a place in time

时间:2024-06-05 15:29:25编辑:小早

Time And Place 歌词

歌曲名:Time And Place歌手:rage专辑:Perfect ManWhen my time to die has come,Where will be the time and the placeTo return from eternal spaceLike a shadow out of timeEverything that lives on earthHas got a mind to start once againWhen a life has passedBeginning and end, they go hand in handAnd when I'm gone, what will become of me,an animal or a man?Where'll be the time and the placeIn this endless cycleNoone gets lostTiny like dusts we're whirled awayIn oceans of the universeWhere'll be the time and the place,Time and placeCaught in time and placehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14221161

A Place In Time 歌词

曲名:A Place in Time歌手:Amanda Abizaid来源:The 4400 Theme Song整理:Symon WangSo long ago,another life,I can feel your heartbeat.It’s not a dream,remember us.I can see it in your eyes.We’ll find our place in time,A place in time beyond the sun.We’ll find our place in time,A place in time to call our own.http://music.baidu.com/song/2805043


《特工绍特》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/13e76gxUxcXYnZPcnvEFC2Q 提取码: tpke 导演: 菲利普·诺伊斯编剧: 科特·维莫主演: 安吉丽娜·朱莉、列维·施瑞博尔、切瓦特·埃加福、达尼尔·奥勒布里斯基、奥古斯特·迪赫、丹尼尔·皮尔斯、亨特·布洛克、安德鲁·布劳尔、奥莱克·克鲁帕、佐伊·利斯特·琼斯类型: 动作、悬疑、惊悚制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语、俄语、朝鲜语上映日期: 2010-07-19(加州首映)、2010-07-23(美国)片长: 100分钟、104分钟(导演剪辑版)又名: 叛谍狂花(港)、特务间谍(台)、据理追击、埃德文·绍特、疾走特工结婚纪念日当天,CIA特工伊芙琳·绍特(安吉丽娜·朱莉 Angelina Jolie 饰)受命审讯一名投案自首的俄罗斯间谍。对方声称自80年代便潜入美国,并且透露有一名间谍大师曾训练数名儿童,将他们培养成间谍送入普通的美国家庭中,伺机刺杀美国总统。令在场所有特工震惊的是,这个俄国人竟指认绍特是这群孩子中的一员。不顾CIA探员们的阻拦,绍特执意返回家中。经过一番惊险追逐,她暂时逃过昔日同伴的追捕。不久,俄罗斯总统访问美国,绍特再次卷入各种阴谋之中,而她的真实身份也变得愈加扑朔迷离……


特工绍特 (Salt)(2010)
换子疑云 (Changeling) (2008)
贝奥武夫 (Beowulf) (2007)
坚强的心 (A Mighty Heart) (2007)
特务风云 (The Good Shepherd) (2006)
史密斯夫妇 (Mr. and Mrs. Smith) (2005) 亚历山大大帝 (Alexander) (2004)
空军上校和未来世界 (Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow) (2004)
鲨鱼故事 (Shark Tale) (2004)
机动杀人 (Taking Lives) (2004)
超越边界 (Beyond Borders) (2003)
古墓丽影2 (Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life) (2003)
天算不如人算 (Life or Something Like It) (2002)
无影终结者 (Cyborg 2) (2002)
原罪 (Original Sin) (2001)
古墓丽影 (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider) (2001) 证据拼图 (Without Evidence) (Gathering Evidence) (2000)
极速60秒(致命60秒)(Gone in Sixty Seconds) (2000)
女生向前走(移魂女郎) (Girl Interrupted) (1999)
神秘拼图(人骨拼图/拾骨者)(The Bone Collector) (1999)
空中塞车 (Pushing Tin) (1999)
地狱兄弟 (Hell's Kitchen) (1998)
霓裳情挑(吉娅)(Gia) (1998)
随心所欲 (Playing by Heart) (1998)
洛城疑云 (Playing God) (1997)
风云传奇 (George Wallace) (1997)
真正的女人 (True Women) (1997)
摩哈维的月亮 (Mojave Moon) (1996)
爱总如此 (Love Is All There Is) (1996) 恶女帮 ( Foxfire) (1996)
无证可寻 (Without Evidence)(1995)
黑客 (Hackers) (1995)
电子人2 (Cyborg)(1993)现在很多网站都说这部是安吉的首次触电,但实际上在那之前还有安吉拉/爱丽丝&Viril (Angela / Alice & Viril) (1993 ) 和朴克误我卅年 ( Lookin' to Get Out) (1982)
明年有新片旅行者 和 游客,一起期待吧
O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 永远支持安吉!!!

make it什么意思

make it的意思是:成功了。make it【美】:(病痛等)好转;达到预定目标;及时抵达;走完路程。例句:1、make as if to do sth 似乎、假装。He made as if to speak.他似乎要说点什么。这句话中made as if to speak的意思是似乎说、假装说。2、make sth good 赔偿、替换、修理、执行。She promised to make good the damage.她答应赔偿损失。这句话中make good the damage的意思是赔偿损失。3、make do (with sth) 凑合、将就。We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack.我们很匆忙,只好将就着来了点小吃。这句话中make do with snack的意思是将就着吃点小吃。

