
时间:2024-05-30 04:31:09编辑:小早


1,1,one summer morning,with carefully prepared a birthday gift,I sat on the direction of the bus bound for the students at home.
In the bus,I can't help to blow the whistle,looked out of the window at the back of the scenery,forget all the troubles.Select [composition]
Suddenly from the bus,walk up to a woman,low rise slightly emaciated figure,wearing dark blue coat,the next set of gray wrinkled trousers,a pair of full of muddy feet wearing emancipatory shoe.Looks like a rural women.Select [composition]
Her from his pocket and took out a yuan a crumpled money and handed it to the conductor,and sat down beside me.Select [composition]
All of a sudden,a smell of sweat smell,I subconsciously to cover the nose,be overcome by one's feelings slowly pushed open the window.Select [composition]
Just a good mood are all the women had a job.I looked around the car,has no vacancy,"hey"!Or will it!
The car stopped again,go up for looks over sixty old man,she is not high,wear a robe,wearing a pair of glasses,looks like a gentleman.Select [composition]
The car has no vacancy,the old man had to hold the handrail on the car.The old man's body with the body bump and shake.Select [composition]
The old man looked shake and crumble.The teacher told us,in the car,to give the old man gave way,care for the young is a virtue of our Chinese nation.However,sat as stand comfortable seat,and others did not mean,so I don't see the casual.
In a moment,a familiar figure stood up,hold the strong dialect "old man,you sit me there.",makes me incredibly,incredibly is her!That looks like the countryside women.
For an instant,I felt very small,but she looked very tall.2,2,winter,cold wind perversing side,Speranskia cold.On the bus,everyone with a leather coat jacket wrapped tightly curled,exposing only two peep matter black eyes and breathing red nostrils,constantly emitting two sturdy white gas,four spread.Then second road,third road.The car stopped,comes a graying beard,dressed in a vintage green uniforms of the old man,the beard also were with ice residue,right hand tightly to the recovery,apparently,this is only a decoration.However,the car has no seat,the conductor also which said,left hand is the old man had to use only managed to grasp the handrail roof on the car bumps and rocking back and forth with the body.And passengers are turning a blind eye,are lazily closed nap,no matter whether the car has not reached his to get off the bus station.The conductor turned a blind eye."Grandpa,you come and sit here." A call to awaken the sleeping people,also attracted they surprised eyes.Found popularity,saw the front seat of a sixteen seven years old students look like the girl stood up and greeted the elderly.At this time,as the car bumps and rocking back and forth people become girl.The old man sat down shortly after he bent over to tie that pair of old military shoes,let him hand did,always can't fasten shoelace.Passengers were still squinting nap,the seller also remains invisible."I help you." Open your eyes and see the little girl is sitting to the old shoelaces in front of the elderly.The passengers relax some,no longer wrapped so tightly,occasionally there are some commotion.The station,the little girl off,like a flower,like a gust of wind.However,the car and the restoration of the original scene,everyone with a leather coat jacket wrapped tightly curled.




这类鬼畜视频中的素材是音效,与一般的鬼畜视频不同。 地铁的音效被制作成鬼畜音乐。其中魔都(上海)地铁的音效最为出名。而地铁内的语音提示和地铁所发出的声音已成为鬼畜素材。(如:雅音宫羽MasaneMiyaPA的av2378923,av2106417) 该作中有名为“精神污染度”的设定。精神污染度上升到100%以后游戏会自动进入Wrong End。通常调查尸体、特殊物品和特定剧情会让污染度上升。随着污染度的上升,视线会变得充满血丝. 这里谈论的是SSS级精神污染的恶之华ED「花 -a last flower-」。该ED的怪异曲风与ASA-CHANG、巡礼两位歌手的【奇妙】演唱风格,导致了大量观众大呼:"精神污染啊!!!"除此之外,在动画结尾前夕(动画仍在播放时),ED经常各种神插入,这直接导致了部分午夜观众被吓到。但不科学的是,本动画没有丝毫恐怖元素。此外,该ED完整版有6分钟长。获取该资源的方式为:向买了アニメ「恶の华」コンセプトE.P.「恶の花谱」(恶之华概念E.P.「恶之花谱」)CD的土豪伸手。 邮递马车·天国与地狱·全家入店音·弄爆你的菊(Nobody)·卡农·我爸刚弄死他.爱的供养.这就是爱


自恋刑警里的长濑智也。长濑智也在my boss my hero中扮演的角色是一名少主,而且这部剧影响很大,所以大家喊他少主。 创价学会是一个商业宗教,和其有极大关系的公明党曾提出,“二次元无用论”,令众NICO宅很愤怒。该素材洗脑性和音乐性极强,诞生了许多优秀音mad。比如av88888  于是创价学会的劝诱视频被用作鬼畜素材,最有名的是创价素材与东方曲做成的音mad系列《东方头破七分》。该鬼畜有三段视频,分别是久本雅美,柴田理恵,石川的劝诱。 初音未来(初音ミク,中文界部分人简称为“初音”)是CRYPTON FUTURE MEDIA(下略作“CRYPTON”)以Yamaha的VOCALOID 2语音合成引擎为基础开发贩售的虚拟女性歌手软件角色主唱系列的第一作,在鬼畜界中,被用做翻唱各种鬼畜歌曲。 《东方Project》中的角色,又称二小姐,因主题曲U.N.Owen就是她吗?而被鬼畜,在b站已有大量鬼畜视频。 是由汤姆猫和杰瑞老鼠搭档出演的一部成功的经典短篇动画剧集。这部动画中所述的,没有动物世界中恃强凌弱的残酷,只有两个邻居之间的日常琐事和纷争,诸如小老鼠杰瑞偷吃了汤姆的奶酪,汤姆把捕鼠器放到了杰里的洞门口等等,中间穿插的无数恶作剧和幽默片断,让人感受到久违的天真快意。它们之间的关系常在一瞬间发生变化——化敌为友或势不两立:为敌时绞尽脑汁,互不相让;为友时,亲如兄弟,谁也不记仇。因某位b站Up主【黄泉之水】发出的视频“猫和老鼠鬼畜配音”大受欢迎而开始进入鬼畜之路。经常可见的鬼畜镜头:汤姆抓住杰瑞后淫笑并说出“避孕套儿!”【选自The Bodyguard】杰瑞调戏汤姆,嘴边发出“葛炮”的声音【选自Timid Tabby】汤姆弹钢琴弹出二小姐主题曲、Red Zone、菊花台等音乐。【选自The Cat Concerto】泰菲正准备吃削好的肉但是屁股被汤姆的刀戳了一下,生气地说出:“嘿!扎到胸啦!”“屁股也给我来根针!”【选自The Two Mouseketeers】汤姆用打鼓用的道具连续敲打昏倒的斯派克并且发出非常喜感的声音(而杰瑞在一旁愣着)【选自Quiet Please!】 1973年播放的动画,是2008年到2009年被2ch和NICONICO动画挖出来鬼畜,并用来作为素材鬼畜。 之所以这部动画会被鬼畜的原因,是因为无厘头的剧情,很多没有说清楚的设定,不知所谓的台词(不过却影响了后来许多动画)。Chargeman研一共65集,每集内容除去OP还有ED,才刚刚五分钟。而为了将这五分钟填满,有一些静态画面会重复,要不然就是加入其他因素拖延时间。 据其原作制作人茂垣弘道说道,本作1话的预算只有50万日元,在随便草率的制作下,才产生了这样的吐槽热血作品。 MAD主要经常登场的角色有主角泉研本人,星君(第四集登场),伏尔加博士(第三十五集登场)。

