams up off the ground 让你的梦想起飞Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着信念吧Because it's just a matter of time 这只是个时间问题Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前Better stand up and act 你得站起来行动like you wanna do right 你想去把它做好的Don't play the fool for the rest of your life 别再浪费你的时间了Work on it, brother 为你的理想努力吧And you'll make it someday 终有一天会实现的Go for what you want 朝着理想进发吧And don't forget the faith 不要忘记了信念Look at yourself and what you're doin' right now 看看自己正在做什么Stand back a minute just to check yourself out 花点时间来检查一下Straighten out your life 改正好你的生活习惯And how you're livin' each day 每天你是怎样度过的Get yourself together 凝聚起自己'Cause you got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念继续向前行吧go on继续!Don't let nobody take you down, brother 别让人把你拿下Just keep your eyes on the prize 盯着你的理想And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念Because it just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前Lift up your mind before your mind gets blown 在你不振之前提起精神来Some things in life 世上有些事情You best just leave them alone 你最好学会别去想它Go for what you want 朝着理想前行Don't let it get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你You can make it happen 你能实现它的But you gotta keep the faith 只要你保持着信念got to keep the faith 你得保持着信念Gon' keep it, brother 保持着,兄弟们You gotta keep the faith yeahGon' keep it, sister 保持着,姐妹们You gotta keep the faith now, now 你现在得保持着信念I'll show my brother 我会让我的兄弟知道how to do the thing right 怎样去把事情做好Lift up your head 抬起你的头And show the world you got pride 自豪地面向世界Go for what you want 朝着理想前行don't let 'em get in your way 别让困难阻挡了你You can be a winner 你会是一个胜利者if you're keepin' the faith 只要你保持着信念Straighten out yourselfand get your mind on track 端正好自己,投入到事情上Dust off your butt and get yourself respect back 去掉身上的灰尘,拿回你的自尊You've known me long enough 你了解我To know that I don't play 知道我不是在开玩笑的Take it like you wanna 去做你想做的事情But you got to keep the faith 不过你得保持着信念Gon' don't let nobody take you down 别让人把你拿下Just keep your eyes on the prize盯着你的理想And your feet flat on the ground 稳步地向前走Keep the faith, baby, yeah 保持着你的信念Because it's just a matter of time 因为这只是个时间问题Before your confidence will win out 在你的自信心得到最后的胜利之前But till that day 在那天之前I say you got to keep the faith 我说,你得保持着信念


原文:到现在为止,我还有收到我的Visa letter,请问你们是否已经把我的Visa letter 寄出来了?是通过什么快递寄出的? 最好能够告诉我该快递的快递号,方便我跟踪。谢谢

译文:Until now, I have received my Visa letter, I would like to ask whether you have the Visa letter I sent to the? What is sent through the Express? The best I can tell its express courier, to facilitate tracking I. Thanks.


that的发音:美 [ðæt] 英 [ðæt]that的意思:adj.那;那个;那样的pron.那个;那些;(指已提到过或已知的人或事物)那;引导从句adv.那个;那么;(指已提到过或已知的人或事物)那;不很conj.引出从句;(表示结果)如此…以致;(表示希望或愿望)多么复数:those例句:1.Yeah, I'm eating cream cheese out of a bowl - because I ran out of pretzels . You won't see that on the set of Desperate Housewifes.不错,我正在吃高过碗沿的乳酪蛋糕,因为脆饼干已经被吃光了。你永远不会在绝望的主妇里看见这一幕。2.Connor is a character who, at the moment, is very easy to dislike. Is there something in his backstory that would surprise us?从Connor出场到现在来看,这个角色很容易让大家讨厌。那么他会不会有什么让观众大为吃惊的背后故事呢?3.There was that freckled little girl with her hazel eyes who would come with us.有一个长着雀斑的、淡褐色眼睛的小女孩会跟着我们。


that英语的意思是:那个,那。一、基本解释det. (指较远的人或事物)那,那个;(指已提到过或已知的人或事物)那,那个。pron. 那个;那;那种;那些;用作关系代词,引导从句。conj. (引导状语从句,表示目的)为了;引导状语从句,表示结果)以至于。adv. 不那么;那样。二、双语例句That mission did not use air bags .那次任务没有使用空气袋。That suggests they want information .那表明他们需要信息。Remember what that feels like ?记得是什么感觉么?Does he like that country ?他喜欢那个国家吗?Road safety is that bad .道路安全是那么糟糕。