A Place In Time (Theme From The 4400) 歌词

曲名:A Place in Time歌手:Amanda Abizaid来源:The 4400 Theme Song整理:Symon WangSo long ago,another life,I can feel your heartbeat.It’s not a dream,remember us.I can see it in your eyes.We’ll find our place in time,A place in time beyond the sun.We’ll find our place in time,A place in time to call our own.http://music.baidu.com/song/8454068


Gender variables in friendship(友情中的性别差异)对照翻译如下:When I think of my good friends, I see them in cinematic terms. The camerawork is entirely different for men and women. The "movie" memories I have of female friends are open and intimate. We are talking, interested in each other in a magnetic sort of way. They look straight into my eyes, sensitive to my feelings, listening to me with deliberate attention. In comparison, memories of male friends are in an entirely different film altogether. An action or adventure movie。Not much in the way of dialog. The ritual of motion, or the sequence of action, makes up for the deficiency of dialog and honest narrative.想到我的好朋友们,我就会用看电影的眼光看待他们。对男性和女性的拍摄手法是完全不同的。我对女性朋友的“电影式”记忆是开放的、亲密无间的。我们交谈着,像磁铁般互相吸引着。她们直视我的眼睛,她们善解人意,她们用心倾听。相比较而言,我对男性朋友的记忆是完全不同的另一部影片。那是一部动作片或者冒险片。对话不多。习惯性的行动,或者说一系列的动作,弥补了对话及坦诚倾诉方面的不足。My mind retreats back to my earliest childhood friend, Donald. I was still living in Europe at the time, and near my house was an old German truck left abandoned after the war. No wheels. No windshield. No doors. But the steering wheel was intact. Donald and I continuously "flew" to America in that truck, our "airplane". Even now, I remember our daily ritual as we flew along, across Europe, across the Atlantic, on a mission of mercy. We were innocent and inseparable, the deep security that comes between best friends. Naturally, not one word of our evident feelings for one another was ever uttered; it was all done in actions.我回想起我儿时最早的朋友唐纳德。那时候我还住在欧洲,我家房子附近有一辆战后遗弃的德国旧卡车。没有轮子,没有挡风玻璃,没有车门,但是方向盘还完好无损。我和唐纳德一直开着这辆卡车,也就是我们的“飞机”,“飞往”美国。即使到现在,我还记得我们每天飞行的那个线路。我们飞过欧洲,飞越大西洋,去执行救援任务。那时候的我们单纯,形影不离,有着最好的朋友之间才有的那种高度安全感。自然,对于我们彼此间显而易见的感情,我们从未吐露过一个字,一切尽付诸行动。



hand in hand英文歌词

歌名:Hand In Hand歌手:Koreana作词:Tom Whitlock作曲:Giovanni Giorgio Moroder所属专辑:Hand in hand发行时间:1988发行公司:PolyGram Records中英歌词:we can see the fire in the sky我们望着天空下的圣火we feel the beating of our hearts together感受着一起鼓动的心跳this is our time to rise above这是我们超越一切的时刻we know the chance is here to live forever这是我们生命永存的瞬间for all time每时每刻hand in hand we stand我们手挽手伫立着all across the land跨越了所有的大陆we can make this world a better place in which to live我们可以使这个世界变得更适宜生存hand in hand we can!手挽手start to undrestand我们开始了解breaking down the walls that come between us for all time打破一直挡在我们之间的高墙all the time阿里郎everytime we give it all我们每一次给予we feel the flame eternally inside us都能感到圣火在心中燃烧lift our hands up to the sky我们向着蓝天高举双手the morning calm helps us to live in harmony清晨的宁静使我们和谐相处for all time每时每刻hand in hand we stand我们手挽手伫立着all across the land跨越了所有的大陆we can make this world a better place in which to live我们可以使这个世界变得更适宜生存hand in hand we can!手挽手start to undrestand我们开始了解breaking down the walls that come between us for all time打破一直挡在我们之间的高墙all the time每时每刻hand in hand we stand我们手挽手伫立着all across the land跨越了所有的大陆we can make this world a better place in which to live我们可以使这个世界变得更适宜生存hand in hand we can!手挽手start to undrestand我们开始了解breaking down the walls that come between us for all time打破一直挡在我们之间的高墙hand in hand手挽手breaking down the walls between us打破挡在我们之间的高墙hand in hand手挽手breaking down the walls打破那面高墙

hand in hand歌词(中文)

《Hand in hand》中英文版歌词

see the fire in the sky
we feel the beating of our hearts together
this our time to rise above
we know the chance is here to live forever
for all time

hand in hand we stand
all across the land
we can make this world a better place in which to live

hand in hand we can 我们心连心
start to undrestand 开始懂得了
breaking down the walls that come between us for all time

everytime we give it all
we feel the flame eternally inside us
lift our hands up to the sky
the morning calm helps us to live in harmony
for all time

